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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2018-05-01 10:52:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Throbbing Gristle - Subhuman
Entry tags:censorship, facebook

цензура в ФСБуке
Если кому-то интересно, как устроена цензура в ФСБуке, вот взгляд изнутри

Любые изображения голого тела, женских сосков и те де удаляются.

When it comes to sex and nudity, Facebook is strictly
PG-13, according to the guidelines. Obvious sexual
activity, even clothed, is deleted, as are "naked 'private
parts' including female nipple bulges and naked butt
cracks." But "male nipples are OK." Foreplay is allowed,
"even for same sex (man-man/woman-woman)" Even the gays
can grope each other on Facebook.

Насилие ок.

Facebook is more lenient when it comes to violence. Gory
pictures are allowed, as long somebody's guts aren't
spilling out. "Crushed heads, limbs etc are OK as long as
no insides are showing," reads one guideline. "Deep flesh
wounds are ok to show; excessive blood is ok to show."

Политическая цензура ("hate content")

slurs or racial comments of any kind

attacking based on protected category,

hate symbols, either out of context or
in the context of hate phrases or support of hate groups,

showing support for organizations and people primarily
known for violence,

depicting symbols primarily known for
hate and violence, unless comments are clearly against

photos comparing two people (or an animal and a
person that resembles that animal) side by side in a
"versus photo,"

photo-shopped images showing the subject
in a negative light,

images of drunk and unconscious
people, or sleeping people with things drawn on their

Апропос, если кто-то требует запрещения "hate speech",
это мразь, которая выступает за политическую цензуру,
во всех 100% случаев, исключений нет. Такую сволочь надо
сразу убивать, не задумываясь, потому что это выродки.


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2018-05-01 20:41 (ссылка)
>Trump's ban of some major news
outlet from press-conferences

well ok.
might not be fake 100% (for the sake
of the argument), but level of journalism
and trustworthiness in too many of them
is beyond repair. "im looking at you fox news, yep"

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2018-05-01 20:54 (ссылка)

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2018-05-01 23:54 (ссылка)
> level of journalism and trustworthiness in too many of them
> is beyond repair

None of them can hold a candle to Kellyanne Conway and commander-in-chief.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2018-05-02 01:35 (ссылка)
>None of them can hold a candle to Kellyanne Conway and commander-in-chief.

my point is that some of them, using logic and
argumentative wit, should be able to (in open debate).

but most of them cant or wont, for political reasons or

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