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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-11-28 13:57:00

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Настроение: amused
Entry tags:russia, transitioning, ukraine, ww3

Homosexuality is the foundation for the male hierarchy
Remember kids: girls don't form hierarchies and dislike competition. Only the males enter dick-measuring contests.

A woman doesn't need to be the very best.
She just needs to be cute and wholesome.

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2024-11-28 17:10 (ссылка)
>are inborn artists and creators, while men are born to ruin everything.

So women are inborn artists who don't do any art but instead "show their bodies and dresses, looking for sugar daddies" while doing "free callisthenics and skating, which is just a form of self expression".", otherwise why most recognized artists are men?

Like both "women are infantile attention seeking whores" and "women are innately creative, while men are not" both insane and just wrong.

There are gender differences but they are nowhere as extreme as you want them to be, and certainly there isn't a gender that is defined by mentally ill behavior.

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