

"Klanbake steamed open at 12:45."
Комичное происшествие. https://www.jpost.com/bds-threat/article-808494 https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/showing-pride-thousands-gather-in-toronto-for-annual-pride-parade https://breachmedia.ca/opposition-and-rage-queer-groups-challenge-pride-to-divest-from-israel/ https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1dses0q/toronto_pride_parade_blocked_by_propalestinian/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIgz7yqfwMA https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2024/07/toronto-pride-parade-canceled-after-pro-palestinian-protestors-block-streets/ https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/thousands-sing-dance-and-celebrate-at-pride-parade-until-protesters-strand-marchers-and-floats-mid/article_397ddf84-3730-11ef-a004-53173fd80f80.html https://www.nationalreview.com/news/anti-israel-protesters-face-off-against-lgbtq-activists-during-pride-parades-no-pride-with-genocide/ https://www.osundefender.com/pride-parade-cancelled-as-lgbtq2-group-protest-for-palestine-in-toronto/ https://www.thegrindmag.ca/why-i-resigned-from-pride-toronto/ https://themavericktimesnews.com/2024/06/30/toronto-pride-parade-disrupted-by-pro-palestinian-activists-video/ https://springmag.ca/on-palestine-pinkwashing-and-conditional-queer-solidarity
Антифа и хамасовцы организованно заблокировали гей-парады по всей Америке и Канаде, потому что гомосеки недостаточно осудили геноцид палестинцев. В итоге гей-прайд в Торонто пришлось отменить.
Activists stormed onto the parade route in Manhattan on Sunday waving Palestinian flags and anti-Israel banners, according to Writers Against the War on Gaza (WAWOG). Video published by the anti-Israel group showed the activists throwing red paint onto one of the parade floats before blocking the road and bringing the march to a halt.
"We stand with faggots fighting for the death of empire. With dykes burning 'American' and 'Israeli' flags. Drag queens disrupting galas," read the manifesto shared by WAWOG. "Queers resisting cops. The hundreds of thousands of us in the streets. Every last motherfucker who lost a job and said 'IDGAF.' Aaron Bushnell, screaming Free Palestine until he could scream no more. We stand with Palestine. We stand with Palestinian resistance unconditionally. We stand in solidarity with Palestinian queers and their struggle against imperialism, which cannot be separated from their struggle against heteropatriarchal capitalism. We also stand in solidarity with Palestinian homophobes. They do not deserve to be murdered by our taxes."
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Смешно, однако: основной враг партийной молодежки это, конечно, жиды, но есть и второй враг, не менее ненавистный: гомосеки. Все как в 1920-е, когда роль антифы исполнял Ку Клукс Клан
Кстати, хорошее https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/why-the-1924-democratic-national-convention-was-the-longest-and-most-chaotic-of-its-kind-in-us-history-180984590/ про "Klanbake", демократическую конвенцию 1924-го года, де-факто совмещенную с конвенцией Ку Клукс Клана. The New York Daily News reported that on June 24, the first day of the convention, the "Klanbake steamed open at 12:45."
The party was "irreconcilably divided over the Klan issue," McVeigh says. Whether to condemn the KKK by name was the most pressing issue that the Democratic Party had to confront before it could make any real progress.
A majority of the committee members who were tasked with drafting the party's religious freedom platform (including failed presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan, who suggested the party turn to Jesus and ignore the KKK issue outright) did not want to condemn the hate group by name. Their proposal only vaguely stated how the party would "deplore and condemn any effort to arouse religious or racial dissension."
A rival plank, meanwhile, pledged "to oppose any effort on the part of the Ku Klux Klan or any organization to interfere with the religious liberty or political freedom of any citizen ... or to limit the civic rights of any citizen or body of citizens because of religion, birthplace or racial origin."
The convention ultimately adopted the majority platform and failed to condemn the KKK by name. The pro-McAdoo Democrats had made their position clear, widening the rift within the party. "That's where the convention turned," Lewis says. As for Erwin, his prediction of political doom in November would soon prove all too prescient.