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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2019-10-10 02:04:00

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Настроение: sick
Entry tags:feminism, smeshnoe

Sorry, But Male Geniuses Are Replaceable
Потрясающее чтиво
"Незаменимых нет", феминист-версия.

Ну типа, после того, как всех "великих ученых"
расстреляют выгонят нахуй за metoo и для борьбы
с аблеизмом и меритократией, на их место наберут по
квотам от diversity and inclusion теток, которые будут
ничем не хуже, а на самом деле даже лучше, ибо
не похожи на "ученых", которые все насильники,
ибо смотрят порно любой человек, который
держит рычаги власти, неизбежно использует их
для изнасилований, и в первую очередь ученые,
а особенно физик Ричард Фейнман.

My partner, a physics major, still adores his 3-volume set

of Mr. Feynman's Lectures on Physics. Perhaps it's easier
to separate the scientist from his science when you're
not, and never will be, affected personally by misogyny
and sexism.

Unfortunately, many women in STEM are adversely affected
by misogynists and sexists when those men are highly
regarded and respected within the scientific
community. After all, sexual harassment isn't really about
sex - it's about power.

Then I ask you this: what's worth more, the contributions
of a lone male genius who assaults and harasses and
discriminates against women, or the contributions of a
large scientific community unhindered by a misogynistic
and unsafe environment?

As advocates of science, our answer should resoundingly be
the latter. The fact is, we are compromising the truth and
value of science by allowing harassers to perpetuate an
unacceptable working environment for female scientists.
To allow a sexist male "genius" to derail that progress
for the sake of upholding a toxic ideal is absurd.

Geniuses aren't all that special, anyway. Science is the
great equalizer - we are all replaceable. If one scientist
hadn't made a special discovery, surely another eventually
would have made the same one. This is why I believe it's
time to take a zero-tolerance stance on sexual
harassment. Unhindered by sexism and patriarchy and abuses
of power, science will thrive and progress will come that
much sooner.

* * *

Охуительно, я считаю.


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2019-10-11 19:26 (ссылка)
Круто, если не выдумки -- про Миядзаки американцы почему-то много выдумывают херни на пустом месте, типа что Унесенная Призраками это аллюзия на чайлд-абьюз. Конкретно в этом мультфильме очевидно имеется в виду Волшебная Гора/Томас Манн, плюс этот конструктор действительно серьезно болел плевритом. Есть ли там еще и Фейнман, я не уверен.

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2019-10-11 23:06 (ссылка)
какие-то пиздяки-хуяки а по русски не умеешь разговаривать?

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2019-10-12 12:44 (ссылка)
>Есть ли там еще и Фейнман, я не уверен.

Вряд ли.

The plot follows a main character identified only with the pronoun "I" as he takes care for his fiancée, and then wife, Setsuko, who has been diagnosed with the disease, deciding to stay with her until her death.

Setsuko was modeled after Hori's own wife, Ayako Yano, who died of tuberculosis barely a year after their wedding, and who he accompanied to her death after a stay of a few months at a sanatorium at the foot of Mt. Yatsugatake in 1935.


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