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Теорема о сопряженных воспоминаниях [Jun. 4th, 2024|08:10 pm]
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Date:June 5th, 2024 - 05:40 am
And what do you suggest to do?
What is your recipe of fighting against the matrix?
There is communal escapism (autonomous zones of Hakim Bey, e.g.).
There's an indidual escapism (zen-buddhism at home usage e.g.).
(But early or lately, system enforce to come the crystal house of dreams out those ecapist persons who naively believes in a runaway from leviathanian, all-gluttonous society. There's a main problem of that people: they -- using their escape from society -- to throw the white flag as potetial fighters, playing the role of not system dangerous ‘sleepy flies’ to whome will be a deed of flyflopper at another time.)
It may do nothing (as common people do).
At least there's a revolutionary way against global anti-human occult network, but there isnt a unifying idea for millions (as communism was at the begining of XX c.)
Date:June 5th, 2024 - 05:53 am
*flyflopper fly swatter.
[User Picture]
Date:June 5th, 2024 - 06:12 pm
Is radical Islam the ideology you preach?
Date:June 6th, 2024 - 05:05 am
Why do U think so?
Maybe -- by by excluding method -- djihadism is a single global radical ideology...
[User Picture]
Date:June 6th, 2024 - 04:41 pm
This "against the moderm word" traditionalsists always end up with islam
Date:June 6th, 2024 - 04:47 pm
ерунда какая-то, ислам был более прогрессивным учением в момент появления, т.е. было идудаизм->христианство->ислам
И сейчас традиционалисты бывают и христианские, и исламисты, и всякие разные, хоть буддисткие, в зависимости от места и завихрений в мозгу. Подозреваю, что исламские просто подствечиваются в медиа
[User Picture]
Date:June 6th, 2024 - 05:04 pm
Я говою не про всяких традиционалистов а конкретно "against the modern world" разновидность.

Рене Генон принял ислам.

Создатель ордена девяти углов тоже принял ислам.
Date:June 6th, 2024 - 05:16 pm
Прошу прощения, теперь понял.
Date:June 6th, 2024 - 05:43 pm
W-e-e-ell!!! it's very counterversial...
Jemal for example saw Geunon as a diversent inside the islamic discours.
That is, he saw islam as a sword stabbed in the body of traditional world. Tradition according to Jemal is a way of dissolution in leviathan (that is, in repressive society ruled by Iblis (devil in islam)). So such people like guenon, dugin, mircha eliade want to re-establish new pagan imperialism. Maybe it'll be cyber-neofeudalism plus to it rise-up of occultism for masses and for elites -- new spirituality. It's very difficult questions so i cant say more concretely by that way...