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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2022-02-15 09:51:00

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Настроение: exanimate
Музыка:I Will Never Be The Same - Cry Little Sister
Entry tags:nazis, transitioning

Puberty Blockers
So you want to force these bullied queer teenagers into male roles and block them from puberty blockers? Your argument is that they are too young to decide their gender. You decide gender for them and their parents, and want to enforce your will by subverting the law. In other words you're taking complete responsibility.

Now it is you who should be held accountable if in the future these pidor teenagers suicide because they dislike playing the male roles (you wanted them to play), or become incels and commit mass murder Elliot Rodger style, or continue with transitioning, but wont achieve the desired feminization, because after puberty the bone structure and other important features are set in stone, and can never be changed, while facial and body hair requires expensive procedures to remove.

Given that, you should pay heavy reparations to every single person who wanted puberty blockers and hasn't received them, and is now unhappy. You should pay for their cosmetic surgeries, you should pay to the victims of their mass murder, you should pay for their anti-depressants and ADHD meds and failure to find employment and complete education (testosterone makes people restless), you should pay to their families, if they suicide.

Are you ready to pay? Because you have invaded their private lives and decided their fate. So any their failure or misdeed is your failure and misdeed, and you are guilty of it.

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2022-02-15 07:55 (ссылка)
it is enough to stop bullying in schools and to provide good mental care (rather than all that useless Sadkov-style crap above, hello Sadkov BTW).

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2022-02-15 08:08 (ссылка)
So you are ready to pay for all the expensive plastic surgeries the kids will need because puberty has ruined their appearance? Good. Prepare money, because most teenagers won back up upon reaching 18.

BTW, I was heavily medicated by psychiatrists during puberty. Haven't cured my dysphoria, but at least anti-psychotics ruined the hormonal balance, so I became less male and developed tits.

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2022-02-15 08:40 (ссылка)
feminization/masculinization happens in utero and during the first few weeks after birth, dumbass. toddlers’ blood levels of sex hormones are that of grownups.

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2022-02-15 09:09 (ссылка)
The main part of feminization happens during puberty, which completely ends at 25.

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2022-02-15 09:35 (ссылка)
no. prepubescent girls already resemble women, while little boys resemble men. but more importantly, once the brain becomes masculinized around the natal period, it’s DONE, and no amount of estradiol will ever be able to reverse this.

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2022-02-15 11:18 (ссылка)
>prepubescent girls already resemble women
Only by genitals. They develop into real women during puberty.
That is why normal men are not attracted to prepub girls.

>little boys resemble men.
Only by genitals.

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2022-02-15 11:50 (ссылка)

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2022-02-15 12:29 (ссылка)
глаза протри. из пацана таблетками можно вырастить разве что андрогина, и то не факт, но уж точно не женщину.

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2022-02-15 17:39 (ссылка)
Yeah. Vagina wont appear, but otherwise even AI will have troubles discriminating. But vagina can be created.

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2022-02-15 19:14 (ссылка)
соболезную, чо. но не суди об ИИ по своим убогим когнитивным способностям

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2022-02-15 20:52 (ссылка)
>otherwise even AI will have troubles discriminating

but what is the point of that?

>vagina can be created

It surely can, it can even be purchased as a sex toy. But again, what is the point of just having a hole there?

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2022-02-16 13:53 (ссылка)
>but what is the point of that?

What is the point of being yourself and living a happy life?

Some people like playing football, other - playing chess.

Why forcing chess players to play football?

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2022-02-16 18:28 (ссылка)
Do you believe that happiness lies in having a hole between your legs or being indiscriminable to AI?

You are surely free to play football or chess or whatever regardless of what is between your legs.

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2022-02-18 07:33 (ссылка)
Everyone has a personal concept for happiness. And when you invade my private life deny me my happiness, I become entitled to make the conservatives like you unhappy in reciprocation by taking away what you need and what you love. Do you love your family? I have the right to take your family then just to make you unhappy.

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2022-02-15 09:32 (ссылка)
>So you are ready to pay for all the expensive plastic surgeries the kids will need because puberty has ruined their appearance? Good. Prepare money, because most teenagers won back up upon reaching 18

All medical experiments on minors are strictly forbidden. So no, nobody will pay that.

Your experiences are from Russian punitive psychiatry, those aren't relevant. Russians can anally medicate each other with broomsticks like in their medieval prisons. So opinions from Russians are irrelevant with regard to any humanitarian matter. Russians are like minors with regard to that, cannot be considered as consenting adults.

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2022-02-15 09:36 (ссылка)
>All medical experiments on minors are strictly forbidden. So no, nobody will pay that.

That is not an experiment. Puberty blockers are used for some time and people who got them are mostly happy, or de-transition without any issue, without blaming anyone. If you "strictly forbid" something, then you assume responsibility and should be blamed for everything.

