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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2024-05-21 14:02:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:New Trolls - Concerto Grosso Per I New Trolls
Entry tags:sjw, smeshnoe, usa

Study Finds Up to a Third of All Non-Citizens in the United States are Illegally Registered to Vote
в Америке треть неграждан зарегистрированы как избиратели,
и много другой не менее занимательной статистики.

...roughly 27 percent of non-citizens were registered to
vote and about 16 percent of them voted in the 2008
national elections.

...roughly 10 percent to 27 percent of non-citizen adults
in the U.S. are now registered to vote.

In presidential elections, roughly half of non-citizens
who are registered turn out to vote. Given that about 10
percent to 27 percent of them are currently registered,
this means about 5 percent to 13 percent of them will
illegally vote in the 2024 presidential and congressional

The U.S. Census recorded a population of 19.7 million
voting-age non-citizens in the U.S. during 2022. This is
an absolute minimum because the Census doesn't count
masses of non-citizens who falsely claim to be citizens or
don't fill out Census surveys.

Also, the figure of 19.7 million doesn't include
multitudes of non-citizens who've entered since 2022. This
includes people who legally immigrated, crossed the border
illegally, or were allowed into the country under the
Biden administration's parole policies.

Based on the data above, roughly 1.0 million to 2.7
million non-citizens will illegally vote in the 2024
presidential and congressional elections...

* * *

Походу, при голосовании по почте получают голоса
в основном демократы,
в итоге два основных
источника электорального жульничества, голосования по
почте и голосование нелегальных иммигрантов, оба
чрезвычайно выгодны для демократической партии.

По ссылке от [info]stas@dw


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