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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2020-07-23 17:19:00

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Настроение: tired
Музыка:Psychic TV - WHITE NIGHTS
Entry tags:revolution, usa

We win when we go down
Какая хорошая книжка
история Джонстауна, написанная сестрой
двух погибших там теток, которые были
лидерами культа.

Вообще это охуеннейший сайт
с бесценной коллекцией информации
по Джонстауну. Есть польза и
от американских гуманитариев.


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2020-07-23 23:49 (ссылка)
А при чем тут Революция?

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2020-07-24 00:09 (ссылка)

Jones: Please ... for God's sake, let's get on with that
we've lived ... we've lived as no other people have lived
and loved. We've had as much of this world that you're
gonna get. Let's just be done with it. Let's be done with
the agony of it ... (clapping and shouting in the
background). It's far, far harder to have to watch you
every day die slowly and from the time you were a child to
the time you get gray you're dying. ... dishonest and I'm
sure that they'll pay for it, they'll pay for it. This is
a revolutionary suicide. This is not a self-destructive
suicide. So they'll pay for this. They brought this upon
us and they'll pay for that. I leave that destiny to them.

Jones: ...who wants to go with their child has a right to go
with their child. I think it's humane. I wanna go ... I want
to see you go, though. They can take me and do with me
whatever they want to do. I wanta see you go. I don't
wanna see you go through this hell no more. No more, no
more, no more.

Jones: ... please, keep your emotions down, keep your
emotions down ... children, it will not hurt if you will
be, if you'll be quiet, if you'll be quiet.

Jones: It's never been done before you say? It's been done
by every tribe in history, every tribe facing
annihilation. All the Indians in the Amazon are doing it
now. They refuse to bring any babies into the world. They
kill every child that comes into the world, because they
don't want to live in this kind of a world. So be patient,
be patient ... death is ... I tell you I don't care how many
screams you hear, I don't care how many anguished cries ...
death is a million times preferable to ten more days of
this life. If you knew what was ahead of you, if you knew
what was ahead of you, you'd be glad to be stepping over
tonight. Death, death, death is common to people ... and the
Eskimos, they take death in their stride. Let's, let's be
dignified. If you'll quit telling them they're dying, if
you adults will stop some of this nonsense ... Adults,
adults, adults, I call on you to stop this nonsense. I
call on you to quit exciting your children when all
they're doing is going to a quiet rest. I call on you to
stop this now. If you have any respect at all... Are we
black, proud and Socialist, or what are we? Now stop this
nonsense, don't carry this on any more, you're exciting
your children.

Jones: All over and it's good. No, no sorrow that it's all
over. I'm glad it's over... Hurry, hurry my children,
hurry. All I say, let's not fall in the hands of the
enemy. Hurry, my children. Hurry ... there are seniors out
here that I'm concerned about. Hurry, I don't want to
leave my seniors to this mess. Quickly, quickly, quickly,
quickly, quickly ... sisters, good knowing you ... no more
pain now ... no more pain I said, Al, no more pain.

Jones: ... (unintelligible words) ... take our life from us,
we laid it down, we got tired. We didn't commit
suicide. We committed an act of revolutionary suicide
protesting the conditions of an inhumane world.

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2020-07-24 03:27 (ссылка)
The book The Road to Jonestown by Jeff Guinn states: "Jones had occasional sex with male followers" but "never as often as he did with women." It states he was most likely bisexual, but his main physical and sexual attraction was towards women.


While Jones banned sex among Temple members outside marriage, he voraciously engaged in sexual relations with both male and female Temple members.[102][103] Jones, however, claimed that he detested engaging in homosexual activity and did so only for the male temple adherents' own good, purportedly to connect them symbolically with him (Jones).

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2020-07-24 03:27 (ссылка)

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2020-07-24 03:24 (ссылка)
Обычные хиппари, дегенераты.

Вот это их любимая песня:


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2020-07-24 20:51 (ссылка)
да просто пиндосы, половина негры

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2020-07-24 14:32 (ссылка)
безо всякой связи эти ребята вспоминаются:


у них сайт хорошо сохранился и выжившие еще какое-то время промышляли веб-дизайном.

а относительно недавно другие ребята этому культу альбом посвятили, вот лайв нормальный: https://audiotree.tv/farout/drab-majesty

тебе наверное не зайдет такое

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2020-07-24 15:20 (ссылка)
тоже хорошие, да
но на них ЦРУ не наезжало вроде

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2020-07-24 15:36 (ссылка)
Drab Majesty мне нравится

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2020-07-24 18:33 (ссылка)
а вот есть еще такие ебанаты:
почему-то слабо раскрученные


2020-07-30 23:10 (ссылка)
>Вообще это охуеннейший сайт

Хороший, да. Но старый -- я помню, изучал его подробно в 2007 году еще. Сейчас таких небось не делают, все пошли на ебаную войну.

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2020-08-02 05:42 (ссылка)
Это кстати никакие не американские гуманитарии, они только хостят -- это лично Ребекка Мур с мужем (т.е. та тетка, которой книга). Судя, по всему, она просто очень хорошая, как и ее родители.

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