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Пишет Misha Verbitsky ([info]tiphareth)
@ 2021-02-25 15:03:00

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Музыка:Scanner - FIBOLAE
Entry tags:putin, usa

вашингтонская коррупционная номенклатура
Про байдена и путлера
почему после "победы" Байдена нефть поднялась почти вдвое,
и почему политика в отношении сраной будет очень мягкой.

А чего вы хотели, к власти снова пришли вашингтонская
коррупционная номенклатура, в тандеме с банкирами и финансистами.
Сраная - хороший рынок для инвестиций, а для отмывки денег
вообще замечательный, байденовскому режиму ничего
другого и не надо. Тем более, номенклатурщик
номенклатурщику глаз не выклюет, одна гебешная олигархия
всегда договорится с другой гебешной олигархией.

Here before us is a Soviet archival document dated 9-20

April 1979, a top-secret report by a communist apparatchik
who had received a delegation of US Senators led by Joseph
Biden in 1979. After describing routine arms control
discussions, it quotes Biden as telling the Soviets
off-record that he did not really care about the
persecution of Russian dissidents. He and other Senators
might raise human rights issues with their Soviet
counterparts, but only to be seen by the [US] public as
defenders of human rights, not to have those problems
really solved. They would happily take no for an answer.


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2021-02-26 00:57 (ссылка)
Таки подорожала вся нефть, кроме российской.


А причина проста - неебательские морозы в европе и америке и не готовая местами к этому инфраструктура.

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2021-02-26 01:01 (ссылка)
причина в том, что Байден начал закрывать американскую нефтедобычу,
и заявил, что к концу срока закроет ее всю

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2021-02-26 01:30 (ссылка)
Что? Это на основании чего вообще такие выводы можно сделать?

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2021-02-26 01:46 (ссылка)

he Insane Cost Of Biden’s Fracking Ban

Hydraulic fracturing has made the United States the top oil and natural gas producer in the world and it has made the nation energy independent for the first time in 62 years. Yet, during stages in the campaign, potential Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris advocated a ban on fracking and a ban on drilling, sometimes entirely and sometimes only on federal lands and waters. A recent study shows that banning federal leasing and fracking on public and private lands would:

cost up to 7.5 million American jobs in 2022,
lead to a cumulative loss of $7.1 trillion in GDP by 2030,
reduce household incomes by $5,400 annually,
increase household energy costs by over $600 per year, and
reduce farm incomes by 43 percent due to higher energy costs.

The United States would also lose its energy independence from the Middle East, importing more than 40 percent of its oil and petroleum supplies by 2030. It would also result in the United States importing almost 30 percent of its natural gas, rather than being the net exporter of natural gas we currently are. The impact is dramatic because over 95 percent of U.S. natural gas and oil wells today are developed using hydraulic fracturing. The impact of the bans on top of the losses experienced due to the coronavirus lockdown would be devastating to Americans and the U.S. economy, while decreasing national energy security and lessening our influence in energy markets throughout the world.

Increase in Costs

Under the bans, on average, residential natural gas prices are expected to increase 58 percent, electricity prices to increase 20 percent and gasoline and heating oil prices are expected to each increase 15 percent. Despite consuming less due to the higher prices, the average U.S. household is projected to spend $618 more per year for its energy: gasoline, natural gas, electricity, and heating oil. From 2020 to 2030, average household energy use is projected to decline by 12 percent.

Due to higher energy costs, the cost of farming and manufacturing will also increase. The cost of wheat farming is projected to increase 64 percent, the cost of corn farming to increase 54 percent and the cost of soybean farming to increase 48 percent. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, direct and indirect energy costs can account for 36 percent to 48 percent of total production costs for crops.

Energy is a huge component of modern agriculture. Farms use energy directly in the form of electricity, diesel, gasoline, and natural gas. They use it to move water and to irrigate crops, which is very energy consuming. Farms also use significant amounts of energy intensive products, including pesticides and fertilizers, much of which is sourced from natural gas. For example, natural gas can account for between 75 percent and 85 percent of fertilizer manufacturing costs. A ban on fracking and federal leasing could increase the cost of natural gas delivered to fertilizer manufacturers by an average of more than 170 percent. Fertilizer prices have been kept much lower to farmers as a consequence of the decline in natural gas prices attributable to hydraulic fracturing.

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2021-02-27 12:57 (ссылка)

говорят пиздеж это всё. В wildlife refuge фракинг, и в арктике drilling запретил.

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2021-02-26 01:54 (ссылка)

Keystone XL shutdown may signal the end of major U.S. oil infrastructure
By Gerson Freitas Jr., Rachel Adams-Heard and Ellen Gilmer on 1/20/2021

(Bloomberg) --Joe Biden’s move to block the $9 billion Keystone XL project is the clearest sign yet that constructing a major new pipeline in the U.S. has become an impossible task.

The incoming president has pledged to reshape the U.S. energy sector and accelerate the transition from fossil fuels, and the cancellation of the proposed link to Canada’s oil sands will be one of his first big environmental actions.

Even before Biden’s inauguration, the oil and gas industry was on its back foot when it came to building major new infrastructure. Despite Donald Trump’s pro-fossil-fuel policies, energy companies such as Williams Cos. and Dominion Energy Inc. have been forced to scrap new projects in the face of stiff opposition.

