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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2018-03-05 20:34:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Princess Vitarah - 6 AM (Official Music Video)
Entry tags:porn, smeshnoe, youtube

Nigeria is next to Ghana
Какой адов пиздец

Princess Vitarah - I Want 20 Inch Dick (Official Music Video)
Princess Vitarah - Masturbate (Official Music Video)
Princess Vitarah - Nigerian Pussy (Official Music Video)

"Nigerian pussy is the tightest
Ghanian pussy is not
Nigerian pussy is the softest
Naija pussy is the cream of the crop

Lick my kitty kitty kitty kitty cat. My kitty kitty kitty kitty cat.
Lick my kitty kitty kitty kitty cat. My kitty kitty kitty kitty cat."

"I like big dick and I can not lie
But the dick must be the right size
I want 20 inch from top to the end
Dick so big I can feel it in my head"

"Nigeria is next to Ghana
My pussy is next to my anus
I'm already famous
So put yo finger in my butt and baby show me what that mouth do"

По ссылке от [info]onanymous.


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2018-03-05 21:02 (ссылка)
теперь это тред музыки уровня /бэ/

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2018-03-05 21:10 (ссылка)
> My dog has died and now I'm all alone, some people say I'm kind of gay.


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