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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2007-03-03 03:56:00

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Настроение:англичанка гадит
Музыка:Anthony Rother -- Super Space Model
Entry tags:balkans, history, poetry

Югославия навсегда


Twenty Years Of Balkan Tangle

Балканские путешествия английской художницы
(историка, журналиста и ведущего антрополога
балканской цивилизации). Славян ненавидит
люто, особенно русских. Потому что полицейское
государство, алкоголизм, мракобесие и ущемление

Но если почитать - чрезвычайно симпатичные
у нее получаются славяне.

Среди прочего, рассказывает, что Черногорией 7 лет правил
самозванец Шчепан Малый, выдававший себя за русского царя
Петра III. Основной формой правления Черногории
была наследственная теократическая монархия;
наследственный владыка (князь-епископ) Черногории
Сава Петрович в правление лже-Петра III удалился в
монастырь, признав Петра III законным правителем.
Екатерина II послала в Черногорию Милорадовича
с целью разоблачить самозванца, но не разоблачила,
и в результате тоже признала его законным

Между прочим, турки на территориях, населенных
христианами, повсеместно устраивали теократию;
Греция, Болгария и Сербия страдают от этого
по сей день.

Про него же статья в Jstore (у кого есть).
"Catherine II and a False Peter III in Montenegro
Michael Boro Petrovich"

Еще чем замечательны черногорские князья
Петровичи Негоши - они были знаменитые поэты,
и каждого называют балканский Шекспир. Можно почитать:
поэмы за авторством всех Петровичей, а также
"епска народна поэзия". Весомо.

Оценить литературных качеств мне не удалось,
но на "Песни западных славян" похоже донельзя.

У сербов это, надо сказать, традиция - первый
боснийский президент Караджич тоже нехуевый поэт.

Вот, кстати, интервью его. Очень.

Что ж касается массовых убийств боснийских
мусульман, так большая часть традиционной
черногорской поэзии повествует о геноциде
подтуречников, ничего нового.

Впрочем, Караджич как раз никого не убивал и
вообще интернационалист.

Вот еще - немало подтасованное в соответствии
с политической ситуацией исследование:
"Kosovo Myths: Karadzic, Njegos, and the
Transformation of Serb Memory"
Объясняют, что геноцид и этнические чистки
это изобретение Петара Петровича Негоша,
а до него муслимы и христиане жили душа
в душу, и в народных песнях про Косово
сочувствовали исключительно туркам, потому
что те не запрещали христианство.

На закуску - народни гуслар Раjо Воинович,
изабрана дела из циклуса о Радовану Караджиче.

Югославия - навсегда.


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2007-03-03 07:04 (ссылка)
But Milosh was in power, and did not mean to relinquish it. And he
dreamed already of wide empire. He examined the question with
sangfroid and decided that if the Greek revolution succeeded in its
hopes, an Empire would be reborn in the East which would regard
Serbia as its province and might be more dangerous than the Turk.
Did not the Greeks, in the fourteenth century, call the Turks to
Europe to fight the "Tsar of Macedonia who loves Christ?" Milosh
remained faithful to the Turk, saying "Let us remain in Turkey and
profit by her mistakes." He suppressed all pro-Greek action,
executed twenty pro-Greek conspirators, and exposed their bodies at
the roadside, and--in an evil hour for Serbia--had Karageorge
assassinated and sent his head to the Pasha.

From that day onward the feud between the two houses raged with ever
increasing fury. Until to-day every ruler of Serbia has been either
exiled, murdered, or has had his life attempted.

"Family tradition comes first" says Vladan Georgevitch. "All the
families of Serbia have, from the beginning, been followers of
either the Karageorgevitches or the Obrenovitches." As time went on,
the Obrenovitches became the choice of Austria, while Russia
supported the Karageorges, and the puppets jigged as the Great
Powers pulled the wires.


2007-03-03 07:05 (ссылка)
(об основателе династии Караджорджичей)

In 1787 a panic seized the peasants when an Austrian
attack upon the Turks was expected. To save themselves
and their flocks from the approaching Turkish army they
fled in crowds, hurrying to cross the Save and finding
safety in Austria. George's father was very reluctant to
go, and on reaching the river would not cross it. George,
in a blind fury, refusing either to stay himself and make
terms with the Turks, or to leave his father behind,
snatched the pistol from his sash and shot the old man
down. Then, shouting to a comrade to give his father a
death-blow, for he was still writhing, George hurried on,
leaving behind him a few cattle to pay for the burial and
the funeral feast.

