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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-11-06 21:08:00

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Настроение: amused
Entry tags:transitioning

The Time When America Was Truly Free
In 1939, hormonal drugs could be bought over the counter without any control for cosmetic purposes:
The star of the film Judy Garland, who was just 16-years-old, was also left with life-long conditions following the filming of the classic.

She claimed that the studio forced her to take growth-suppressing drugs to maintain her youthful appearance, as well as imposing restrictions on her weight.

Time to recognize that modern Americans are an artful bunch of Nazis and bandits.

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"I want to see the world burn" mentality
2024-11-07 18:01 (ссылка)
When Sadkov talks about {some bad ideology} and extols the benefits of {some better ideology}, one has to understand that Sadkov doesn't truly believe what he's saying and uses the talk of these ideologies as vehicles for being annoying and malicious, also sometimes as weak foundation for hatered. When he was in Russia/Ukraine, the generic western supremacism was good enough to annoy prototypical person from his environment back then, but now Sadkov is in the Netherlands, and praising the west while living in the west does't produce the same satisfaction. So it has to be something anti-western.

In the previous post Sadkov simultaneously celebrated the loss of Kamala, because "her beloved Muslims" are more dangerous to trans than Christians, and yet also wished for Muslims to behead Christians, who are supposedly less dangerous.


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