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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-11-06 12:35:00

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Настроение: amused
Entry tags:hamas, russia, terrorists, transitioning

Tramp's Victory
>>At least my refugee status is secured now.
>>As well as the status of all other trans.
>Speaking of "all other trans", Trump promised anti-trans federal level legislation if he's elected. So that's wrong.

I'm not in America. And Trump's law will mostly hit non-binaries and transtrenders.
They can only ban you from visiting female toilets when your pass is low enough.
What is more important, there will be less tolerance for Kamala's beloved Muslims,
which pose far higher danger to trans than the Trump's christcucks.

Christcucks will bitch, where Muslims will behead.

Such cases.

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2024-11-06 15:25 (ссылка)
Went beck to your vatnik roots it seems.

>Yet the humanity's main goal is to eliminate the American cannibals.

And go back to primitivism of lawlessness, feudalism and fiefdoms.

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2024-11-06 15:35 (ссылка)
If their laws ban injectable estradiol, these laws are evil and inhumane.
Better no laws.

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2024-11-06 15:37 (ссылка)
It's Netherlandish law, not American. America just respect Dutch sovereignty like it should. You have no one to blame but yourself, for you weakness and inability to immigrate to the country of your choosing.

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2024-11-06 15:39 (ссылка)
In America itself you can't buy injectible estradiol without a prescription.
And the prescription will cost thousands of USD.
So it is accessible only to the very rich people.
Which doesn't include trans girls, who can't get employment.

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2024-11-06 15:41 (ссылка)
Moreover, no doctors (even in America) will prescribe monotherapy doses.
The only way to obtain them is illegally.
Therefore America is utterly evil.
The only way to fix it is to destroy build a better country.
With different people.

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2024-11-06 15:48 (ссылка)
>doesn't include trans girls, who can't get employment.

Poor people in general are more fucked in the US, but what you said is only slightly true. It all depends on the state you are in, and how medical insurance is regulated there, and what are gender affirming care regulations. In northern liberal states and in Colorado things are as fine as they can be.

If you want the world where you get shit absolutely for free, you won't get such world. It's impossible. You are comparing reality with impossibility.

>injectible estradiol without a prescription.

No functioning state in the world will sell such drugs without prescription. It's either civilization, with computers, internet and complex chamical drugs, or total freedom, lawlessnes, statelessness, lack of chemists who can't even synthesize said estradiol. Choose. There is no third option.


"trans are slightly inconvenienced -> evil empire must be destroyed" is a hilariously stupid take, considering the alternatives. Another dumbass Sadkov tantrum.

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2024-11-06 15:53 (ссылка)
I want the world where I can get the shit at its manufacturing cost, without paying the parasites along the way, including the doctors selling prescriptions and the manufacturing monopolists.

Such world is possible under communism, where competition is completely banned.

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2024-11-06 16:08 (ссылка)
First, such world is called libertarian capitalism, because you can only get it without regulations and as close to manufacturing cost as possible only under such political regime, under strong competition that cuts unnecessary things in the cost of the product away. America is the closest country in the world to such regime.

Second, under communism nothing is going to get manufactured if it isn't ideologically justified. Considering previous communist (in their prime, not when they started to dissolve) regimes' bans on homosexuality and all things lgbt related, I wouldn't be too hopeful. Compared to markets, legal or illegal, they don't care about demand. As for paying parasites, even if they allow it (with mandatory prescription, screening and 10x the western bureaucracy) you will be paying parasites 10x the amount of money, directly, or in a hidden form, because communist economy is inherently inefficient, nobody works, nobody tries to improve shit, people play games on the job, relax, and everyone is equally poor as the result. Unless they choose to subsidize the price, but I don't see the reason for them to do that. And a communist economy is the absolute manufacturing monopoly. There would be no way to even buy it illegally if they refuse to make it, because there is no trade and borders are either closed, and if we are considering a globalist communism, so no alternative.

короче, бредни дебила непонимающего своего счастья.

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2024-11-06 16:17 (ссылка)
Libertarian capitalism is impossible.
It is like invisible pink unicorn.
There are no factors which can support its prolonged existence.
What is possible is totalitarian government allowing estradiol.
As a humane population control method.

