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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-11-28 13:57:00

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Настроение: amused
Entry tags:russia, transitioning, ukraine, ww3

Homosexuality is the foundation for the male hierarchy
Remember kids: girls don't form hierarchies and dislike competition. Only the males enter dick-measuring contests.

A woman doesn't need to be the very best.
She just needs to be cute and wholesome.

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2024-11-28 16:09 (ссылка)
>Ballet is worse than a World War.

ok, nigga

Also, only FtMs go to the competitive sports. Non manly women at max do free callisthenics and skating, which is just a form of self expression. If girls ever play chess that is just a venue to show their bodies and dresses, looking for sugar daddies or just an attention seeking behavior. Same way Van Gogh and Vermeer are not competing with each other. True artists do imitate but never try to dominate each other with their big dick art. So women, being narcissistic, are inborn artists and creators, while men are born to ruin everything.

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2024-11-28 16:18 (ссылка)
>Same way Van Gogh and Vermeer are not competing with each other. True artists do imitate but never try to dominate each other with their big dick art.

Еще одно высосанное из пальца утверждение. Причем если я сейчас приведу примеры как художники конкурировали друг с другом, ты заявишь, что это ненастоящие художники и выпишешь их из художников, как только что произошло с женщинами. При попытке сравнить твой мир с реальностью, ты просто отрезаешь неудобные куски реальности и остаёшься в прекрасном выдуманном мире. Тоже вариант.

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2024-11-28 23:12 (ссылка)
Violent and aggressive rapists can turn even self expression into competition

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2024-11-28 23:22 (ссылка)
кстати, а словари тоже придумали мужчины? женщины могут вложить в слова любой смысл

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2024-11-28 16:51 (ссылка)
>only FtMs go to the competitive sports.

You must be fucking high. How was it possible to miss all the news about MtF athletes who won first places using their male musculoskeletal structure, causing lots of controversy in the west?

>Non manly women

Your definition of a non-manly woman is a infantile whore. Not only this is some made up fantasy of an insane moron who is disconencted from reality, it is also a literal impossibility in terms of human evolution -- a population where women are a parasitic anchor is uncopmetitive with a population where they contribute, and therefore can't be the ones who survived.

>venue to show their bodies and dresses, looking for sugar daddies

It seems you are only capable of extrapolating an existing stereotype into extreme absurdity, without any care about what's actually happening. Like literally redefined his psychological defects as "feminine", convinced himself that it's true, and isn't embarrassed write shit based on these absurd assumptions. You should have transitioned into the only gender that's appropriate for you -- it's called "Sadkov". The unique gender that only Sadkov has.

>never try to dominate each other with their big dick art.

Big dick art gives social status and increases male attractiveness in the eyes of normal women. The fuck are you talking about?

>So women, being narcissistic,

Another made up statement.

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2024-11-28 23:13 (ссылка)
>MtF athletes

doesn't compute

conservatives are completely right on calling them men.
since only men enjoy athleticism, especially competitive one.

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2024-11-29 00:55 (ссылка)
>I redefine everything that doesn't fit my world view


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2024-11-29 01:12 (ссылка)
Well, women don't enjoy programming the same way they don't enjoy athleticism. i.e. there are some athletes and cis women programmers/gamedevs, but not a lot and not prominent. That makes you a man.

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2024-12-01 20:25 (ссылка)
I don't do programming in any meaningful way.
For me it is like gardening hobby.

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2024-11-28 17:10 (ссылка)
>are inborn artists and creators, while men are born to ruin everything.

So women are inborn artists who don't do any art but instead "show their bodies and dresses, looking for sugar daddies" while doing "free callisthenics and skating, which is just a form of self expression".", otherwise why most recognized artists are men?

Like both "women are infantile attention seeking whores" and "women are innately creative, while men are not" both insane and just wrong.

There are gender differences but they are nowhere as extreme as you want them to be, and certainly there isn't a gender that is defined by mentally ill behavior.

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2024-11-28 17:34 (ссылка)
>ok, nigga

Ok, MtS (Male to Sadkov) transitioner

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2024-11-28 22:49 (ссылка)
>Ballet is worse than a World War.

Men are just one half of the humanity's whole, that evolved according to the environment back then. There are literally lizards like Komodo dragons and female only lizards that multiply through parthenogenesis, and there aren't any kind of imaginary hugbox bullshit among them. And since Humans are animals too, without men women would naturally take men-like characteristics over time, unless some centralized control is maintained that would inhibit the natural course of events.

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