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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2024-05-17 16:12:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Figura - Похищение Европы
Entry tags:.il, anti-semitism, sjw, smeshnoe, usa

символ борьбы за свободу Палестины
в Йейле поставили памятник борцу за свободу Палестины
по имени Walid Daqqa. Валид Дакка был истинным героем
палестинского народа:
во главе группы
"Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine"
он похитил автостопщика по имени Моше Тамам и
два дня пытал его. Сначала Тамаму выдавили
глаза, потом кастрировали, потом отрезали еще
много чего, и в итоге застрелили.

В результате этого героического поступка,
стал символом борьбы за свободу Палестины.

Спустя несколько лет Дакку поймали и посадили;
он сидел в комфортной израильской тюрьме 38
лет, написал несколько "книг", и умер от рака
в начале апреля 2024-го.

Теперь ему ставят памятники по всей Америке.

Amnesty International
(группа, знаменитая
своим антисемитизмом) назначила Валида Дакка
главным палестинским героем,
и много лет оплачивала
ему тюремный грев и адвокатов. Впрочем, ничего
удивительного тут нет, других героев у палестинцев
не бывает.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
(группа, которую он возглавлял) перечисляет
подвиги великого сына палестинского народа.

In 1984, he conducted military training at the Front's

military bases in Syria, and then he contributed to the
formation of a secret military apparatus for the Front
inside the occupied interior, whose mission was to collect
information about Zionist leaders and officials who
participated in committing massacres in the invasion of

The martyr Walid and his comrades within the military cell
carried out a series of operations, including the
kidnapping and killing of the Zionist soldier Moshe Tamam,
as a result of which he and a group of comrades were
arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment.

* * *

Великие подвиги палестинского героя празднуют по всем
американским университетам.

The commemorations of Daqqa came just a few days after
pro-Palestinian groups at Harvard marked Al-Quds Day. The
African and African American Resistance Organization,
whose members identify as "militant," honored Al-Quds Day
with an Instagram post declaring, "ZIONISTS ARE NOT
WELCOME HERE!" The PSC held a rally outside Harvard Yard,
proclaiming "Palestine Shall Prevail. Resist During Al
Quds Day" in another post.

Al-Quds Day, an annual event held on the last Friday of
Ramadan to express opposition to Israel, was first
celebrated in 1979 by Islamic revolutionaries in
Iran. When Ayatollah Ruhollah M. Khomeini marked the
inaugural Al-Quds Day 45 years ago, he prayed for "the
victory of the Muslims over the infidels."

But Quds Day celebrations are no longer limited to Islamic
fundamentalists in Iran chanting "death to Israel, death
to America." On Al-Quds Day 2024, pro-Palestinian
activists commemorated the Ayatollah's holiday at
Harvard too.



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2024-05-20 00:19 (ссылка)
из оригинального поста:

"The Council today decided to suspend the broadcasting activities in the European Union of four additional media outlets"

здесь речь о зомбоящике

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2024-05-23 16:05 (ссылка)
- Ограничения подразумевают запрет на предоставление заблокированным СМИ интернет-услуг, спутниковой связи и услуг хостинга.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2024-05-23 16:15 (ссылка)
по счастью оно работать не будет,
тупые еврокомиссии напринимали законов,
которые страны игнорируют (и правильно делают)

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2024-05-23 18:35 (ссылка)
дащаз не будет, миша, хорош пиздеть

пидарашка-тв онлайн гебешную парашу вещает и публикует всячески

вот им и пояснили: говна не нужно; говна и так слишком много.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше)

2024-05-23 16:11 (ссылка)
Does the prohibition also cover the dissemination of content through other means
such as a website? Does the content only include the TV stations of the targeted
entities, or does it also cover their websites and/or other content that they might
disseminate over the Internet?

Yes. The field of application of this provision goes beyond the mere broadcasting of TV stations.
The term ‘broadcast’ in conjunction with ‘any content’ is to be understood, in light of the
objective of the provision, as covering a broader range of content provision than the term
‘television broadcasting’ used in the Audiovisual Media Services Directive 1 . It should be
understood as transmitting, disseminating or distributing any type of content in the broadest
possible meaning (long videos, short video extracts, news items, radio etc.) to an audience
regardless of the means of transmission, dissemination or distribution (including online).

The targeted entities have Internet subdomains and also newly-created domains.
Are EU operators obliged to avoid enabling, facilitating or otherwise contributing to
access to all such subdomains and new domains?
Last update: 8 June 2023
The entity that registers a domain has control over the subdomains; if the domain is blocked, its
subdomains should be blocked as well. The prohibition laid down in the Regulation also applies
to newly created Internet domains that are in substance run or controlled by the targeted entities
or used to circumvent the prohibition at issue.

Does the Regulation create obligations for parties other than operators of cable,
satellite, IP-TV, Internet Service Providers, or online video-sharing platforms?
Last update: 23 March 2022
The Regulation sets out a number of examples of activities (‘such as’), so it also applies to, for
instance, caching services, search engines, social media or hosting service providers whose
services can be used to disseminate propaganda from the targeted entities.

the prohibition to make economic resources available includes the prohibition to provide
internet services, satellite capacities, content hosting services or any other means that could be
used to obtain funds by the listed entities.


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