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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2017-08-16 19:06:00

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Настроение: sick
Музыка:Otto Dix - Live in Saint-Petersburg 19.05.2017
Entry tags:anti-russia, nazi, usa

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Heather Heyer: Woman Killed in Road Rage Incident was a Fat, Childless 32-Year-Old Slut

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 13, 2017

The woman killed in yesterday's road rage incident has been identified as Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old overweight slob with no children.

Here's five fat facts you need to know.
1) She was Fat and a Drain on Society

Despite feigned outrage by the media, most people are glad she is dead, as she is the definition of uselessness. A 32-year-old woman without children is a burden on society and has no value.

Due to female privilege, and the fact that they do virtually nothing their entire lives, women live an average of 5 years longer than men. The average female lifespan is 81 years. That means for 49 more years, this fat slob would have been leeching off of men's work.

Childless women are black hole vortexes of public money and energy.

Had she not died yesterday, hundreds of thousands of dollars would have been spent on propping-up this gross creature who had failed to do her most basic duty - her only real duty, in fact - and reproduce.

Having no children at that age, it can be assumed that she had multiple abortions, and was thus herself a child murderer.
2) Too Fat to Dodge a Dodge

A Dodge Challenger is a fast car. Fat people like Heather fatty fat are slow, slow, slow.

In the video, you can clearly see that most people dodge the charging Dodge. Heather was unable to dodge the Dodge, because she was "just too fucking fat to really move much at all," according to one observer.

Whatever you think of the driver, it is clear that his actions saved us a lot of money. The costs of the food alone to sustain a woman of this size for another 49 years would be astronomical.
3) Protesting White Men

She was attending the rally to protest white men.

Her social media history shows that she sought the complete abolition of the white race.

Ironically, she hated the cops who attended this rally to support her anti-White agenda.

Here is her gay Facebook cover photo.

Her profile picture indicates that even at 32 years of age, she was still trying to get anonymous men to bone her. She would then no doubt try to guilt trip those men who got caught up in that situation (probably while drunk) into giving her their personal energies. All old fat sluts are psychic vampires, and it is clear that Heather Heyer was playing this game hard.

She was a Bernie Sanders supporter as well.

4) Driver was a Straight Player

The driver of the of the car, James Fields, was a hardcore player, and sources claim that he didn't give a fuck.

Despite the cool demeanor he shows in his social media profile pictures, it appears that road rage got the best of him.

Though many people are expressing outrage after the crash, there are also many wondering if the outrage is not simply player hatred, rather than actually concern over the death of some useless sow.

Elizabeth Warren, for instance, has repeatedly been accused of player hate.

Someone was murdered at a Neo-Nazi rally today. That happened. In America. In 2017. It's time to make clear where we stand - all of us.

- Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) August 13, 2017

In 2015, Warren co-sponsored the "Game Prevention Act" which sought to "shut down the game, to prevent players from playing women like fiddles."

Despite the fact that she claims not to hate the player
but simply "oppose the game," she has been dogged for
years over allegations of straight-up player hate.

5) Publicity Stunt by Dodge?

The same day of the crash, Dodge was promoting a "Roadkill Nights" event.

This is a screenshot from roadkill.com, the site they were using to promote that event:

It is extremely coincidental that Dodge would be promoting "Roadkill Nights" the same day as a driver of their vehicle roadkilled a fat woman.

This incident is extremely good viral advertising for Dodge, and I have no doubt that they will start advertising the Challenger as a "fatty smasher." They may also use the slogan "Dodge this!"

However, it is unlikely that James Fields would agree to be involved in a publicity stunt like this, as he is likely facing life in prison.

So it is more likely that it was just meme magic.

Отборная хуета, титаны Юзнета облизываются.

Девушка, которую убили сраные нацики, весьма милая

и (на фотках) не жирная совершенно.

Хотя, как по мне, уничтожать памятник генералу Ли -
дичайшее скотство, дичайшее. Но как-то это дело на
фоне бушующих скотоподобных нациков совершенно затерялось.


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2017-08-17 04:03 (ссылка)
Этого тоже хотят убрать с 20 баксов -- и слава богу.

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2017-08-17 04:26 (ссылка)
мерзейший персонаж, конечно
кстати, тоже идеолог рабовладения, причем изрядно зверского
а Ли, наоборот, к рабовладению относился совершенно без любви
(апропос, война вообще была не за это, рабство в юнионистских
штатах отменили только 1865-м, освободив последнюю пачку рабов,
40,000 человек)

то есть эти мудацкие SJW-наезды
на генерала - чисто virtue signalling,
вообще ни для чего

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2017-08-17 04:40 (ссылка)
>война вообще была не за это

За это, за это.

