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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-10-10 02:04:00

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Настроение: sick
Entry tags:feminism, smeshnoe

Sorry, But Male Geniuses Are Replaceable
Потрясающее чтиво
"Незаменимых нет", феминист-версия.

Ну типа, после того, как всех "великих ученых"
расстреляют выгонят нахуй за metoo и для борьбы
с аблеизмом и меритократией, на их место наберут по
квотам от diversity and inclusion теток, которые будут
ничем не хуже, а на самом деле даже лучше, ибо
не похожи на "ученых", которые все насильники,
ибо смотрят порно любой человек, который
держит рычаги власти, неизбежно использует их
для изнасилований, и в первую очередь ученые,
а особенно физик Ричард Фейнман.

My partner, a physics major, still adores his 3-volume set

of Mr. Feynman's Lectures on Physics. Perhaps it's easier
to separate the scientist from his science when you're
not, and never will be, affected personally by misogyny
and sexism.

Unfortunately, many women in STEM are adversely affected
by misogynists and sexists when those men are highly
regarded and respected within the scientific
community. After all, sexual harassment isn't really about
sex - it's about power.

Then I ask you this: what's worth more, the contributions
of a lone male genius who assaults and harasses and
discriminates against women, or the contributions of a
large scientific community unhindered by a misogynistic
and unsafe environment?

As advocates of science, our answer should resoundingly be
the latter. The fact is, we are compromising the truth and
value of science by allowing harassers to perpetuate an
unacceptable working environment for female scientists.
To allow a sexist male "genius" to derail that progress
for the sake of upholding a toxic ideal is absurd.

Geniuses aren't all that special, anyway. Science is the
great equalizer - we are all replaceable. If one scientist
hadn't made a special discovery, surely another eventually
would have made the same one. This is why I believe it's
time to take a zero-tolerance stance on sexual
harassment. Unhindered by sexism and patriarchy and abuses
of power, science will thrive and progress will come that
much sooner.

* * *

Охуительно, я считаю.


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2019-10-10 12:44 (ссылка)
Ну как, Англия движется к американской модели.

В Америке, кстати, NSF мало того что крошечное и близко не позволяет откупиться от преподавания, оно еще и выдается теперь по совершенно мартышечьим механизмам, типа чья банда сильнее, того и бабки. Знакомым приходится же сидеть в этих панелях, они в шоке. Потому что коммерциализация образования ведет к росту идиотизма по экспоненте, и никак иначе.

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2019-10-10 22:13 (ссылка)
все так, увы

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2019-10-10 23:16 (ссылка)
Кинули линк на прикольную книгу кстати. Далеко не читал, но начало обнадеживающее.

Kurt works for a subcontractor for the German military. Or actually, he is employed by a subcontractor of a subcontractor of a subcontractor for the German military. Here is how he describes his work:

The German military has a subcontractor that does their IT work.

The IT firm has a subcontractor that does their logistics.

The logistics firm has a subcontractor that does their personnel management, and I work for that company.

Let’s say soldier A moves to an office two rooms farther down the hall. Instead of just carrying his computer over there, he has to fill out a form.

The IT subcontractor will get the form, people will read it and approve it, and forward it to the logistics firm.

The logistics firm will then have to approve the moving down the hall and will request personnel from us.

The office people in my company will then do whatever they do, and now I come in.

I get an email: “Be at barracks B at time C.” Usually these barracks are one hundred to five hundred kilometers [62–310 miles] away from my home, so I will get a rental car. I take the rental car, drive to the barracks, let dispatch know that I arrived, fill out a form, unhook the computer, load the computer into a box, seal the box, have a guy from the logistics firm carry the box to the next room, where I unseal the box, fill out another form, hook up the computer, call dispatch to tell them how long I took, get a couple of signatures, take my rental car back home, send dispatch a letter with all of the paperwork and then get paid.

So instead of the soldier carrying his computer for five meters, two people drive for a combined six to ten hours, fill out around fifteen pages of paperwork, and waste a good four hundred euros of taxpayers’ money.[4]

This might sound like a classic example of ridiculous military red tape of the sort Joseph Heller made famous in his 1961 novel Catch-22, except for one key element: almost nobody in this story actually works for the military. Technically, they’re all part of the private sector. There was a time, of course, when any national army also had its own communications, logistics, and personnel departments, but nowadays it all has to be done through multiple layers of private outsourcing.

Kurt’s job might be considered a paradigmatic example of a bullshit job for one simple reason: if the position were eliminated, it would make no discernible difference in the world. Likely as not, things would improve, since German military bases would presumably have to come up with a more reasonable way to move equipment.

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2019-10-11 10:43 (ссылка)
ты какой-то буйный, недовольный. риспиридона глотни.

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