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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-11-17 13:48:00

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Настроение: tired
Музыка:Зазеркалье - Деревянный бушлат
Entry tags:music, rostov, youtube

Гапонов и Пименов, телешоу "Наше поколение"
Смешное донельзя
Гапонов и Пименов, телешоу "Наше поколение",
октябрь 1993, Дон-ТВ.

Гапонов гений, понятно,
но и Пименов ок.

Впоследствии кумир Пименов выпускал Гапонова и делал
ремиксы, чем изрядно его озолотил.

Ведущая Анна Житенева жива-здорова и поныне,
но ничем вроде так и не прославилась.


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2019-11-17 19:37 (ссылка)
Чем тебя Миша так обидел? Или это твое достоевское "полюбите меня грязненьким"?

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2019-11-17 19:47 (ссылка)
From Dostoevsky I read only "The Idiot" novel, and remember only the death of Nastasya Filippovna part :D

Misha, what is your opinion on Nastasya Filippovna? Have she "asked for it"?

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2019-11-17 21:24 (ссылка)
Какая разница, чего эти русские хотят и делают.
Лучше просто порубить их соломкой и закопать, так быстрее.

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2019-11-18 08:05 (ссылка)
It's a pretty good book. It features the motif of femme fatale and two weak, inexperienced men, and I have my own interpretation of the situation at hand. Basically, they are faced with the unknown, the femme fatale, and pretty much kill her by their inadequacy. I wonder why this is never mentioned.

And, yes, you can read the final scenes as her almost literally having asked for it.

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2019-11-18 10:06 (ссылка)
Usually murder happens for a reason: to eliminate witnesses or competitors. But women are killed totally without any reason, beside male frustration. You wont see women behaving that way. That is why it is called "toxic masculinity." And Misha is somehow against reducing it to prevent such nonsense. Guess Misha is deeply sexually frustrated about women, and there is a high chance he could kill one of his female students too. One thing preventing that from happening is the small number of female STEM students, because they well get harassed by geeks, like Misha or Stallman. Even girls in military get less harassment, than in faculties like math.

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