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2024-11-06 16:26 (ссылка)
>Libertarian capitalism is impossible.

That's like saying freedom of speech is impossible, and yet Americans maintain it on the very high, almost unimaginable level for other countries.

Americans had libertarian capitalism for like 200 years, before it started to get extensive federal regulations. So returning to a less regulated state is much more reliable way to get what you want, then to rely on whims of some power monopoly. Even regulated democratic capitalism is more reliable than authoritarianism, because it's responsive to a) civil societal pressure b) demand pressure. Authoritarians aren't pressured by anything. They can do whatever they want, and trans people evoke natural disgust, so relying on them for trans is incredibly dumb.

>As a humane population control method.

The chances that they have the same ideas as you, and aren't building some "communist human of the future", a view of humanity that doesn't include deviances and ugliness, is pretty low.

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2024-11-06 16:31 (ссылка)
Freedom of speech is a harmful ability, used by populists to rally lynching crowd.
Hitler won democratic elections, which were possible due to freedom of speech.
Had Weimar government silenced Hitler, there would be no WW2 or Holocaust.
Time to recognize that bydlo is, like cattle, dumb and easily frightened.
Therefore only the trained herd handlers should be allowed right of speech.

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2024-11-06 16:39 (ссылка)
>Hitler won democratic elections, which were possible due to freedom of speech.

And he didn't lose elections again because he cancelled freedom of speech.
Any kind of freedom carries some amount of risk. People are the most safe in single cell prison.

And you are talking about absolutist freedom of speech, something that isn't practiced in Europe, but only in the US. (they have deepstate to, infiltrate, provoke, remove dangerous nazis, and so far this has been enough)

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2024-11-06 16:34 (ссылка)
>The chances that they have the same ideas as you, and aren't building some "communist human of the future", a view of humanity that doesn't include deviances and ugliness, is pretty low.

Such eugenics is capitalist, since it grows from the competition and free market economy.
People can get their expectation managed by allowing only the ugly products to the market.

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2024-11-06 16:42 (ссылка)
Capitalism doesn't care about your deviances ONE FUCKING BIT. It only cares about your money. And in liberalism its fundamentally forbidden to care about such things. All of that combined is the reason why it was the US that legalized and spread LGBT across the world, despite the christian conservative cultural fundamentals.


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2024-11-06 16:48 (ссылка)
Capitalism does care.
That is why businesses refuse to hire trans girls.
Unless government forces businesses to hire.
Say by passing diversity laws and providing tax relief.
But we all know that diversity laws are just a money laundering scheme,
which only makes plebs angry at trans girls of all involved parties.

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2024-11-06 17:21 (ссылка)
>That is why businesses refuse to hire trans girls.

Not really. They refuse to hire worthless trans girls, who aren't above the level of an average worker, to compensate for their transenss or psychiatric comorbidity, which fucks up cohesion in the workplace. In silicon valley there are sometimes more trans than cishet men.

And in big companies in non-prestigious jobs just don't care. But you refuse to do such jobs.

>that diversity laws are just a money laundering scheme,

We all don't know that. You made this shit up. The conservative supereme court extended Title VII protections to transgenders.

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2024-11-06 17:44 (ссылка)
Tell that to https://nypost.com/2024/10/31/us-news/transgender-woman-sues-upstate-hooters-for-not-hiring-her/

And I was also rejected from McDonalds and Starbucks.
You can't get any bigger than McDonalds.

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2024-11-06 17:56 (ссылка)
Hooters isn't any job. Hooters is the place where cishet men can enjoy a company of cishet women waitresses. This woman is literally a fucking trans activist hellbent on dismantling "cishet men enjoying cishet" women, misapplying the intent of the legislation.

>And I was also rejected from McDonalds and Starbucks.

You don't know Dutch you dumb shitfuck. Not to mention that the refugee status probably caries some bureaucratic burden for employers.

There are numerous jobs beside retail, or anything public facing.

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2024-11-06 19:01 (ссылка)
I prefer jobs which can be done with long nails.

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2024-11-06 19:41 (ссылка)
Садков Никита распределен на фабрику калош, и если будет выебываться получит пизды от комиссаров.

