Typical Grindr conversation:
Me: Hi sis! Can you help getting hrt pills? I will pay triple the price!
Girl: No. Ask your doctor. Self medication is dangerous.
Me: Nazitherlands have 3 years waiting list for prescription. I'm too old to wait.
Girl: You're not special, so wait like the rest of us.
Me: I'm doing these pills to be a human being. If I get off the pills, my testosterone kicks in, I will turn into a beast, really aggressive and impulsive one, so I can commit a mass murder. Like Elliot Rodger.
Girl: You are pathetic and should be killed.
Literally every second conversation on Grinds turn like that.
I have never expected that transgender people will be supportive of government totalitarism and gatekeeping. Just like Russian vatniks, worshiping strong Putin's hand.
I.e. they will rather kill me, than allow me to buy the pills.
And what is more, many Dutch trans girls are stalinist tankies, who actually love Russia.
The more I learn about Dutch people the less I like them.
"The main problem of netherlands" is not really a meme.
It seems that there is some global "Russia" transcending borders and identities.