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великое достижение студентов бипок
Офигенно https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/nation/university-of-wisconsin-removes-rock-seen-as-sign-of-racism/ https://www.foxnews.com/us/racist-rock-university-of-wisconsin-madison https://chimpmania.com/forum/showthread.php?135371-Racist-Rock-to-be-moved-in-response-to-demands-from-Wisconsin-Nigger-Student-Union https://www.dailycardinal.com/article/2020/11/uw-set-to-remove-chamberlin-rock-due-to-its-racist-past https://atlantablackstar.com/2020/11/23/university-of-wisconsin-moves-ahead-with-plan-to-remove-n-gerhead-rock-after-black-student-union-deems-it-racist-symbol/
В университете Висконсина на кампусе был обнаружен камень-расист. Студенты бипок добились удаления камня. Nalah McWorter, President of the Wisconsin Black Student Union, said the rock's removal serves as a pivotal measure in helping BIPOC students feel included within the UW community.
"This is a huge accomplishment for us," McWhorter told the State Journal on Wednesday. "We won't have that constant reminder, that symbol that we don't belong here."
After 95 years, UW-Madison will move forward in removing Chamberlin Rock from Observatory Hill, of which students of colors viewed the boulder as a representation of decades of racism and oppression seen on campus.
The WBSU also hopes the rock's removal will increase collaboration and inclusion efforts on campus. The rock's removal was one of four listed demands provided by the Wisconsin Black Student Union in June. Other items included meeting with the Student Inclusion Coalition to discuss 1969/2020 demands, removing Bascom Hill's Abraham Lincoln statue and meeting with Chancellor Blank to hear their experiences and recommendations for making campus more inclusive.
The boulder weighs 70 tons and will cost anywhere from $30,000 to $75,000 to remove, according to a report from the UW Campus Planning Committee.
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Преступление камня-расиста состояло в том, что в 1925-м году этот камень назвали "niggerhead rock" (геологический термин) https://atlantablackstar.com/2020/11/23/university-of-wisconsin-moves-ahead-with-plan-to-remove-n-gerhead-rock-after-black-student-union-deems-it-racist-symbol/ что сейчас считается расизмом.
Это великое достижение студентов бипок, заявила Нэйла Макхортер, президент общества студентов бипок.
После того, как камень расист удалили, студенты бипок требуют удалить статую Линкольна.