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Пишет Abu Antos' ([info]syarzhuk)
@ 2009-12-21 15:22:00

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On filibusters
Just posted this as a comment on Daily Mull

I don't understand what the big deal about the filibuster is. Why suddenly to pass a law you need not 51, but 60 votes in the Senate?
Let them filibuster! The longest filibuster in history - talking for 24 hours and 18 minutes - was by Sen. Strom Thurmond, who was opposing the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Guess what? The bill passed anyway. Why does a mere threat of filibuster makes Harry Reid all scared?

Update Good discussion on Blue Mass Group

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2009-12-22 02:08 (ссылка)
That's ancient filibuster, not the modern one. Back then you needed 67 votes to break it (even earlier, you needed unanimity), but a) you needed actually to talk and b) no Senate business could be done while you were talking. Nowadays, you need 60 votes to break the filibuster, but until and unless you do so you can do anything you'd like, but you cannot vote on the bill in question.

The old-style filibuster would only be needed if a couple of senators were to try to push it past Christmas without the support of the rest, and it would, indeed, not last long. Or else, Reid could refuse to do anything in the Senate until the debate on this bill is over and, I believe, he may even be able to force Republicans to to talk. This would put pressure on them. But, as long as the opponents of the bill number 41 and they are willing to be taking turns reading the phone book, they could go till Kingdom comes (or till the next Congress, whichever comes earlier).

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2009-12-22 05:38 (ссылка)
so - why not let them read the phone book (and show it on every TV channel)?

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2009-12-22 06:46 (ссылка)
Oh come on, the r-voters will be ecstatic. The same as d-voters are ecstatic when Al Franken tells Lieberman to STFU. So you'll show them and they'll be "yeah! where is your stupid majority now?"

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