Были попытки писать, что не за это, но это как раз и есть мифология lost cause. Ревизионизм типа, ничему не отвечает.

>рабство в юнионистских штатах отменили только 1865-м

В 62м если правильно помню (но не рабство, а что-то типа признания права собственности на рабов -- т.е. купить нельзя, но если уже приехал со своим, то и хрен с тобой). Потому что дело серьезное, надо три раза подумать.

Но что из-за рабства, и именно из-за рабства, будет война, всем с минимумом мозгов было очевидно еще лет за 30 до -- даже у Токвиля написано, хотя он вообще был приезжий. Потому что естественным образом Юг с Севером не сходились, а расходились, никакой конвергенции не было.

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2017-08-17 04:52 (ссылка)
не, в Делавере и Кентукки например отменили только в 1965-м

During the Civil War, Delaware was a slave state that remained in the Union. (Delaware voters voted not to secede on January 3, 1861.) Delaware had been the first state to embrace the Union by ratifying the constitution, and would be the last to leave it, according to Delaware's governor at the time.[citation needed] Although most Delaware citizens who fought in the Civil War served in regiments on the Union side, some did, in fact, serve in Delaware companies on the Confederate side in the Maryland and Virginia Regiments.[citation needed]

The government of Delaware never formally abolished slavery; however, a large portion of the state's slave owners voluntarily freed their slaves.[citation needed]

Two months before the end of the Civil War, on February 8, 1865, Delaware voted to reject the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution and so voted unsuccessfully to continue slavery beyond the Civil War. Delaware symbolically ratified the amendment on February 12, 1901–40 years after Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. Slavery ended in Delaware only when the Thirteenth Amendment took effect in December 1865.


The Kentucky legislature considered a conditional ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment, to deny freedmen and other blacks constitutional rights and require them to leave the state within ten years of freedom. Instead, it rejected the Amendment.[4] Slavery legally ended in the US on December 18, 1865, when the 13th Amendment became part of the Constitution. However, due to resistance from slaveholders, slavery remained legal in Kentucky long after the conclusion of the war, leaving the rights of many black residents undefined. The 13th Amendment was not ratified in the state until 1976.

и не только там, конечно
война была не за/против рабства, но за экономику и пошлины,
а рабы сами по себе не были ни предлогом, ни причиной
(ну, рабы были нужны только для экспортной
экономики, то есть рабство не выживало при протекционизме,
на котором настаивали юнионисты, так что отмена рабства
следовала из всего остального пакета естественно; но только
в пакете со всем прочим)

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2017-08-17 05:05 (ссылка)
>но за экономику

Основанную на рабах.

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2017-08-17 05:07 (ссылка)
>и не только там, конечно

Только там конечно. Потому что оба были с рабством, но в союзе (единственные такие), и Линкольн не мог ничего с ним сделать, пока не выиграл войну.

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2017-08-17 05:16 (ссылка)
>Только там конечно.

не только
Legally, the last 40,000-45,000 slaves were freed in the last two slave states of Kentucky and Delaware[165] by the final ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution on December 18, 1865. Slaves still held in Tennessee, Kentucky, Kansas, New Jersey, Delaware, West Virginia, Maryland, Missouri, Washington, D.C., and twelve parishes of Louisiana[166] also became legally free on this date.
в конфедератских штатах рабство отменили раньше, чем в юнионистских
slave states

а вообще, дешевле было бы не воевать, а заплатить рабовладельцам
компенсацию и отменить рабство, но дело было совсем не в рабстве

American historian R.R. Palmer opined that the abolition of slavery in the United States without compensation to the former slave owners was an "annihilation of individual property rights without parallel...in the history of the Western world".[167] Economic historian Robert E. Wright argues that it would have been much cheaper, with minimal deaths, if the federal government had purchased and freed all the slaves, rather than fighting the Civil War.[168] Another economic historian, Roger Ransom, writes about how Gerald Gunderson compared compensated emancipation to the cost of the war and "notes that the two are roughly the same order of magnitude — 2.5 to 3.7 billion dollars" [169][170] Ransom also writes that compensated emancipation would have tripled federal outlays if paid over the period of 25 years and was a program that had no political support within the United States during the 1860s.[170]

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2017-08-17 05:20 (ссылка)
>Economic historian Robert E. Wright argues that it would have been much cheaper, with minimal deaths, if the federal government had purchased and freed all the slaves, rather than fighting the Civil War.

