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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-11-06 12:35:00

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Настроение: amused
Entry tags:hamas, russia, terrorists, transitioning

Tramp's Victory
>>At least my refugee status is secured now.
>>As well as the status of all other trans.
>Speaking of "all other trans", Trump promised anti-trans federal level legislation if he's elected. So that's wrong.

I'm not in America. And Trump's law will mostly hit non-binaries and transtrenders.
They can only ban you from visiting female toilets when your pass is low enough.
What is more important, there will be less tolerance for Kamala's beloved Muslims,
which pose far higher danger to trans than the Trump's christcucks.

Christcucks will bitch, where Muslims will behead.

Such cases.

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2024-11-06 15:52 (ссылка)
Че ты Комменты то трешь, пидрила сливающий агрумент?

Again, with what kind of magic will they ignore "trans girls" and go for Christians? You are the first in the beheading queue of the sunni kind. It's a fact. Not only you are an abomination according to them, you also practice sodomy, and compared to Christians they aren't liberal, and actually do throw the likes of you from the buildings' roofs.

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