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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2021-09-22 12:18:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Tangerine Dream - The Dominion Concert (Pt.1 / Live From The Dominion Theatre, London / 6th November 1982)
Entry tags:sjw, smeshnoe, usa

разоблачал культуру изнасилования в сообществе бродячих собак
Американские университеты - фабрики мракобесия
письмо профессора Питера Богосяна декану Portland State
University, по случаю его увольнения.

...Over time, the university became less of a symposium and

more of a church. It became less of a place where people
went to engage with ideas, to think through issues and to
try to figure out what was true. And it became more of a
place where the catechism reigned. More of a place where
there were right answers to moral questions. People at the
university felt that they knew the answers and they tested
you on them. I just couldn't maintain my integrity there
any longer.

Early in the 2016-17 academic year, a former student

complained about me and the university initiated a Title
IX investigation. (Title IX investigations are a part of
federal law designed to protect "people from
discrimination based on sex in education programs or
activities that receive federal financial assistance.") My
accuser, a white male, made a slew of baseless accusations
against me, which university confidentiality rules
unfortunately prohibit me from discussing further. What I
can share is that students of mine who were interviewed
during the process told me the Title IX investigator asked
them if they knew anything about me beating my wife and
children. This horrifying accusation soon became a
widespread rumor.

With Title IX investigations there is no due process, so I
didn't have access to the particular accusations, the
ability to confront my accuser, and I had no opportunity
to defend myself. Finally, the results of the
investigation were revealed in December 2017. Here are the
last two sentences of the report: "Global Diversity &
Inclusion finds there is insufficient evidence that
Boghossian violated PSU's Prohibited Discrimination &
Harassment policy. GDI recommends Boghossian receive

Not only was there no apology for the false accusations,
but the investigator also told me that in the future I was
not allowed to render my opinion about "protected classes"
or teach in such a way that my opinion about protected
classes could be known - a bizarre conclusion to absurd
charges. Universities can enforce ideological conformity
just through the threat of these investigations.

I continued to believe, perhaps naively, that if I exposed
the flawed thinking on which Portland State's new values
were based, I could shake the university from its
madness. In 2018 I co-published a series of absurd or
morally repugnant peer-reviewed articles in journals that
focused on issues of race and gender. In one of them we
that there was an epidemic of dog rape at dog parks
and proposed that we leash men the way we leash dogs. Our
purpose was to show that certain kinds of "scholarship"
are based not on finding truth but on advancing social
grievances. This worldview is not scientific, and it is
not rigorous.

Administrators and faculty were so angered by the papers
that they published an anonymous piece in the student
and Portland State filed formal charges against
me. Their accusation? "Research misconduct" based on the
absurd premise that the journal editors who accepted our
intentionally deranged articles were "human subjects." I
was found guilty of not receiving approval to experiment
on human subjects.

* * *

Богосян прославился тем, что (вместе с соавторами)
послал около 20 статей в духе "Корчевателя" в топовые
гуманитарные журналы; в одной из них он разоблачал
культуру изнасилования в сообществе бродячих собак,
и предлагал бороться с культурой изнасилования на
кампусах аналогично, одевая на всех мужчин собачьи
поводки и ошейники. В другой он излагал, что пенис
это социальный конструкт, миф, но миф сцуко опасный,
потому что приводит к глобальному потеплению.

Что его уволили, ничего неудивительного, еретик же.

По факту, SJW-идеология это новая религия, а американские
университеты это храмы, где ее проповедуют. Соответственно,
если вы диссидент, избегайте этих мест, или молчите в тряпочку,
отклонения от ортодоксии там жестко наказываются.