“I can’t imagine going to my board and saying, ‘we want to build a new greenfield pipeline’,” Williams Chief Executive Officer Alan Armstrong said in an interview. “I do not think there will be any funding of any big cross-country greenfield pipelines, and I say that because of the amount of money that’s been wasted.”

The industry’s retreat is a victory for the environmental movement. Groups that once campaigned under the slogan Keep It In The Ground have increasingly turned their attention to the pipes. Building them in much of the U.S. is a far trickier business than drilling oil and gas wells. That’s due to the numerous federal and state permits that, for the most part, can be more easily litigated. The Trump administration sought to streamline federal permitting, but many projects were dealt a mortal blow in the courts.

“No one is going to announce a new pipeline while Joe Biden is the president,” said Katie Bays, managing director at FiscalNote Markets, which tracks policy issues for investors.

Pipelines are likely to face a more burdensome approval process under the new administration, according to industry watchers including analysts at Morgan Stanley. Armstrong, whose company operates the Transco gas pipeline that runs from the Gulf of Mexico up the East Coast, says costs associated with litigation, together with the risk of delays, mean the construction of interstate projects in the U.S. can no longer be justified.

He speaks from recent experience. Williams abandoned its Constitution natural gas pipeline in 2020 following years of legal battles with New York over a water permit. Its Northeast Supply Enhancement plan, which would have added pipeline segments in New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey to an existing Williams system, was also effectively killed off last year amid opposition from New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

In fact, 2020 proved to be an awful year for anyone trying to build a major pipeline. In July, Dominion and its partner Duke Energy Corp. scrapped plans for their $8 billion Atlantic Coast natural gas project along the U.S. East Coast after legal battles, permitting hiccups and ballooning costs. Less than 24 hours later, a U.S. court court ordered the shutdown of the Dakota Access crude oil pipeline -- though the order was later sidelined.

In Minnesota, on-the-ground protests from environmental and indigenous activists continue to dog Enbridge Inc.’s proposal to replace its Line 3 crude pipeline, which shuttles crude from Alberta to Wisconsin.

Meanwhile, the $6 billion, 303-mile (488-kilometer) Mountain Valley natural gas project -- which along with Line 3 are the last remaining mega pipeline projects still in development in the U.S. -- is running into regulatory hurdles after years of cost overruns and delays. Shares of Equitrans Midstream Corp., which is constructing the pipeline between West Virginia and southern Virginia, plunged 9.9% Tuesday after a meeting of federal regulators in Washington failed to advance the project.

Mountain Valley “might be the last one for a good long while,” said Christi Tezak, managing director at ClearView Energy Partners.

TC Energy Corp., which was set to build Keystone, on Wednesday lamented Biden’s decision and said it will cost thousands of jobs. The Canadian company could challenge the move, but “suing your way to successful completion of a project is never a good situation to be in,” Southern Methodist University energy law professor James Coleman said.

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2021-02-26 04:03 (ссылка)
эта хуйня не была построена и ничего никуда не поставляла, так что опять мимо

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2021-02-26 07:22 (ссылка)
Fracking ban - это убивание дальнейших перспектив нефте- и газо- добычи, а не сокращение текущего производства. Анализ должен быть тоньше и точнее.

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2021-02-26 07:52 (ссылка)
> дальнейших перспектив нефте- и газо- добычи

графички eroei для нефти, особенно сланцевой, не просто так перестали публиковать примерно после 2010, цензурят почище Навального

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2021-02-26 08:44 (ссылка)

так цены же формируются на 90% от перспектив рынка,
через фьючерсы (точнее, даже не от перспектив,
а от того, что биржевые игроки считают позицией
большинства других игроков)

то есть ожидание роста цен (даже беспочвенное)
само по себе приводит к росту цен

ситуация с ценами на сахар и бобы в начале 2010-х
самая характерная иллюстрация, сахар взлетел просто
потому, что рынок решил, что он взлетит, и бросился
покупать фьючерсы на сахар

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2021-02-26 09:54 (ссылка)
То есть Байдена нельзя было не избрать не потому что это была бы угроза демократии, а потому что это была бы угроза рынку. Очень занятно.

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2021-02-26 21:44 (ссылка)
Спекуляции спекуляциями, но есть еще fundamentals; и они вроде бы в том, что весь commodities boom первой половины 10-х это рост Китая (который кончился). Хотя вскрытие покажет конечно.

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2021-03-05 21:41 (ссылка)
>весь commodities boom первой половины 10-х это рост Китая (который кончился)

а теперь все китайцы покупают машины.

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2021-02-26 12:06 (ссылка)
текущее производство точно так же зависит от гидроразрыва пласта

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2021-02-26 02:03 (ссылка)
американская нефтедобыча это тот еще пузырь и судя по сообщениям - нехороший для экологии

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2021-02-26 11:43 (ссылка)
твой босс который тебя ебет пидорас, сраная лахта

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2021-02-26 15:48 (ссылка)
не гони, я не лахта и никто меня не ебет

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2021-02-26 22:24 (ссылка)
ты тупой лахтопидор и заливай свою хуйню на фейсбуке бабкам, иди нахуй с тифаретника гнида

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2021-02-26 22:48 (ссылка)
на блядь поешь, не ной


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