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Пишет DK ([info]k_d_s)
@ 2021-03-13 19:03:00

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Настроение: amused
Entry tags:eu, europa, frankreich, lustig, politik, uk

French call to replace English with Latin as Europe's official language
The Le Figaro article, penned by Sundar Ramanadane, claims Europe’s divorce from the English is complete, and says the feeling that French should be Europe’s lingua franca is hardly unique, pointing to articles by Germans that asks whether German should be the EU’s foremost language.

But for Ramandane, Latin is ideal. How does one revive an ancient, largely dead language? The case of Israel’s revival of Modern Hebrew is used as proof that it’s possible.

This is perceived as crucial and necessary if Europe will ever fulfil its dream of becoming more than a common market. The issue is an identity based on a common language and past, and this can never materialize in the status quo, he says.

Latin, he argues, is a natural choice. This is particularly given that every shared historical political experience in Europe leads back to Latin. From the Roman Empire and Christianity, to the Renaissance and Enlightenment, Latin was present throughout it all.

It’s not lacking for culture either, says Ramandane, used through nearly 2000 years of history as the only common link between European minds, leaders and scholars. He goes on to argue that it's no stranger to modern languages, having shaped them deeply.

More importantly, he argues, Latin is well-suited to politics. In fact, some of the greatest orators and legal experts spoke in Latin, and one that will make it possible to train political leaders and civil servants in rhetoric and logic, much like ancient Greece and Rome.

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2021-03-13 22:41 (ссылка)
Нежная девушка с именем Рита
Клитор дрочила куском динамита
Взрыв прогремел на улице Жданова
Жопа в Обухово, клитор в Чертаново

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2021-03-13 22:49 (ссылка)
Нежная девушка с именем Лёля %-)
Письку намылила нитрогликолем %-( )
Взрыв прогремел на улицах Углича %-(((((
Жопа в Тутаеве, клитр в Ярославле Ня!

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