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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2024-02-12 22:28:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Left Hand Right Hand - LEGS AKIMBO
Entry tags:.ua, anti-russia, war

лучше "Льва Толстого"
Отличный пропагандистский мультик
про цели и задачи СВО
Life and death, by ВАУ creative union

Персонажи этого ролика тупые выродки, ненавижу.

Нашел в комментах тут вот:
по ссылке какой-то американский дегенерат нистерпевает
за "Льва Толстого", типа украинцы послали нахуй русню,
и теперь у них вместо "Льва Толстого" Степан Бендера.

А по мне, это ж главный профит от войны, избавиться
от "Льва Толстого", и от "русского языка" до кучи.

Культура это то, что тянет русню
в говно, в гулаг, к путлеру.

Кто угодно будет лучше
"Льва Толстого", хоть таракан запечный.

Вообще культура это операционка, и у той,
которая у русни, столько костылей и легаси
кода, что на ней уже много лет ничего нельзя
запустить, кроме Гулаг 1.0 и Гулаг 2.0,
дерьмовый софт и забагованный по самое нехочу.

Нахуй "льва толстого" и все остальное
дегенеративное говно, от "пушкина" до "чехова" тоже
нахуй. Это из-за них ебаные тупые ваньки всю жизнь живут
как будто в очке деревенского сортира, увешанном
ебаными портретами дебильного фюрера, а потом едут
на танках убивать тех, кто из говна попытался
вырваться. Великое блядь преступление.

Толстой нахуй, Пушкин нахуй, Чехов
нахуй, русский язык нахуй.


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Re: (ПРИВЕТ 1984)
2024-02-14 13:10 (ссылка)
да ты что, а за "defund the police" что, никто не топил?

New York is on the verge of anarchy – and nobody seems to care

In a post George Floyd world, few residents support petty crime crackdowns

David Christopher Kaufman

26 September 2023 • 2:38pm
David Christopher Kaufman

This past weekend I spent an hour exercising in an underground Harlem gym, where the work-out was accompanied by copious amounts of marijuana. Everything about the experience was illegal: the basement of the bustling restaurant where we worked our core as waiters ferried food orders. The pot – although technically legal in New York State – was being smoked in an unlicensed distribution site. What’s more, the marijuana itself was grown in the Pacific Northwest, technically illegal in New York State where all marijuana consumed must be grown, yes, in New York.

There’s a new sense of lawlessness coursing through New York City, and I’m not talking about the city’s well-documented crime spikes. I mean a return to rampant low-level vice that feels at once entirely out of control – yet inexplicably well-behaved – and thoroughly post-pandemic. From the city’s thousands of unlicensed pot dispensaries and the throngs of illegal vendors now crowding the Brooklyn Bridge, to my clandestine Uptown exercising and the dozens of Queens prostitutes now operating in broad daylight, New York’s newest tag-line might as well be “anything goes.”

But this new era of openness is not without consequence, particularly as the police prove ineffective at reigning in the illicitness. Nationwide confidence in law enforcement dropped to a new low last year, including in New York, where the local force has been battered by budget cuts, misconduct probes and accusations of bias. A series of particularly public violent crimes has only added to the city’s discord, as has a nearly 20 per cent rise in homeless numbers just this year alone. Add in the now constant smell of cannabis, flocks of deadly, unregulated electric delivery bikes – along with a 65 per cent decline in new police recruits and thousands of undocumented migrants – and the city is like the Wild West rendered in glass-and-steel. And most bafflingly of all, no one seems to care.

It’s a recipe for disaster – and early figures suggested catastrophe was at hand. Heavily fueled by 2019’s progressive-led bail-reforms, crime rose by double digits across New York in both 2020 and 2021. But something intriguing has begun to emerge: as laws are further flouted, violent crime numbers are actually declining city-wide. Indeed, shootings fell by 17 per cent in 2022 and so far in 2023, serious crimes such as murder, rape and burglary have decreased by double-digits across most of New York. The NYPD may be hemorrhaging officers while felons are increasingly permitted by prosecutors to walk free, but the city has yet to turn into the bloody free-for-all conjured in films such as The Purge.

