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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-11-03 20:50:00

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Настроение: contemplative
Entry tags:russia, transitioning, ukraine, ww3

Z for Zeitgeist
People regularly accuse me of being pro-Russian.
So do I support Russia and why do I support Russia?

First of all, we need to define the term "Russia."
Usually country names refer to a set of territories.
What makes a territory into a country?

Of course the elites who hold it together.
The elites enforce the existence of the country.
So when I say "Russia" I mean Vladimir Putin's elites.
These people hold together the territories forming Russia.
That out of the way, lets proceed to my case.

Striving to be a rational agent, I support what is good for me.
Is Russia good for me personally?
I'm a refugee claiming asylum in Netherlands.
My asylum is on the grounds that Russia is unsafe.
If Russia disappears as it is, I will lose this right.
That will launch the procedure of repatriating me.
To the territory, inhabited by the rabid finno-ogres.
That will only lead to my demise.

So I support Russia, since while Russia exists I exist.
The victory of Russia in Ukraine will mean strengthening of Russia.
Here again when I say "Russia" I mean Putin's ruling elites.
I don't mean the subhuman beasts populating the territories.

Further, Russia now cleanses the high testosterone men.
Under the pretense of war.
High testosterone men are dangerous for me.
So it is rational to support their cleansing.

Now, support can be financial or informational.
I don't produce any income for Russia.
But I must do my best to support the Russian informational war.
Since the victory of Russia is my victory.

Am I doing my best? - that should be the question.

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2024-11-03 22:30 (ссылка)
we know

born Russian, grown up Russian - forever Russian

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2024-11-03 22:53 (ссылка)
Better being a Russian trans girl than being a dumb oinker dying for nothing lol

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2024-11-03 23:04 (ссылка)
You are totally right

Cause anything other than dying is better than "being a Russian trans girl" your way

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2024-11-03 23:18 (ссылка)
stay mad, misogynistic transphobe

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2024-11-03 23:50 (ссылка)
man, you right, your ways aren't totally bad, but these are just so not good!

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