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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2021-10-13 09:19:00

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Настроение: cheerful
Entry tags:transitioning

Daily Redpilling
13.10.2021: 5mg Cyproterone; 1mg Estradiol sublingually

I do get the "red-pill" meme, and mostly it comes in red pills, but some estrogen does come in blue pills, including mine. So whatever pill you pick...

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2021-10-13 23:16 (ссылка)
"Wachiwski confirmed" it after the "The transgender political discourse" has already been established. If they did it before 2013 then it would be indeed different and interesting, and "contributing to that discourse"

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2021-10-14 00:06 (ссылка)
Allegedly, they are shy to talk to media at all, but one of them publicly came out as transgender already in 2012. It was the first major director in Hollywood, so it was probably a con there at a time.

That means we can believe her/him/it/hehe, right? (btw, what was special about 2013?)

Well, there are more reasons to believe it was planted with a trans allusion, see my last posting.

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2021-10-14 01:17 (ссылка)
Coming out as transgender is a non-action. They didn't attach any politics to it at the time.

Matrix also doesn't work well as a metaphor of gender transition. Feels very stretched. Like you take the red pill, change your gender metaphorically and then what? What are the AI and robots that exploit humanity here? Does it mean that everyone is transgender but doesn't realize it because of the cisgender propaganda perpetuated by the system? BS.


"The Matrix stuff was all about the desire for transformation but it was all coming from a closeted point of view."

And that's all there is. The "desire for transformation" counts for like 5% of the movies at best.

"Lilly doesn't know "how present my transness was in the background of my brain as we were writing" The Matrix."

I.e could be about 5%.

>when Lilly says "the corporate world wasn't ready" for an allegory

That's bullshit. The corporate world doesn't care about such things, if there is enough shooting and SFX to earn a good boxoffice. Could have encoded anything perfectly. Should have been honest instead of reaffirming the politically correct narrative, and said "the Movie was somewhat/slightly affected by my transness, I didn't really encode much into it".

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2021-10-14 19:19 (ссылка)
And how about Switch character?

It looks very trans, for one thing. And the name 'switch' was supposed to mean a woman in the matrix, and a man's (body) outside of the simulation (again, according to Wachowskis).

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