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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-11-06 21:08:00

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Настроение: amused
Entry tags:transitioning

The Time When America Was Truly Free
In 1939, hormonal drugs could be bought over the counter without any control for cosmetic purposes:
The star of the film Judy Garland, who was just 16-years-old, was also left with life-long conditions following the filming of the classic.

She claimed that the studio forced her to take growth-suppressing drugs to maintain her youthful appearance, as well as imposing restrictions on her weight.

Time to recognize that modern Americans are an artful bunch of Nazis and bandits.

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2024-11-06 21:19 (ссылка)
что нового написали на моей адски больной прыщавой жопе охуенно описывающего себя старого облёванного стукача работавшего на петухелла, гея из кондожопы, переводящего стрелы обоссаного дебила, тупоносого дятла предлагающего свой рот и сраку на панели за небольшой прайс, слабоумного придурка, киевского петуха, облезлой вонючки с разорванной сракой, жалкого червяка совсем потерявшего голову от унижений, ачкастого мудака, кропалика с невлезающей хуйлашкой за щекой, полоумного хуйла, фекального юродивого вонючего задроченного оправдывающегося виновного без пизды поварёнка-каломеса, самого смешного в этой истории скотопидора следящего за движениями, облеванного дауна, обвафленного выблядка которому нравится ощущать эрекцию в своем анусе, спаммера, ебанька живущего свою никчемную жизнь в выдуманном мире, уебка которого нихуя плющит, рыгающего какашками истеричного говноплюя, хронического неудачника, копошащегося в гомне малафейного глиста, обиженки, как всегда распятого на хуях очень ебнутого на самом деле придурка, русни, жида, так ничего и не понявшей что происходит типичной гомосексуальной проститутки часто меняющей половых партнеров, ничтожного червяка и глиста, хуеплета и распидорашенного дегенерата c выпученными глазками и фекально-анальной лексикой, трахающего себя в рот ранимого некропидораса и доведенного до дурки, сосущего хуи, интересуещегося чужими жопами и не забывающего причмокивать говноеда который жрёт гавно 17029 дней, 8 часов и 35 минут, программиста на питоне, всеизвестного сопидора вениамина Додика Хуйлашки из Гродно мойши Шварца?

Додик Хуйлашка Шварц из Гродно.

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2024-11-06 22:01 (ссылка)
Моя хуйлашка тебе в рот не влезет бгг

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2024-11-06 22:13 (ссылка)
Like I said -- Americans lived under what's basically libertarian capitalism for a long time. Even before their independence.

The regulation appearing to cover such cases is the product of the increasing role of media in the 20th century. The media made politicians who don't have regulation to cover "something bad happened" to look bad. Therefore lots of regulation. The realism and immediacy of radio and television also had more of a brainwashing effect than just newspapers. So journos got a lot of power in the 20th century.

The changing values of the elites and the leftist ideology that came with european migrants, primarily eastern european jews, also played a small but prominent role.

But it's tremendously funny that you give the link where they describe the horrors of lack of regulation -- poisonings, trauma, ruined lives etc.

So far I haven't found evidence that estradiol was ever over the counter drug. (btw I found out that tablets are over the counter in the UK now, for menopausal women) The shift to prescription-only status for most drugs must have happened before the 1940s when estradiol was first commercialized.

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2024-11-06 23:31 (ссылка)
The needs of the two world wars have also caused the expansion of everything government related.

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2024-11-07 03:51 (ссылка)
s/tablets/estradiol pills/

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2024-11-07 11:59 (ссылка)
>The regulation appearing to cover such cases is the product of the increasing role of media in the 20th century.

That is why free speech is the ultimate evil and journalists are worse that rapists and war criminals.

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2024-11-07 13:02 (ссылка)
That's a myopic one sided view on the issue. Their activism solved a million actual issues, while accidentally causing overregulation of some shit here and there.

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2024-11-07 12:02 (ссылка)
>btw I found out that tablets are over the counter in the UK now, for menopausal women

1. These are ethinyl estradiol, a very toxic form of estradiol, that produces blood clots and leads to heart attack, especially when taken in transition dosages. Beside the estradiol, they also have other components, which are not good for transitioning. The fact it is over the counter only proves the evil of of the capitalist lawmakers.
2. The tablets cost a fortune, due to the capitalist monopoly.

