Сюда стучат - Punish those who commit illegal acts
March 11th, 2012
01:26 pm


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Punish those who commit illegal acts
Get rid of this user and all his comments, he commits illegal acts putting private information from our private community to other communities from this website

This is our private community

This is the user committing these illegal acts

This is the other communities that are a threat to our private community, are abandoned, and should be gone as well with this illegal spammer

Get rid of all this and there will be no more problems about this issue, But if you fail to comply to this complaint, There will be more problems and lots of more spam on your website

We had enough with these people trying to spam our private informations from our private community to others that are abandoned and we want them gone as soon as possible

We are anonymous, We are legion, We do not forgive, We do not forget, Expect us.

(14 comments | Leave a comment)

[User Picture]
Date:March 12th, 2012 - 12:03 am
Right on. And Remember: All Your Base Are Belong To Us.

Learn some English, will you
[User Picture]
Date:March 12th, 2012 - 12:30 am
По-моему он native, только неграмотный очень, от сохи.
[User Picture]
Date:March 12th, 2012 - 12:42 am
тем лучше
[User Picture]
Date:March 12th, 2012 - 12:31 am
Actually, why are you whining? You are in the process of being crushed. Enjoy.
Date:March 12th, 2012 - 12:44 am
user cunts53 is only saying a legal complaint and you owners of this website need to understand that this is a complaint you need to comply on
You crush us
We crush you
[User Picture]
Date:March 12th, 2012 - 05:04 pm
we are sure to comply with it
the voting on what to do with your complaint is under way
Date:March 12th, 2012 - 12:50 am
I fuck you in the ass, you slow down my computer - I say that's good exchange rate. Keep going, script kiddo, you are right on track. :P
[User Picture]
Date:March 12th, 2012 - 05:44 am
>he commits illegal acts putting private information from our private
>community to other communities

I don't see why this is illegal. It's your responsibility to protect your
own private information.

Also, all crush fetish will be removed from this server in 4 days anyway.
Date:March 12th, 2012 - 06:34 am
You think we know who enters in our community and who does not?
How do you know all this will be banned in 4 days?
You can't do nothing
lj. is the ones that make the rules
They will reject you
We reject you
You have to obey them and get rid of the people that commit these illegal acts!
Our private community
Our private information!
[User Picture]
Date:March 12th, 2012 - 02:03 pm
I feel joy when I see bastards like you being crushed. Please whine and beg more: it makes me feel even better.
Date:March 12th, 2012 - 06:42 am
I have called many people and we will tell lj. ourselves that you are discriminating us
If you think we will give up that easy our freedom of speech then you are wrong
Date:March 12th, 2012 - 10:15 pm
ROFL... they don't get it, do they? :P
[User Picture]
Date:March 12th, 2012 - 11:10 am
>We are anonymous, We are legion, We do not forgive, We do not forget, Expect us.
[User Picture]
Date:March 12th, 2012 - 07:58 pm
fuck off.
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