Why not? For one thing, even as illegality explodes around us, the vast majority of New Yorkers remain particularly well-behaved. Crime hasn’t just declined: in most of New York, it’s back to pre-pandemic levels. In fact, when measured against the city’s historic highs during the 1980s and 1990s, this is still among the safest-ever eras to make New York City home.
Indeed, according to NYPD Compstat data, most of New York’s violent crime now occurs in just a few poor and minority communities – by just a few poor and minority criminals – far from Manhattan’s power centers. As DAs treat crime as just another public nuisance, for the moment at least, wealthy white New Yorkers are practically immune from its consequences, further fueling entitlement among those with the resources to enjoy it most.

Bad behavior was practically nonexistent at my cannabis workout on Saturday. Amid exposed concrete floors and blaring rap, everyone did what they were told – whether perfecting their plank, making way for waiters, or lighting up in approved smoking spots – with little fear of repercussion. Over on the Brooklyn Bridge, tourists happily pose with those rogue hawkers with minimal fuss or fanfare. While the Department of Transport says it’s working to formally ban illegal operators, few appear bothered by them except for the handful of licensed sellers who want their turf back.

A vast chasm is now growing between urban officials demanding increased enforcement and average citizens who just don’t give a damn. Battered by the pandemic, skyrocketing inflation and housing costs, safety fears and culture wars, New Yorkers have been lulled into a kind of care-free complacency in which the privileged are cocooned from everyday unpleasantries while the poor are too battered by them to fight back. There’s a sudden do-as-we-please attitude in town; a performative untouchability that’s resulted in a tolerance for petty scourges aided by lax law enforcement and almost unimaginable even five years ago. (New York is a city, after all, where it’s still illegal to drink beer on the street).

New York has always been a place of rules – and rule followers – but never more so than today. In a way, we have no other choice. The police are untrustworthy and ineffective, while local prosecutors are powerless to lock up criminals in the face of soft-on-crime progressive law-makers up in Albany. How soft? In 2021, for instance, nearly 70 per cent of criminal cases were dropped by the city’s court system. But the rules New Yorkers now follow appear highly selective and often self-generated. Somehow, everyone has found a way to indulge without fear of consequences.

But those consequences are actually everywhere, particularly as modest indulgences evolve into outright impunity. Pharmacies and convenience stores now barricade ice cream bars behind chains to combat the rampant shoplifting crisis that’s accompanied New York’s fentanyl crisis. Meanwhile, Fentanyl is now encroaching far beyond the city’s blighted fringes as everyone from toddlers to investment bankers succumb to its potency. In Union Square, a social media-inspired gathering erupted into a mass riot this past August. Also in Union Square: Illegal hawkers peddling pepper spray canisters for self-defense. Guess what? They’re illegal too; because bafflingly, you can’t sell pepper spray in New York City. New York’s unanticipated laxness may still appear tolerable – but the rising casualties and chaos suggest it’s ultimately unsustainable.

No matter the tax bracket, rising citizen disdain for police and politicians suggests that the mythical purge could actually be close at hand. But convincing New Yorkers to return to law and order will prove far harder now that laissez-faire legality has become the cultural norm. Post George Floyd, New York has little taste for the petty crime crackdowns that defined the Giuliani and Bloomberg administrations. Now accustomed to doing what we want, where we want, when we want it, our standards for citizenship and civility have never felt more fluid.

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Re: (ПРИВЕТ 1984)
2024-02-19 05:32 (ссылка)
>никто не топил

Из политических партий? конечно нет.

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Re: (ПРИВЕТ 1984)
2024-02-19 05:46 (ссылка)
BLM это оно самое и было, есличо
года два более-менее вся Партия за него топила

How Democrats went from defund to refund the police

Two years after Democratic officials across the country
aligned themselves with protesters demanding the police be
reined in and progressives backed the elections of
reformist prosecutors, the mayors of many of the nation's
largest cities are now reversing course and leading calls
for a tougher stance on crime.


Looking Back: Democrats Push to Defund the Police

From the White House to the Speaker's Office, Democrats
are scrambling to distance themselves from the slogan they
once so proudly championed - 'Defund the Police.' This was
a rallying cry for progressives throughout the last year

Take their word for it:

The "defund the police" movement, is one of
reimagining the current police system to build an
entity that does not violate us, while relocating
funds to invest in community services.

