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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-11-15 23:16:00

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Настроение: contemplative
Entry tags:gamedev

Placeholder buildings
Making non-placeholder is impossible without first deciding what will look okay.
I.e. I tried the multiple columns arrangement, but it just not fitting.
So I made larger columns.
I also initially had altar for scarifies, but it was not fantasy enough.
The round shape wasn't compelling enough either.
Going through like 100 AI generations to pick appropriate textures and parts,
which work okay with the generic fantasy city style I'm going for.
AI tends to generate this nasty WoW/mobile-game art, or realistic historic crap.

And it will still require a ton of work converting it to pixelart.
So I wont be doing it till everything else is ready.

The placeholder was bashed out of the

That is one of the more popular asset packs.
And it is mostly in realistic historic medieval style.
But good enough starting point.

TLDR: please stop bullying me. The art is slowly going somewhere.

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2024-11-16 06:01 (ссылка)
>everyone does that.

"does" here is the key word. They've delivered something before their untimely deaths.

>Heroes of Might & Magic II resolution and asset quality.

Well, not a bad goal, but we'll be waiting for a long time for that.

>Shaders and particles require GPU.

You have gpu. We talked about it. Certainly at resolutions and poly count that you work with. Yes, yes, you can focus on your "game design", as you say you prefer it over having graphics, but you do leave a lot on the table with such priorities.

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2024-11-16 10:51 (ссылка)
your opinion

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2024-11-16 12:34 (ссылка)
>Well, not a bad goal, but we'll be waiting for a long time for that.

Maybe I will find a rich sugar daddy who will fund artists and a few coders ^_^

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2024-11-16 20:28 (ссылка)
You should start searching for talented Bulgarian, Romanian, Serbian, etc pixel artists right about now. "Western european pixel artist for hire" is oxymoron.

>who will fund artists and a few coders ^_^

Highly unlikely. You just don't have circuitry in your head to maintain a relationship, even a manipulative one.

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2024-11-17 08:54 (ссылка)
What do you use to generate pixel art btw?

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2024-11-17 12:19 (ссылка)
I manually draw it.

Otherwise generating pixelart requires special lora which will use specific palette.

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2024-11-17 22:03 (ссылка)
NO, You showed the AI generations from parts which you slapped your placeholders. What AI you do you use for these generations.

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