If you dislike that, then just stay out of peoples lives and think about yourself. You are not in Soviet Union.

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2022-02-15 10:00 (ссылка)
I don't dislike it, I simply don't care enough to dislike it.

>That is not an experiment. Puberty blockers are used for some time and people who got them are mostly happy

Sure, some are, but others aren't. Those who aren't often deeply regret, and the outcome is unpredictable. It is more important to avoid any damage due to medication on unclear grounds in young age.

>If you "strictly forbid" something, then you assume responsibility and should be blamed for everything.

Sure, you are looking for somebody to blame, this is clear. but I don't care. You aren't mentally mature enough to take any responsibility so somebody else must be blamed "for everything".

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2022-02-15 11:15 (ссылка)
You should first forbid Muslims, Protestants and Jews to do actually irreversible genital mutilation called "circumcision," which is done without any consent and reason, beside traditions. And it is know to traumatize toddlers with brain damage, while also impeding gender transition surgery which they may want in future.

But your love of invading other people's lives is very selective.

>You aren't mentally mature enough to take any responsibility so somebody else must be blamed "for everything".

They can de-transition. You picked that LEGO set and your parents brought it for you, but then you decided you wanted a different one. That is your own fault. And you will recognize that and be careful with your decision next time. Without blaming the society or your family. That is part of you growing up, and trying different things to see if that is you. That is why good parents support their children, and see where they have talents. Some kids want to design music, and parent get them musical classes so they could learn if that is their thing. Other kids want deeper mathematics study, and being a nasty gopnik parent you will likely try to bar them from math, which is for "nerds" and "losers."

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2022-02-15 11:50 (ссылка)
>"circumcision," which is done without any consent and reason, beside traditions. And it is know to traumatize toddlers with brain damage, while also impeding gender transition surgery which they may want in future.

yeah tell me more of this bullshit, maybe brain damage after cutting your finger or braking your leg?

>good parents support their children, and see where they have talents. Some kids want to design music, and parent get them musical classes so they could learn if that is their thing. Other kids want deeper mathematics study

sure - learning math or music or whatever. But there is no talent whatsoever in willing to undergo transitioning. Otherwise it would have been something like circus in the old times, dwarfs, disabled (accidentally or by purpose) playing to entertain the crowd.

> That is part of you growing up, and trying different things to see if that is you.

Yeah, sure. Try to medicate yourself to see if that is you or not. Try to break your arm, maybe that is you? Or maybe eat some sand, is that not you after all?

Come on, Sadkov. Your reasoning is below any criticism.

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2022-02-15 18:17 (ссылка)
>yeah tell me more of this bullshit, maybe brain damage after cutting your finger or braking your leg?
It is a proven fact, which conservatives try to hide because "religious freedom"

Long ago I was pro-free speech and pro-religious freedom, but now I firmly believe that bigots should have no freedoms, because https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance

Allow them circumcision today and tomorrow they will ban your blockers and force you to praise their evil God.

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2022-02-15 19:06 (ссылка)
I've predicted your SJW conversion right at the outset of the transgenderism.

Paradox of tolerance can be misapplied to any disagreement, especially if it's you.

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2022-02-15 20:24 (ссылка)
>It is a proven fact, which conservatives try to hide because "religious freedom"

i mean no offence, Sadkov, but can you read and understand English?

>Analyst of the MRI data indicated that the surgery subjected the infant to a significant trauma

literally, they cut a piece of skin without anesthesia. this is a physical trauma, like cutting a finger, and it obviously looked like that on the MRI image. This was what the MRI analyst saw and explained to the others.

> follow ups 1 day, 1 week and 1 month after indicated that childs brain never returned to its baseline configuration

but seriously, infant's brain develops at incredible speed. For example, vision and hearing develops first weeks and months after the birth; many other things too. there is simply no fuckin' "baseline configuration" 1 week or 1 month later! Isn't it obvious?

those guys were just dumb idiots. The rest of the story does not matter.

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2022-02-16 13:51 (ссылка)
In any case, infants gave no consent for their genitals mutilation.

Same with intersex people, who get their unique genitals completely ruined.

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2022-02-16 17:42 (ссылка)
I am not for circumcising infant boys, but honestly I don't see it as a problem.

Otherwise people should be entitled to good medical care. It can be discussed what a good medical care is or should be, but random body mutilation and self medication with hormones are out of question.

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2022-02-18 07:28 (ссылка)
>I don't see it as a problem.

I see no problem with forcibly castrating the bigots like you or your Misha.

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2022-02-15 13:38 (ссылка)
btw you idea of focusing a child on transitioning instead of learning math or music or other subjects is the same nasty gopnik shit, just to bar poor children from all the exciting studies and make them swallow some crappy medication instead.

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2022-02-15 17:41 (ссылка)
High testosterone impedes math and musical skills, and gives you ADHD, so...