Постфактум все очень умные. А реально, было две несовместимых экономических модели, которые не хотели сходиться. И вариантов тут особых нет.

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2017-08-17 05:25 (ссылка)
и выплата 3 биллионов долларов Югу ликвидировала бы рабство,
но позволила бы южной форме экономики (экспортной) процветать
невозбранно. И война была не за рабов, а за то, чтоб эту форму
экономики уничтожить.

ну и молодцы, конечно,
в Бразилии и Аргентине не уничтожили, и получилось много хуевее,
при похожих стартовых условиях

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2017-08-17 05:27 (ссылка)
>ликвидировала бы рабство, но позволила бы южной форме экономики (экспортной) процветать невозбранно

Да нет, оно без рабского труда не функционировало. Ни экономика, ни тем более социум. Псевдофеодальное общество же.

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2017-08-17 05:38 (ссылка)
ну, 2 биллиона это нехуевые деньги, на них можно неплохо подняться

в Бразилии рабов примерно тогда же освободили, а экономика была
чисто экспортной вплоть до доктора Варгаса (обожаю его), в Аргентине
их вообще не было, а экономика либо экспортная, либо нет ее,
когда как

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2017-08-17 15:20 (ссылка)
необходим пойти войной на сибирь!

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2017-08-17 05:25 (ссылка)
Lincoln’s 1863 Emancipation Proclamation did not apply to the border states. Of the states that were exempted from the Proclamation, Maryland (1864),[10] Missouri (1865),[11][12] Tennessee (1865),[12] and West Virginia (1865)[13] abolished slavery before the war ended. However, Delaware [14] and Kentucky did not abolish slavery until December 1865, when the Thirteenth Amendment was ratified.[15]

Ок, Миссури и Мэриленд еще.

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2017-08-17 05:27 (ссылка)
и west virginia еще

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2017-08-17 21:15 (ссылка)
> война была не за/против рабства

"Articles of secession" почитай, болезный.

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2017-08-17 05:04 (ссылка)
Блядь, что я несу! -- запутал меня совсем.

>рабство в юнионистских штатах отменили только 1865-м

Бред же!

Beginning during the revolution and in the first two decades of the postwar era, every state in the North abolished slavery, ending with New Jersey in 1804.

The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order issued by President Lincoln on January 1, 1863. In a single stroke it changed the legal status, as recognized by the U.S. government, of 3 million slaves in designated areas of the Confederacy from "slave" to "free".

Т.е. на севере никакого рабства не было естественно; отменили его по всей стране (т.е. по факту, на территориях, завоеванных севером).

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2017-08-17 05:23 (ссылка)
>отменили его ...на территориях, завоеванных севером
это сразу, и без 13-го амендмента

амендмент понадобился в рабовладельческих
юнионистских штатах, которых было дофига вообще-то

At the start of the Civil War, there were 34 states in the United States, 15 of which were slave states. Eleven of these slave states issued various emergency declarations of secession from the United States to form the Confederacy and were represented in the Confederate Congress.[14][15] The slave states that stayed in the Union, Maryland, Missouri, Delaware, and Kentucky (called border states) were seated in the U.S. Congress. By the time the Emancipation Proclamation was issued in 1863, Tennessee was already in Union control. Accordingly, the Proclamation applied only to the 10 remaining Confederate states.

The border states of Maryland (November 1864),[16] Missouri (January 1865),[17] one of the Confederate states, Tennessee (January 1865),[18] and the new state of West Virginia (February 1865),[19] abolished slavery just prior to the end of the Civil War (May 1865). In the District of Columbia, slavery was abolished in 1862.[20] However, slavery persisted in Delaware,[21] Kentucky,[22] and 10 of the 11 of the former Confederate states, until the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished slavery throughout the United States on December 6, 1865, ending the distinction between slave and free states.


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2017-08-17 05:25 (ссылка)


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2017-08-17 05:38 (ссылка)

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2017-08-17 21:53 (ссылка)
4 1/2 (и минус округ, который отделился от западной вирджинии, дабы вступить в конфедерацию, как написано в познавательной книге "To kill a mockingbird").

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2017-08-18 12:24 (ссылка)
Дима, Миша, а что бы вы рекомендовали прочесть по войне севера и юга и за независимость кстати тожеэ? А то постоянные отсылки везде, а я это не знаю ни хера.

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