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2024-11-07 13:00 (ссылка)
Again, you are deluding yourself if you think capitalist lawmakers are any worse than come authoritarian lawmakers. At least capitalist ones can be nudged by activist pressure and existing demand into the right direction. Authoritarian lawmakers are the same but unaffected by any pressure or demand. It can be seen perfectly from the map of availability of ADHD meds, or opiate painkillers -- in authoritarian and backward countries, due to the lack of any influence on people in power, such crucial medicines just aren't available, yet they are available in the west, despite known actual dangers of their use for drug abuse purposes, that lead to many deaths in US alone. And if you want a weak state which just doesn't care about what's going on with the drugs, such state is also guaranteed to be a shithole in other aspects, in terms of safety, in terms of economy etc. One of your viable options is a modern western state modified by some form of pharmacological libertarianism, i.e. people are responsible for their own bodies and can buy whatever. Such libertarianism only possible when some more general overarching libertarian ideology is dominant. But such ideology also assumes expensive medical services, because since when you can do whatever with your body, nobody should be responsible for the consequences but yourself alone. That's a general solution, that solves other related issues, not only trans issue. But that's too far fetched and unrealistic, while still being more realistic than fantasies of tran-communism, or a separate country for trans. In reality the most viable political approach is to just continue activism in the west, annoy lawmakers by making them look bad and heartless, to eventually win a an good ad hoc solution for trans.

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2024-11-07 15:47 (ссылка)
I can guarantee my safety if I get a machine gun.
And if I'm allowed to install booby traps around the house I squat.
Problems weren't.

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2024-11-07 16:06 (ссылка)
Dumb. The experience of walking unarmed in the safe streets is incomparable to Somalia experience you describe. Going out for groceries in a tank isn't an option. Not to mention that a machine gun won't help against a gang that has machine guns.

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2024-11-06 22:15 (ссылка)
я читал твойо био на гитхабе и зделал форк.
там написано что твоя мамашка тебя в децтве "лекарствами" превратила в.
бес твоево консента.

Трампыня хочет такое запретить. прекинь.

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2024-11-06 22:36 (ссылка)
> био на гитхабе
We need to bring back mental institutions to be honest.

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2024-11-06 23:21 (ссылка)
начинай, чтоб не показать что ты только пиздишь

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2024-11-06 22:34 (ссылка)


2024-11-07 04:05 (ссылка)
The linked text doesn't confirm if it was over the counter and without prescription. Just that they forced to take it. America was more corrupt back then, so finding some Hollywood doctor who would prescribe whatever the studios want prescribed should have been an issue back then.

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2024-11-07 04:57 (ссылка)

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2024-11-07 12:07 (ссылка)
Corruption is the only thing making capitalism bearable.

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2024-11-07 14:10 (ссылка)
You have about the same opinion about communism, always remembering bribes when it's obvious defects are pointed out to you. So it's not capitalism but the modern state.

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2024-11-07 15:20 (ссылка)
Because USSR had not communism, but a form of capitalism with slavery, down to managers trying to instigate competition.

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2024-11-07 16:09 (ссылка)
There won't ever be any other higher form of communism, since such forms are incompatible with human nature. You can improve it by having a more disciplined fundamental culture, but not by much.

>down to managers trying to instigate competition.

We live in a physical world, there is scarcity. Good luck with not having competition.

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2024-11-07 23:00 (ссылка)
All hope is for AI.

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2024-11-07 05:17 (ссылка)
Sadcow is talking shite BTW

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2024-11-07 12:08 (ссылка)
Yeah. Cocaine is far less dangerous than alcohol.

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"I want to see the world burn" mentality
2024-11-07 18:01 (ссылка)
When Sadkov talks about {some bad ideology} and extols the benefits of {some better ideology}, one has to understand that Sadkov doesn't truly believe what he's saying and uses the talk of these ideologies as vehicles for being annoying and malicious, also sometimes as weak foundation for hatered. When he was in Russia/Ukraine, the generic western supremacism was good enough to annoy prototypical person from his environment back then, but now Sadkov is in the Netherlands, and praising the west while living in the west does't produce the same satisfaction. So it has to be something anti-western.

In the previous post Sadkov simultaneously celebrated the loss of Kamala, because "her beloved Muslims" are more dangerous to trans than Christians, and yet also wished for Muslims to behead Christians, who are supposedly less dangerous.
