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Пишет iv_g ([info]iv_g)
@ 2010-08-24 01:00:00

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Entry tags:en, wikipedia.org, диаграмма, диаграмма добыча, месторождение гигантское, мир, планы, рейтинги, таблица, углеводороды

wikipedia: Oil megaprojects
New Supply Addition per Country from Oil Megaprojects
Volumes shown are in thousand barrels per day.

New gross supply additions from Megaprojects.

Percentage of new supply additions (2003-2018) per country. The "Others" category includes countries with less than 1% contribution.

Liquid additions by category coming from oil megaprojects: NGL=Natural Gas Liquids, unconventional=Bitumen, synthetic oil from tar sands, GTL, etc.. Projects with no specified category were added to the crude oil/condensate group.

Number of oil fields discovered per decades grouped by average flow rates (left) and corresponding oil volumes (right) in giga-barrels (Gb).