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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-03-08 12:27:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Jannerwein - Abendlauten
Entry tags:gomoseki, smeshnoe, usa

The Men Who Want AIDS-and How It Improved Their Lives
The Men Who Want AIDS-and How It Improved Their Lives

думал, там будет про bugchasing (сексуальный фетиш),
а там про нью-йоркских бездомных, которые специально
заражаются спидом, потому что жаждут бесплатных
социальных услуг, предоставляемых заболевшим.

А что, разумно, в принципе

For Fortner, the phenomenon of young men deliberately

contracting HIV is dispiriting but not surprising. "When
you're on the streets every day - winter, summer, spring,
and fall - and you find a way to have an apartment of your
own, it looks better," he says. His own experience is
instructive: Once his AIDS was diagnosed, he was
astonished at how much easier it was to live in New York
City. "Right now the rent for my apartment is $1,150, but
because I'm on the program I only pay $217, which leaves
me with about $400 a month," he says. "That's still a
struggle, but I feel gifted, because one way or another I
pull through."


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2019-03-12 09:01 (ссылка)
Видели, Миша?

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2019-03-12 12:49 (ссылка)
vsegda tak delayut

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