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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2020-11-06 23:37:00

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Настроение: sick
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Entry tags:smeshnoe, usa

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из штата Мичиган, проголосовавших за
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вот еще про то же самое

ну прямо как в путинской России, точь в точь

я начинаю надеяться, что Байдена таки протащат в презики
потому что настолько криворукие уроды обязаны развалить
все, за что возьмутся, а возьмутся они исключительно
за нехорошее


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2020-11-09 03:22 (ссылка)
>новые времена, жажда ничто, имидж все.

Похоже, раньше дела обстояли примерно так же:

Stewart Brand is not the only veteran of other movements and other decades to have signed up for space. Timothy Leary, who is now as enthusiastic about space as he once was about LSD, attracted a full house to one conference meeting room to hear him address the subject of “The Psychological Effects of High-Orbital Migration.” Relaxed and healthy looking in a gray suit and open pink shirt, Leary was introduced as an “ethologist” and “the unofficial advertising arm of North American Rockwell.” He warmed to the applause and began, “It is always my pleasure to be at a place like this surrounded by people who share my visions of high altitudes and fast movement and precise linkups.” A few of the corporate scientists at the back of the room, not exactly sure they shared Leary’s visions, exchanged odd grins.

Leary proceeded to pay tribute to space pioneers Daedalus, Icarus, Leonardo da Vinci, “Wernher von Braun and his brilliant crew from Peenemunde,” Goddard, Homer, Gilgamesh, George Lucas and Pink Floyd, among others, and to lash out at “members of the so-called turned-on generation of the Sixties” who want to limit technology. “When Ralph Nader tells me that he wants my car to be slow, cheap, ugly and slow, he’s imposing a way of life on me that I’m going to resist to the bitter end.” Applause.

“I’m talking now to the hardware people,” Leary resumed, “and the aerospace tycoons in this audience, and I’m saying. ‘You guys are the evolutionary visionaries. . . . We’re reviewing in these rooms right now the most exciting ideas since sex.”‘ (In fact, the prospect of zero-gravity sex was a common topic of conversation among L-5 members in the hallways.)

The only problem with the space movement, Leary said, is that it hasn’t been properly sold to the public. But, he assured his audience, he was working on that. “I’ve been very busy in Hollywood. In the last six months I have – dare I use the word? – ‘turned on’ three Academy Award-winning scriptwriters to the inevitability, to the romance, to the challenge and to the excitement of space migration. So be of good cheer.”

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2020-11-09 23:51 (ссылка)
Хрен с ним с Лири, но интересно про OTRAG. Задавили гады задавили!

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2020-11-10 00:50 (ссылка)
Ага, я как-то писал про это.

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2020-11-10 00:58 (ссылка)
Да, я тогда не вьехал, подумал ну Мобуту, хуйня какая-то.

Так русские пытались попасть на Луну задешево, в принципе -- поставить обычные двигатели, но 30 штук. И все нахуй взорвалось из-за паразитных вибраций. У немцев могло бы и получиться.

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2020-11-10 01:34 (ссылка)
>не вьехал

Постоянно ленюсь стесняюсь сопроводительный текст писать, my bad.

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