Википедия об этом эпизоде загадочно молчит, так что
похоже, что правда.


2007-03-03 07:05 (ссылка)
Lazar Mioushkovitch flashed the next beam on the national character.
Some tourists arrived and, at the lunch table, talked with Lazar.
One was a clergyman. He told how Canon McColl during the
Turko-Russian War of 1877 had reported having seen severed heads on
poles, and how all England, including Punch, had jeered at him for
thinking such a thing possible in Europe in the nineteenth century.
Mioushkovitch was sadly puzzled. "But how, I ask you, could he fail
to see severed heads in a war? The cutting off of heads in fact--I
see nothing remarkable in that!" Then, seeing the expression of the
reverend gentleman's face, he added quickly: "But when it comes to
teaching the children to stick cigarettes in the mouths--there I
agree with you, it is a bit too strong!" (c'est un peu fort ca!)
There was a sudden silence. The Near East had, in fact, momentarily
undraped itself.


2007-03-03 07:05 (ссылка)

At Danilo's insistence, the Serbs first attempt
negotiation and ask the Muslim chieftains to return
peacefully to the Christian fold. But when this strategy
fails, more extreme measures are required. The final
catalyst comes when Danilo and the Serb chieftains all
dream the same dream of a resplendent Milos Obilic flying
above them on a white horse. The next morning they take an
oath of unison and agree to do what the Kolo has demanded
all along. They will fight the converts accepting those
who return to the Christian fold, while massacring those
who do not (Njegos 87-88, 94). The Muslims become a human
sacrifice, an expiation of national sin. In one fell
swoop, Njegos erases the ambiguities and divided loyalties
of the oral tradition. Gone is the hero who serves two
rulers. In his place stands a new Obilic: the martyr of
national purity, the genocidal Christ.


2007-03-03 07:06 (ссылка)
The Kolo, as these dancers are called, constitute a
revamped Greek chorus, and the unity of their voice and
vision stands in stark contrast to the divisiveness and
indecision of the Montenegrin tribal chieftains. Through
the Kolo, Njegos lays out his dark vision of Serbian
history. According to the scheme, Serbia's medieval
leaders committed the mortal sin of discord and
disloyalty. God has punished them through Kosovo, a
national fall from grace, which left the Serbs under the
Turkish thumb. Njegos's own cosmology, fleshed out in
another work, The Light of Microcosm, mirrors this pattern
and dictates that human life itself is a punishment for a
primordial fall, in which Adam joined the dark angels in
their rebellion against God. But just as humanity can
enjoy salvation through Jesus, so too do the Serbs have
their national Christ: Milos Obilic.


2007-03-03 07:06 (ссылка)

Himself struggling to reign in the renegade Muslim lords,
the reforming Sultan Selim III had in fact armed the Serbs
in the hope that they might aid his efforts, and his
appointed governor in Belgrade, Hadji Mustafa Pasha, was
popularly known as the "mother of the Serbs"
(Jelavich 28). In 1801, jannisaries assassinated Hadji
Mustafa Pasha, and soon after four dahis assumed control
of the Belgrade pasahlik, instituting a reign of terror in
the countryside. Consequently, when the Serbs rose up in
1804, they did so in explicit loyalty to the Sultan, and
with the express aim of restoring rights previously
enjoyed, including lower taxes. The transformation of the
revolt into a broader independence struggle is a more
complicated story, but Selim's inability to reign in the
opposing forces, his subsequent decision to treat the
Serbs as rebels, and his ultimate overthrow in a
jannisary-supported revolt in 1807 all played a crucial
role in raising the stakes. It is in any case not
surprising that Serb poets adopted a relatively
sympathetic view of the Sultan, portraying him as a
protector and champion. The revolt against the Empire is
justified not because of any essential opposition to
Ottoman rule, but rather because the Kosovo promise, that
of protection and fair treatment, has been broken by the
local lords.


2007-03-03 14:56 (ссылка)
stoning to death was
actually inflicted in Montenegro in the old days, upon women for
sexual immorality. Vuk Vrchevitch records a case as late as 1770.
And in quite recent times a husband still, if he thought fit, would
cut off the nose of his wife if he suspected her of infidelity. No
man, it was explained to me cheerfully, was ever likely to make love
to her again after that.



кто о чем
2007-03-04 06:40 (ссылка)
а еврей-неудачник - как правило, о мусульманах.


2007-03-04 07:40 (ссылка)
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