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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-11-02 11:17:00

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Настроение: sad
Entry tags:russia, transitioning, ukraine, ww3

Alt-rights attack one of a few trans girls working in gamedev
Only because she is trans:

The right-wing argument: sexual exploitation grooming children who play games, whose devteam had a trans person.

And then they accuse us of doing prostitution because we can't find any work.

"Children are visiting this store, and you have trans working as a cashier!!!1"

Our only hope is WW3, which will conscript the right-wingers on all sides and make them kill each other.
Just like in their violent video games.

That is BTW why I always put WW3 nears transitioning.
We need this cleansing war, where all real men will purged once more.
It will also solve the overpopulation problem, caused by conservative values.
Only then we can hope seeing peaceful and sustainable development.

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2024-11-02 12:04 (ссылка)
Ensuring that characters of all colors are represented in game is not censorship.
That isn't even a gameplay mechanics, just cosmetics.

Real game censorship would be banning some piece from the tetris set or nerfing overpowered unit in Starcraft.
That is what should be causing outrage, not that the tetris piece is black or gay.

"Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important" -- John Carmack

so deal with it, nazi

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2024-11-02 12:12 (ссылка)
>Ensuring that characters of all colors are represented in game is not censorship.

It's censorship of non-woke games. It's perfectly simple. If there is a narrative consultant, disability consultant, they are there to push/enforce certain viewpoint.

And it's as if you don't have any core. You oscillate between positions, and argue all of them, driven by a whim of the moment. A perennial hypocrite. This same transgender person (not transsexual, per ideology) would have ate you with shit for everything you've said and plan to do in your game.

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2024-11-02 12:21 (ссылка)
My game is a personal project.
It is a chance for me to express my feelings and ideas.
Bioware goyslop is huge AAA project, intended for mass consumption.
It has to unite a large 345 million nation and its exclaves.
Like some disney movie.
That is the reason they dumb down gameplay amd use disney art style.
To make it accessible to wider masses of plebs.
My game is not targeted at anyone.

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2024-11-02 12:34 (ссылка)
Пальчиковые игры с детишками надо оставить 57 школе.

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2024-11-02 12:43 (ссылка)
>It has to unite

Who said that? Who ordered that? Это эквивалент "в каждой организации должен быть политрук, чтобы не было брожения умов".

Who said the nation can't dissolve if the people within it find it uncomfortable to live together? Западные страны вообще-то на бумаге либеральные демократии со свободой слова, Америка по крайней мере. In theory there is no limits on the narrative and representation that the actual game developers choose beside demand and public backlash, potential deplatforming. Want to target game to asians, it's their right. If they want to maximize profits, then they target game to whites(european aesthetic, less ethnic representation), because in the west (especially in Europe) they are still the absolute majority. Increasing representation doesn't necessarily increase profits, it often lowers them. So the shit they are pushing is mostly ideological, to appease the "gaming journalists". Some might find the situation where the universally woke gaming "journalists" (who nobody reads / listens to btw) created an artificial demand for censorship to be rightfully unpleasant.

>That is the reason they dumb down gameplay

They don't dumb down the gameplay to unite the nation, they do it to make it playable by children and by the people to the left side of the IQ distribution.

>To make it accessible

Making it accessible isn't uniting the nation.

There is an argument to make that the zoomers in the west are so deeply brainwashed with wokeness and muttness that there indeed a natural demand for this shit, and a need for a political consultant who would ensure that "non-offensiveness" isn't violated. Not sure about it. I doubt it.

The truth is, I think, is that regular writers, with the title "writer", not a variant of "woke consultant", are perfectly capable of feeling the zeitgeist, their environment and their culture, and do something that wouldn't endanger their carrer, without these people whose title is basically "political commissar" or "a person with neovagina".

>My game is not targeted at anyone.

It doesn't matter. You still defend a complete toxic parasite, who would have destroyed your life without any regrets.

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2024-11-02 12:53 (ссылка)
>It doesn't matter. You still defend a complete toxic parasite, who would have destroyed your life without any regrets.

My life is already destroyed by alt-rights and other conservatives, starting with my own family.

Then again, I don't stand in anyone's way.
If she attacks me in an editorial piece, that will only give me PR.
When you're nobody, any kind of PR and controversy are good.
That is why I burned that hamster alive. It gave me some.

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2024-11-02 13:03 (ссылка)
>If she attacks me in an editorial piece, that will only give me PR.

That's assuming you have nothing to lose. But it isn't guaranteed that you'll have nothing to lose in the future. There is a non-zero chance. These people will come when you have something to lose, and make you lose it. Situational "morality" of yours (if it can be called that) is just dumb and hypocritical. "I'll change my opinion by then into diametrically opposed one" is probably what you think, but that's a psycho behavior.

