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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-11-02 11:17:00

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Настроение: sad
Entry tags:russia, transitioning, ukraine, ww3

Alt-rights attack one of a few trans girls working in gamedev
Only because she is trans:

The right-wing argument: sexual exploitation grooming children who play games, whose devteam had a trans person.

And then they accuse us of doing prostitution because we can't find any work.

"Children are visiting this store, and you have trans working as a cashier!!!1"

Our only hope is WW3, which will conscript the right-wingers on all sides and make them kill each other.
Just like in their violent video games.

That is BTW why I always put WW3 nears transitioning.
We need this cleansing war, where all real men will purged once more.
It will also solve the overpopulation problem, caused by conservative values.
Only then we can hope seeing peaceful and sustainable development.

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2024-11-02 13:14 (ссылка)
Woke games also suffer from being boring and unexciting, too smoothed out. The visceral human experience that feels real can't be unoffensive. So these people literally enshittify the product.

For example the recent Space Marine game, which was pretty woke in it's representation, by including a black person and an asian into marines (somehow all cloned from the god emperor per the overarching narrative), wasn't particularly woke in its content -- masculinity, brotherhood, self-sacrifice, human-human violence, blood etc.

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2024-11-02 13:18 (ссылка)
If you want "visceral experience," why wont you join SVO or ATO?
Imagine the quality of murderings and rapenings awaiting you there!!!

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2024-11-02 13:36 (ссылка)
>why wont you join SVO or ATO?

Does this have to be explained? Because partly experiencing some shit, like life threatening danger in a horror movie, titillating one's senses just enough but not too much, AND WITHOUT any actual danger to yourself, is the attraction of entertainment media. If watching an action movie carried a danger of getting shot, or watching an Alien movie carried a danger of getting a facehugger onto your face with chestburster implanted into you, there wouldn't be many takers, even if it is quite exciting.

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2024-11-02 13:40 (ссылка)
You should join these things. Probably the ATO, considering your russophobic past and present. You've said many times that you are one of the mainliest trans persons. So Ukrainian army is the perfect place for you for putting what you preach into action.

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2024-11-02 14:02 (ссылка)
Not my problem.

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2024-11-02 14:09 (ссылка)
Only a man enough to be a "russophobe" against chickens.

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2024-11-02 14:10 (ссылка)
I mean roosters, not chicken accounts.

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2024-11-02 14:54 (ссылка)
btw, у кого-нибудь сохранилось the chicken account video?

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