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Пишет DK ([info]k_d_s)
@ 2019-11-18 00:36:00

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Настроение: sleepy
Музыка:Enduser & Architect - A Trip Down
Entry tags:geschichte, italien, kroatien, lustig, poesie, politik, wwi

Il Vate è tornato

Protesters have signed petitions against the statue. Vandals have broken beer bottles over it.
Unhappy residents ridicule the fact that the statue’s legs don’t reach the ground, requiring an
inelegant footboard to keep his shoes from dangling and earning the likeness a new nickname:
“The Short Bard.”

Then there is the more serious fallout, like the protest from neighboring Croatia, which
complained that the statue “undermines the friendly and neighborly relations” between
the countries.

After the statue was unveiled, the Croats summoned Italy’s ambassador in Zagreb and
condemned it as celebrating irredentism, the turn-of-the-20th-century Italian movement
to reclaim “unredeemed” lands.

Не, ну а хули: Джойс имеется в наличии, а Д'Аннунцио чем хуже?

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я твою мать ебал и тебя ебать буду

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