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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2016-11-10 16:04:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Крики Бабочек - ПЕСНИ ДЛЯ ХУЛИО
Entry tags:smeshnoe, usa

logical last stop before hitting bottom
Кстати, если кто не видел.

The Simpsons writer: 'Why I predicted Donald Trump would
become President of the United States'

It was the most insane and laughable scenario the creators
of satirical comedy The Simpsons could dream up.

Who was the one public figure all Americans would agree
could never become their Commander-in-Chief?

The answer was inspired: brash billionaire and reality TV
star Donald J Trump. Hilarious!

That was 16 years ago, when they wrote an episode called
Bart to the Future, with grown-up Lisa Simpson elected to
the Oval Office after President Trump has tanked the

But when they - and the world - woke up yesterday they
found the joke had backfired.

Earlier this year Simpsons writer Dan Greaney explained
why they had "predicted" a Trump presidency back in 2000 .

"It was a warning to America," he said. "That just seemed
like the logical last stop before hitting bottom. It was
consistent with the vision of America going insane."

"What we needed was for Lisa to have problems beyond her
fixing, that everything went as bad as it possibly could,
and that's why we had Trump be president before her."

Show creator Matt Groening said last month: "Back in 2000
Trump was, of course, the most absurd placeholder joke
name that we could think of at the time and that's still
true. It's beyond satire."

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2016-11-11 16:09 (ссылка)
макака - это некий архетип, как мне кажется

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