And estradiol (a strong anti-depressant) does boost mood and intellectual skills, in addition to giving you better emotions (important for creative fields).

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2022-02-15 19:27 (ссылка)
>testosterone impedes math and musical skills, and gives you ADHD

нет, это пурга. только психически ненормальный человек будет подвергать себя противоестественным и необратимым изменениям, основываясь на фрагментарных знаниях и низкокачественных статейках.

ты жертва антинаучной пропаганды и апологет экспериментов в духе доктора Менгеле.

>And estradiol

высокий тестостерон у мужчин обычно предполагает высокий эстрадиол благодаря ароматизации. в нормальных для мужчин физиологических пределах, конечно.

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2022-02-16 13:49 (ссылка)
Sweetie, transgender people have mental issues, an HRT is a way to fix them. Just like anti-psychotics help surviving people with schizophrenia. But HRT is also known to cure some forms of schizophrenia, because mental disorders are heavily connected with hormonal levels.

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2022-02-18 09:18 (ссылка)
>have mental issues

Yes, they do.

>is a way to fix them

No, it’s not.

>heavily connected to

Yes, if a depressed person is deficient in some hormone, you first give them that hormone. This has nothing to do with what you are trying to sell.

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2022-02-18 16:28 (ссылка)
Again you decided for transgender people what will fix them.

And HRT is orders of magnitude less dangerous than anti-psychotics or even anti-depressants. In fact, most MtF HRT effects can be considered beneficial.

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2022-02-15 20:48 (ссылка)
>High testosterone impedes math and musical skills
and gives you ADHD

And how high this "high testosterone" is supposed to be? As high as necessary to impede math and musical skills and produce ADHD at the same time?

And estradiol (a strong anti-depressant) does boost mood and intellectual skills, in addition to giving you better emotions (important for creative fields).

Some children may need treatment for depression. However it cannot be a valid reason to start swallowing random hormones a lá Sadkov.

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2022-02-16 13:47 (ссылка)
Everything is individual, but by invading into the individual lives you become responsible for them and owe them reparations, in case they fail at life.

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2022-02-16 17:50 (ссылка)
Responsible thing is giving children good care and education, not medicating them with random drugs, hormones, etc.

>you become responsible for them and owe them reparations, in case they fail at life.

Failure is a part of our human nature. Children should learn to fail, to take responsibility and to go on with the life. Your idea is equivalent of stripping humans of their nature. Good luck with that.

Your other idea of somebody owing them something is baseless, another random crap.

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2022-02-18 07:27 (ссылка)
Education includes sexual education and that the children have the right to change their gender if they are unconformable being male and fail at it. And it is you who is responsible, therefore people like Nikita Sadkov and Ellliot Rodger have complete right to mass murder you and your family, because their failure at being men is your failure, since the likes of you have pushed them into the toxic male role. So pray to your evil biblical "god of armies" that nikita will never ever come back to life. Because you owe him your evil life.

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2022-02-15 14:40 (ссылка)
задков иди в жопу

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2022-02-15 08:50 (ссылка)
you are crazy pidor and know it
nobody listens to your crap, neither be interested in you as a sexual partner (nor other kind of partnership as well) 'cause you're an ugly creature even tranzitioned

you are ugly and stupid, and psycho

you better kill yourself really

you such a pathetic asshole

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2022-02-15 15:46 (ссылка)
what do you mean "even when transitioned"? Sadkov, prior to taking hormones, had pretty good masculine looks, assuming he lost weight and fixed his teeth. He looks like a complete clown now.

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2022-02-15 11:54 (ссылка)
when will your game come out?
any progress?

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2022-02-15 13:24 (ссылка)
это и есть его игра

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2022-02-15 17:42 (ссылка)
Just updated on that:

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2022-02-15 18:49 (ссылка)
Nikita, stop obsessing about with the transitioning stuff. Where are the programming posts? Don't forget about programming.

There is a whole world of applied math and graphics programming you know nothing about. Learning just a bit of linear algebra is not enough.

For example physics. I bet you know nothing about numerical methods for solving differential equations.

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2022-02-16 13:56 (ссылка)
I'm Nancy. And first I need to complete my transition. It is who I am. Everything else is built on top of that.

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2022-02-16 17:52 (ссылка)
We know Sadkov when he speaks to us. You cannot fool us by a different name.

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2022-02-16 10:45 (ссылка)
Старых пиздливых математиков с бородой предлагаю кастрировать, вообще не спрашивая их согласия.

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2022-02-16 13:54 (ссылка)
Yeah, Misha will be 9000 nicer person without testicles. Look at [info]aculeata - even with the low postmenopausal estrogens she is a far nicer person than her husband. Now imagine her on HRT.

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2022-02-16 14:24 (ссылка)
ага, для их же пользы

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2022-02-18 07:17 (ссылка)
They want to lock transgenders in a mental ward "for our own good"

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