Let's be clear, the people who now oppose this, have
always opposed calls for systematic
change. https://t.co/SEh97GS9hg

- Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) June 9, 2020

The defund movement isn't new. Folks are just finally
listening. "We got money for wars but can't feed the

- Ayanna Pressley (@AyannaPressley) June 16, 2020

I believe we need to protect families who need help,
and ICE isn't doing that. It has become a deportation
force. We need to separate immigration issues from
criminal justice. We need to abolish ICE, start over
and build something that actually
works. https://t.co/JtSN68k4Fd

— Kirsten Gillibrand (@SenGillibrand) June 29, 2018

Instead of spending $80 billion a year on jails and
incarceration, we need to be investing in more jobs
and education. One thing is abundantly clear: Every
police department violating people's civil rights must
be stripped of federal funding. Period.

— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) June 4, 2020

When we say #DefundPolice, what we mean is people are dying and we need to invest in people's livelihoods instead.

EXAMPLE: Detroit spent $294 million on police last year, and $9 million on health.

This is systemic oppression in numbers. pic.twitter.com/oPe0GD3D6p
— Rashida Tlaib (@RashidaTlaib) June 4, 2020

Defunding the police is about rebuilding our country in the image of our people — full of humanity, love, and care. Particularly for our kids and schools. https://t.co/vLZGfaidlH
— Jamaal Bowman (@JamaalBowmanNY) February 22, 2021

For those who think spending more on policing works, look at St. Louis.

We spend more per capita on police than 85% of police depts, yet 68% of violent crimes go unsolved. And police kill us at the highest rate in the nation.

Police don't need more money. Our communities do.
— Cori Bush (@CoriBush) June 3, 2021

Defunding the police isn't radical, it's real. https://t.co/wUcTjxqS3w
— Cori Bush (@CoriBush) January 28, 2021

ICE has kept a 7 year old captive & alone for FOUR MONTHS with no parents around.

This is cruel and unusual punishment. The Eight Amendment strictly prohibits government from acting this way.

THIS is what we need to "shut down until we figure out what's going on." Defund ICE. https://t.co/l47AcpudDZ

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 12, 2018

Now @VICE reporting that @CBP is sending predator drones over #GeorgeFloyd protests in Minneapolis.

This is what happens when leaders sign blank check after blank check to militarize police, CBP, etc while letting violence go unchecked.

We need answers. And we need to defund. https://t.co/tfBZFRNI9G

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 29, 2020

Do we really think our local police departments need weapons of war like:

Grenade Launchers?
Weaponized Drones?

None of these weapons belong on our streets against American civilians.

We must #DemilitarizeThePolice today. It's past time we did.
— Senator Mazie Hirono (@maziehirono) July 21, 2020

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Re: (ПРИВЕТ 1984)
2024-02-19 07:31 (ссылка)
Разьясняю методом повторения. Нет, твое утверждение неверно: демократическая партия, разумеется, никогда не позиционировала себя как "soft on crime".

В твоих ссылках -- которые, впрочем, представляют собой выборку из некоторого количества отмороженных радикалов, влияние которых весьма ограничено -- никаких таких слов, разумеется, тоже нет.

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Re: (ПРИВЕТ 1984)
2024-02-19 08:31 (ссылка)
по мнению nbcnews (а это партийная пресса)
таки позиционировала: How Democrats went from defund to refund the police

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Re: (ПРИВЕТ 1984)
2024-02-20 01:55 (ссылка)
Defund the police это не soft on crime, но даже оно никогда не было частью мэйнстримной платформы, естественно.

Впрочем, вопрос имеет академическую ценность: defund the police продолжалось год-полтора, и предсказуемо почило в бозе (причем давно уже -- как только дело дошло до очередных выборов, так сразу и почило).

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Re: (ПРИВЕТ 1984)
2024-02-20 01:59 (ссылка)
Собственно, defund the police полностью аналогично запрету абортов: ебанутая тупая хуйня, которая электорату нахуй не сдалась и откровенно не нравится, но очень важна активистам. Только партия дем ебанулась процентов на 30, и своих оголтелых, в принципе, сдерживает. А партия гоп -- на 90, и ничего с ними сделать не может, даже перед выборами.

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