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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-10-31 13:00:00

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Настроение: annoyed
Музыка:Howard Drossin - Sendai Enclave
Entry tags:transitioning

Cops came again to harrass me
Currently ACABs impute me prostitution.
Last time they claimed I boiled a cat.
Before that they insisted I have a firearm.
And then that I'm a racist and a russophobe,
That I vandalize property and disturb order.
These transphones make up a reason of every type.

It is easy to harass trans folk.
Instead of going after actual criminals.
Who have real guns, not imaginary ones.
And if they want a whore, they should arrest their moms.

But I guess this time municipality unleashed them.
Since I filled multiple complaints against the municipality,
which impedes my inburgering.

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2024-10-31 14:47 (ссылка)
>sex work is not okay.

Unregulated sex work probably violates Dutch law. What are their laws regarding prostitution?

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2024-10-31 14:56 (ссылка)
Sex work is legal only at the licensed establishments in bigger cities (I'm not living in one), which hire only the mentally stable cis-gender women.

The license costs like $50,000 and is available to properly run companies. The sex workers have to be registered and undergo medical checkups. The girl with HIV are barred from work. The sex workers sign special contracts, which is akin to a freelance work obligation and is not considered proper employment. I.e. it doesn't cover insurances.

Obviously a sociopathic bipolar schizo trans girl wont be able to run a business or do any accounting at all.

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2024-10-31 15:06 (ссылка)
So you communicated to the government worker, by your appearance or in words, that you came to the Netherlands and now basically do illegal shit. Yes, "doing illegal shit" is not OK according to government workers.

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2024-10-31 15:11 (ссылка)
Fuck all governments.

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2024-10-31 15:16 (ссылка)
Good luck living comfortably in this world with such disposition. And governments aren't obliged to grant you their citizenship.

"Fuck all governments." is the wrong reply. The reply should be "I was a moron who couldn't contain myself, refused to consider other peoples perception of me, and the realistic consequences of a negative perception of me".

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2024-10-31 15:32 (ссылка)
Also, more surface level "I was a moron and told a government worker I do illegal shit". Not too different from "I sell drugs".

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2024-10-31 15:41 (ссылка)
>Drugs are bad!1111 Cocaine is only for the rich people!1111

What is next? "Pedophilia is only for Trump and Hunter Biden"?

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2024-10-31 16:07 (ссылка)
The world has always been like that. Know your place. Сперва добейся "the high enough influence and position to ignore the law".

Ну и на развитом западе threshold для положения в обществе которое позволяет игнорировать закон is incredibly high. Практически уже сворачивают такие возможности.

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2024-10-31 16:50 (ссылка)
And Hunter Biden / Trump are smart enough to not admit it. Even Epstein wasn't admitting to it. You admitted you do illegal stuff.

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2024-10-31 16:58 (ссылка)
nice, but it does not work like that: you cannot beg the government for money and shit on their rules at the same time.

if you do they won't pay and won't allow you things

then you'll be back whining here wait oh shit

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2024-10-31 15:08 (ссылка)
sociopathic isn't important here. Most top CEO and leaders of the world are at least partly sociopathic. The key word here is "low-functioning".

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