Nobody fucking cares what you or anyone else prefers. You live in the perfect communist society. The government knows better which job you should do. At least under capitalism you can apply to different jobs, and it is ultimately negotiable between you and the employer. If you can satisfy their demand then you are in, regardless of the formal requirements. Under communism you are trapped in state bureaucracy like everyone else.

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2024-11-06 19:46 (ссылка)
Так же были уголовные статьи за тунеядство, i.e. precisely what you've been doing during these past years. You are already a criminal according to the standard communist regime, even without all this trans shit.

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2024-11-07 11:27 (ссылка)
I have mental disability diagnosis.
So I will just keep leeching welfare,
while you enjoy painting the grass.

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2024-11-07 16:12 (ссылка)
You don't have shit. You have this diagnosis in corrupt Russia. You don't have it in the Netherlands or in any non-corrupt country. Mentally disabled individual is incapable of programming at all or learning a second language in their 30ies.

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2024-11-06 18:00 (ссылка)
Like you didn't know Hooters is literally a restaurant whose main feature is beautiful waitresses. It's a special place. Follow the link and compare the two photos -- the photo of the fat degenerate and the photo of the three cishet women with model appearance. It's fucking unsurprising that a fat transgender doesn't pass.

On the other hand on the job of a secretary, librarian, programmer -- nobidy fucking cares how you look.

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2024-11-06 18:01 (ссылка)
>nobody fucking cares how you look

And if they care, the level of preference for beauty isn't too strong. Ulgy people always suffer, and not only in capitalist societies -- they don't get promoted and are discriminated against in any. This is a natural instinct.

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2024-11-06 19:02 (ссылка)
>job of a secretary, librarian, programmer

These jobs require actually working, not just delivering dishes.

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2024-11-06 19:36 (ссылка)
>not just delivering dishes.

It's not just delivering dishes, these jobs require youth and beauty. It's fucking "NEWS at 11" that youth and beauty is in demand and life for people who are youthful and beautiful is much easier. Cishet women who are older than 28 are also seldom seen in Hooters restaurants as waitresses. Under communism it was just more veiled and much much more hypocritical.

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2024-11-07 16:59 (ссылка)
i.e. it's akin to complaining that fashion shows don't employ 80 year old grandmas with tits sagging below their knees.

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2024-11-06 18:41 (ссылка)
Under Soviet Communism applying for jobs wasn't even a concept. There was распределение. First, there would be no Hooters to begin with or course, and second, not getting a job in a particular place was the norm under communism.

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2024-11-06 19:03 (ссылка)
There were numerous ways to change jobs, by say sabotage or bribery.

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2024-11-06 19:32 (ссылка)
Саботаж помещает тебя в дурку или тюрягу. Взятки работают только в пределах discretion of the bureaucrat, т.е. переходы с работы на работу не обязательно включены. Иначе какой смысл делать распределение. Не говоря о том, что коррупция в системе считается коммунистами недостатком, и пережиток пост-крестьянского прошлого совков. Коммунизм построенный на базе дисциплинированного народа, вроде японцев или голландцев, не будет иметь таких недостатков, и взятки тебя тоже будут помещать в дурку, с высокой вероятностью. Так что с честным дисциплинированным народом ты сможешь испытать все прелести авторитарной жопы о которой мечтаешь.

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2024-11-06 20:47 (ссылка)
It depends on the type of sabotage and you being able to pull out your incompetency as being utterly stupid.
1. Misinterpret orders.
2. Work slowly.
3. Misscomunicate.
4. Appear inadequate.
5. Sow discord and provoke coworkers.
6. Produce defective results.
7. ???
8. Profit.

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2024-11-06 21:52 (ссылка)
If you think you can outsmart the commissar, you are giving yourself too much credit. You'll be either working, maybe poorly but still working, appearing on time at the job/room/factory, or in durka/prison. That is how it was in the USSR. And if we have North Korea like strict regime, or just good old Stalinist regime, you'll get gulaged promptly, building some railroad or canal in siberia with child's scoop, with "no food" as punishment, or just a bullet, for exactly the thing you are trying to do -- sabotage. Tolerating such BS only came later and is the reason why the Russian communist regime collapsed. Future communists will not repeat such mistakes.

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