>already destroyed by

Mostly by your own self by being too self-centered, impulsive, psychopathic, and not very smart. Ideology didn't play any significant role here.

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2024-11-02 13:16 (ссылка)
The best she can do is sending my photo to all Dutch cosmetics stores, starting with Etos, warning them of potential shoplifting. lol

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2024-11-02 13:38 (ссылка)
Again that's right now. If your game takes off, you'll have something to lose, and won't need to shoplift.

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2024-11-02 13:56 (ссылка)
But it wont "take off."
It is not designed to "take off."

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2024-11-02 14:01 (ссылка)
It can take of without being designed to take off, against your wishes. Sometimes it happens.

But it's fucking amazing how you do everything to suffer, and than blame other people for your suffering.

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2024-11-02 13:14 (ссылка)
Woke games also suffer from being boring and unexciting, too smoothed out. The visceral human experience that feels real can't be unoffensive. So these people literally enshittify the product.

For example the recent Space Marine game, which was pretty woke in it's representation, by including a black person and an asian into marines (somehow all cloned from the god emperor per the overarching narrative), wasn't particularly woke in its content -- masculinity, brotherhood, self-sacrifice, human-human violence, blood etc.

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2024-11-02 13:18 (ссылка)
If you want "visceral experience," why wont you join SVO or ATO?
Imagine the quality of murderings and rapenings awaiting you there!!!

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2024-11-02 13:36 (ссылка)
>why wont you join SVO or ATO?

Does this have to be explained? Because partly experiencing some shit, like life threatening danger in a horror movie, titillating one's senses just enough but not too much, AND WITHOUT any actual danger to yourself, is the attraction of entertainment media. If watching an action movie carried a danger of getting shot, or watching an Alien movie carried a danger of getting a facehugger onto your face with chestburster implanted into you, there wouldn't be many takers, even if it is quite exciting.

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2024-11-02 13:40 (ссылка)
You should join these things. Probably the ATO, considering your russophobic past and present. You've said many times that you are one of the mainliest trans persons. So Ukrainian army is the perfect place for you for putting what you preach into action.

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2024-11-02 14:02 (ссылка)
Not my problem.

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2024-11-02 14:09 (ссылка)
Only a man enough to be a "russophobe" against chickens.

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2024-11-02 14:10 (ссылка)
I mean roosters, not chicken accounts.

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2024-11-02 14:54 (ссылка)
btw, у кого-нибудь сохранилось the chicken account video?

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2024-11-02 13:49 (ссылка)
Не нравится - создай НОВОКЕ ГАМЕС, ИНК, не нанимай в нее транс-тетеньку из ОП, пили скрепные игрушки про ветеранский пердеж и борьбу с гендерно-нейтральными туалетами.
Если их запретят на гос уровне - тогда вопи про цензуру.

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2024-11-02 12:16 (ссылка)
So my complaint is that Bioware dumbed down the game mechanics.
But that trans apparently wasn't responsible for the game design.
She did only the world building and writing cosmetics.
Which right-wingers insist are not violent-enough.
Then again, right-wingers want Moonman Doom.
They pay attention to this game only because of a trans dev.

Just like me, since I don't care what Bioware produced since BG2.

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2024-11-02 12:23 (ссылка)
The game itself is mediocre in all aspects -- linear, boring, extremely generic. The presence of "consultants" who are there because of their identity is one of the reasons, but of course not the main.

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2024-11-02 12:25 (ссылка)
Just like the most action games, since Doom.
People who wanted non-linearity played https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Core_War

Deal with it, normgroid.

(Ответить) (Уровень выше) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2024-11-02 12:44 (ссылка)
No. It's mediocre among the action games. You are neurologically incapable of understanding it, so relax.

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2024-11-02 12:56 (ссылка)
>explains his superior taste for shit and the ability to differentiate all kinds of shit

ok, normie.

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2024-11-02 13:04 (ссылка)
It's just a dimension of human experience which is inaccessible to you.

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2024-11-02 13:16 (ссылка)
>inaccessible to you.

Like feelings love, friendship, comradery, and many other normal human feelings and experiences.

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2024-11-02 16:34 (ссылка)

Михаил Додик Шварц, программист ПНД "Хуйлашки" (Гродно).

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2024-11-02 16:58 (ссылка)
Приболел наверна обвафленной кропалик, простата измучала, печень пошаливает, почке нахуй отваливаюца; в таком возрасте инторнеты смерти подобны га га.

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