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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2023-12-26 18:03:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Army of Lovers - The Ballad of Marie Curie
Entry tags:music, sjw, smeshnoe, youtube

Our goddess Marie Curie
Читал твиттер Александра Барда
знаменитого философа, и до кучи
вокалиста в Army of Lovers
почти все твиты посвящены борьбе
с вокизмом, практически карикатурно
и до кучи, с хамасом и путлером, которых
он равно ненавидит и всяко гнобит

уважаю дико, конечно, он всегда был
няша, но на старости лет просто расцвел

Группа, кстати, отличная вообще

Carry My Urn To Ukraine
Army Of Lovers

Clash of the titans when rivers we cross
Death of an icon incredible loss
Under the banner we march in the rain
Like when you carry my urn to Ukraine

While the train is in motion
Enbalm me in lotion
And toast magic potions
I drink and I'm dead

Raise a flag on the Russian soil
Kiss the ground on a mortal coil
Slowly progress through Belarus
Cannibals cook a slavic mousse
Cosmonaut bred in Baykonur
Hail contessa hail De La Cour
Phosphorate like a beast to bait
I cremate I delegate

Clash of the titans when rivers we cross
Death of an icon incredible loss
Under the banner we march in the rain
Like when you carry my urn to Ukraine

Sacrificing a has-been
The death of a virgin
A life in the margin
No water no bread

Face yourself in a crystal ball
Chernobyl rise Chernobyl fall
Slice the churches for onion rings
Art for trade in the art world swing
Drown the czar in a scent Cartier
Scrambled eggs by Faberge
Phosphorate like a beast to bait
I cremate I delegate

Clash of the titans when rivers we cross
Death of an icon incredible loss
Under the banner we march in the rain
Like when you carry my urn to Ukraine
While the train is in motion
Enbalm me in lotion
And toast magic potions
I drink and I'm dead

Trapped in between on a bureau desk
Forward architect Stalinesque
Army Of Lovers on parade
Flash lingerie and then invade
Drown the czar in a scent Cartier
Scrambled eggs by Faberge
Phosphorate like a beast to bait
We cremate we delegate

Clash of the titans when rivers we cross
Death of an icon incredible loss
Under the banner we march in the rain
Like when you carry my urn to Ukraine

While the train is in motion
Enbalm me in lotion
And toast magic potions
I drink and I'm dead
Sacrificing a has-been
The death of a virgin
A life in the margin
No water no bread

Clash of the titans when rivers we cross
Death of an icon incredible loss
Under the banner we march in the rain
Like when you carry my urn to Ukraine

Clash of the titans when rivers we cross
Death of an icon incredible loss
Under the banner we march in the rain
Like when you carry my urn to Ukraine

Ну и вот тоже хорошее
Army of Lovers - The Ballad of Marie Curie
трагический мультик про радиоактивную Мари Кюри

По ссылке от [info]ogles


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2023-12-27 14:48 (ссылка)
Короли. А Жан-Пьер Барда, чудесный, так и вообще в Т-А давно живёт.

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2023-12-27 15:53 (ссылка)
Ты чо за хуй? В ЖЖ был ебанашка emdin, имеешь к нему отношение?

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