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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-03-08 11:03:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Jannerwein - Abendlauten
Entry tags:africa, porn, smeshnoe

his Royal Majesty King Mswati III: annual brides choosing ceremonial
Какая красота
парад невест королевства Свазиленд

несовершеннолетние сиськи, тысячи их
найдено тут

Mswati III is known for his practice of polygamy (although

at least two wives are appointed by the state) and
currently has 15 wives.

In Eswatini, no king can appoint his successor. Only an independent special traditional Council called the Liqoqo decides which of the wives shall be "Great Wife" and "Indlovukazi" (She-Elephant / Queen Mother). The son of this "Great Wife" will automatically become the next king.[1]

The "Great Wife" is chosen after the death of the king and must be of good character. Her character affects her child's chances of ascending to the status of king. According to Swazi culture, a son cannot be the heir if his mother is not of good standing. She must not bear the maiden name of Nkhosi-Dlamini as Dlamini is the name of the Royal House of Eswatini and she must not be a ritual wife (consequently the eldest son is never the heir).[2]

The king currently has 14 wives, (2 have permanently left him and 2 are late) 1 fiance and 33 children.[3] A Swazi king's first two wives are chosen for him by the national councillors. These two have special functions in rituals and their sons can never become kings. The first wife must be a member of the Matsebula clan, the second of the Motsa clan. These wives are known as tesulamsiti.

A royal fianc'ee is called liphovela, or "bride". They graduate from being fianc'ees to full wives as soon as they fall pregnant, when the king customarily marries them. But the traditional marriage, known as "Ludvendve" (marriage to the king) only follows later.[4]

In traditional Swazi culture, the king is expected to
marry a woman from every clan in order to cement
relationships with each part of Eswatini. This means that
the king must have many wives.

Что самое смешное, в Свазиленде по факту матриархат,
основной правитель - не король, а его мама.

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2019-03-08 19:06 (ссылка)
слышать слышал, а картинки и видео первый раз попались

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2019-03-08 19:27 (ссылка)
А, ок. Но в принципе, оно all over the internet.

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2019-03-08 19:34 (ссылка)

видел вот это
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(на том же аккаунте дофига), это у зулусов дикое
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проверки девственности и чтобы ходить топлесс.
Но оказывается у Свазиленда оно было еще 20 лет назад

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2019-03-08 19:38 (ссылка)
Да нет же, зулусы здесь вообще ни при чем. А у Свазиленда оно было всегда, и типа популярный этнографический курьез.

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2019-03-08 19:36 (ссылка)
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2019-03-08 19:55 (ссылка)
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2019-03-08 20:14 (ссылка)
Это я тоже видел, но это как раз действительно совсем новое явление.

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