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Cocks_laden attacks LJR with his spam!
| From: | sadkov |
Date: | September 30th, 2019 - 02:42 pm |
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What about his countless bots, like that "doctor"? I doubt he does that for free.
Well, I've noted it in comment section (yeah, in dog mova). Even if cocks_laden don't own Bogdanov's account, and it was actually hax0red by some his enemy (read: by anybody from ~80% of LJR users) to slander him, it would be wise to freeze good "doctor" for a while.
| From: | sadkov |
Date: | September 30th, 2019 - 02:52 pm |
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Actually, hex_laden confirmed he owns the Bogadnov account, saying he will his accounts against me, and then posted some shit from under that Bogdanov account to mock me. I think hex_laden has "осеннее обострение" and is generally inadequate, so I don't recommend anyone allowing him to maintain online personas, he is very unprofessional.
Lolz, really? Link, plox.
If this is truth, then I have three news for laden. And only one of these will be good for him. Let's start with the good one. It is not forbidden to mock people with sockpuppets, so ladenberg can go nuts. The second one is worse for huilashka-sama. If he ever have used his "doctor" sockpuppet for spam (which is somewhat likely), then he used our lovely LJR to earn cash and should be put at LJRussian jail The third one is even more interesting. In past, this "doctor" looked like a living person for quite a while. Either huiladen had this account as his "mole" from the beginning (and we both know that he isn't that smartass), or he hax0red some dude's account, which is as strictly prohibited to do here as spam is.
| From: | sadkov |
Date: | September 30th, 2019 - 03:16 pm |
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That a time to be alive.
Anyway, laden is not pleasant or smart person, but he surely is smarter than andrusha. Seriously, andrusha posts his disinfo and then gets anon explaining why he just posted bullshit... as a first comment. Unlike andrusha, cuddleladen can craft quite plausible lies, and his writing style is different from andrusha's poor attempts at humor.
| From: | sadkov |
Date: | September 30th, 2019 - 04:48 pm |
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andrusha is a madeup character, hex_laden is a real person. Obviously hex_laden would have more dimensions to him.
Still, they're too different in writing style, in mannerisms and (as far as I can remember) in their time of appearing here. While hex_la_down appears on LJR not even every day, andrusha usually sits here 24/7, which almost made me believe that he is an amphetamine fiend. Few things which they both share in common are their need to write tons of bullshit and their profession: they're both low-level IT specialists. Then again, too many people are codemonkeys and even moar people write nonsense from time to time. I understand that hurrladen has fuckload of sockpuppets, but not every single one dumbass is one of huilashka-senpai's fake accounts.
| From: | sadkov |
Date: | September 30th, 2019 - 05:34 pm |
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>andrusha usually sits here 24/7, which almost made me believe that he is an amphetamine fiend.
They could outsource the work to different writers. Probably some students, which produce content for several different accounts, paid per number of posts.
Extremely unlikely: neither poor students nor dickladen are talented enough to strictly keep in with andrusha's unique style. Students which can fake another poster's weird writing style with punctuality do exist, but they're likely paid better. And who in the Nine Hells of Baator would pay good money to the guy who posts on our favorite semi-dead service?
| From: | sadkov |
Date: | September 30th, 2019 - 05:46 pm |
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Andrusha isn't a very complicated character. They can order one student to present the current agenda using Andrusha's character, and then use second, unrelated, student to proofread and peer review it.
Okay. Do you think that The Man will pay four different people (derpladen, laden's reviewer, stundent and student's reviewer) to keep one single account? One single account at the dying blog platform? One single account which posts nothing but obvious bullshit, which is easily recognised as lies even by dumbest of the dumbest? One single account which contains attempts at sarcasm poor enough to cause nothing but cringe? Also, insanity is not as easy to fake as you think: try to fake veniamin, for example. Each internet madman is an unique piece of art, either impossible or very difficult to copy. Hex_Landau uses tons of twinks (NOT GAY), spams and may or may not be scriptkiddie, but he is not the same guy with andrusha. Stop drifting in conspiracy theories and stick to the facts.
| From: | sadkov |
Date: | September 30th, 2019 - 06:06 pm |
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Employer, a PR agency, could pay them to maintain a hundred of accounts, each in different character. One can be Narnia-related, another a good-natured patriotic person, who adopted 88 children from an orphanage, then there can be liberal accounts, which push the same agenda, but under the opposition-like guise.
Daily reminder: while LJR may be a place of interest for int. services and cops (thanks to tons of junkies, "extremists" and pedos hangin' out here), it is not all that interesting to Olgino, Kibersotnya (are they even still around?) or private PR agencies. There are too few readers here, and they're usually smart enough to detect bullcrappy propaganda or, at least, old enough to have rooted-up worldview. Why pay people to write on LJR, where their propaganda will be seen by tens at best, if you can keep one more account on far more popular platform, where you will have hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands readers? Seriously: stop with conspiracy theories, since this shit is addictive. Sure, there may be "professional" shills here, but, to be honest, andrusha looks like just another internet moron, not like some "fifteen-rubler" from sosach. And I'm sure that tipharetnik isn't a popular place to go for propagandists.
| From: | sadkov |
Date: | September 30th, 2019 - 06:29 pm |
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They are being paid for spam and the amount of it. And it doesn't take much time to implement an LJR plugin for their spam system. They probably have a dedicated team of programmers, which write bots non-stop. In the end they could just claim "we reach even shithole sites like LJR!" Internet communities are very fragmented, outside of big social networks, and they don't want blind corners to form out of their reach.
| From: | sadkov |
Date: | September 30th, 2019 - 06:30 pm |
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And modern AI could help making the same message unrecognizable, picking proper synonyms and rephrasing it automatically.
| From: | sadkov |
Date: | September 30th, 2019 - 06:12 pm |
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| From: | sadkov |
Date: | September 30th, 2019 - 06:12 pm |
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Do note that andrusha does not have any mirrors of his LJR blog, not even at LJ (his livejournal is dead). And do note that he posts not reposts, but link with unfunny joke. And is able to (try to) keep dialogue in comments. Also, Verbitskiy can sing you a song of LJR people: he have seen how andrusha made a face-heel turn from liberalism to his current... errr... worldview. It wasn't in instant and, likely, was a creepy shit to watch. A literal deterioration of andrusha's intelligence and conscience. But this is an obvious proof that andrusha is just another retard and will post bullshit even for free. |