Ваша история не самая ужасная.
Самая ужасная история на моей памяти была,
когда актифист "бригады ФСБ" Максимов ("хакер Хэлл"),
в сотрудничестве с сотрудниками ФСБ довел
дочку писателя Мальгина до суицида, и после
ее смерти публиковал у нас на сервере
порнографические изображения, прифотошопленные
к ее фотографиям. Все это шло параллельно с
взломами Мальгина, уничтожением его блогов,
публикацией переписки и гебешной травлей
из сотни бот-аккаунтов.
Я предложил добавить в правила
"В случае вопиющих противоречий с общепринятой этикой,
Попечительский Совет может применить санкции к нарушителю,
на усмотрение участников Попечительского Совета.
Решение о санкциях такого рода принимается только
большинством в 4/5 списочного состава Попечительского
и уничтожить гебиста:
http://lj.rossia.org/community/ljr_popechiteli/2745.html?thread=71609#t71609Меня не поддержали
(можете посмотреть там в комментах, сколько на меня
говна выложили).
Гебиста снесли с сервера в скором времени,
потому что он решил взломать юзера, который
смешно подставился, но правила менять никто
не будет даже по такому (достаточно форсмажорному)
поводу как доведение до самоубийства живого
человека (дочери Мальгина; и попытка доведения
до самоубийства лично Мальгина).
Причем там действовали не только в онлайне,
но и в офф-лайне: то есть это была полноценная
спецоперация, осуществленная гебе в лучших
советских традициях, начавшаяся с соблазнения
дочки офицером гебе, курировавшим Мальгина,
и закончившаяся конфискацией и уничтожением
ее ноутбука. Все это шло параллельно с
рейдерским наездом гебе, который закончился
отъемом собственности ценой в десятки
миллионов долларов (одновременно с
самоубийством дочери).
Я сожалею, но ради свободы слова приходится
идти на жертвы. Можете посмотреть, сколько
говна аналогичный ублюдок невозбранно
выливает на меня и на мою жену,
http://lj.rossia.org/users/veniamin/tag/%D0%A4%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%BC%D0%B0%D0%BDhttp://lj.rossia.org/users/veniamin/tag/%D0%92%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9вы еще легко отделались тащемта.
Но настоящие мастера своего дела вот
http://www.theonion.com/article/larry-flynt-has-sex-with-own-mother-in-outhouse-985Larry Flynt Has Sex With Own Mother In Outhouse
KNOB CREEK, KY—In an incident that has shocked and
repulsed even the most fervent free-expression advocates,
controversial Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt had
sexual intercourse with his own mother in an outhouse
According to reports, not only did Flynt place his mother
"face-first in an outhouse shit-hole" near Flynt's
poverty-stricken, white trash, backwoods place of birth
before "taking her from behind like a dog," but he was
also surrounded by pigs, sheep, convicted felons,
born-again evangelists, Mafia-linked magazine
distributors, and a huge-phallused caricature of Santa
Claus at the time.
Larry Flynt, seen here attending the premiere of
People Vs. Larry Flynt, recently had an outhouse
liaison with his own mother (inset). Flynt has vowed to
fight himself in court over the sex act, which he called
"unconscionable and sick."
According to reports, not only did Flynt place his mother
"face-first in an outhouse shit-hole" near Flynt's
poverty-stricken, white trash, backwoods place of birth
before "taking her from behind like a dog," but he was
also surrounded by pigs, sheep, convicted felons,
born-again evangelists, Mafia-linked magazine
distributors, and a huge-phallused caricature of Santa
Claus at the time.
Particularly nauseating, sources say, was the fact that
during the incestuous act, Flynt's colostomy bag exploded
violently, covering Flynt, his mother, and all onlookers
in a torrential shower of his own feces. Flynt, who is
described by close friends and colleagues as a "perverted
bastard," does not possess control over his own bowels.
The liaison, which is said to have been possibly the
single most obscene and degrading act in human history,
has left everyone from right-wing Christian leaders to
ACLU lawyers to Larry Flynt himself condemning the
sickening, depraved display.
"I cannot in good conscience allow myself to continue this
sick, hideous abomination against all that is decent,"
Flynt said shortly after completion of the sexual
liaison. "Our nation's children must be protected from
filth like myself!"
Flynt added that videos of the event are available for
$29.95 from Larry Flynt Publications, Inc.
Though confined to a wheelchair after being paralyzed by
an assailant's bullet during a Georgia obscenity trial in
1978, Flynt, who can feel no sensation beneath the waist,
was able to achieve erection and sexually penetrate his
81-year-old mother, Dolores Flynt. His success was largely
due to a special penile implant that allows him to
partially imitate the mechanics of sexual intercourse in a
grotesque parody of the act of human love.
"If the Constitution will protect me, then it will protect
all of you, because I'm the worst," Flynt said. "But this
time, I've gone too far. I swear to God, I'll sue the
pants off myself for doing this to Mama, even if I have to
chase myself all the way to the Supreme Court."
ACLU lawyer Dan Glickman agreed with Flynt. "The right of
all Americans to free expression, no matter how offensive
that expression may seem to others, is the cornerstone of
the liberties we as a nation hold as our highest
principles," Glickman said. "Nonetheless, I think we
should fry that sick Larry Flynt bastard."
In the wake of the incident, Flynt held a special prayer
service Tuesday at his Los Angeles-area mansion. "And now,
let us lower our heads in silent prayer," Flynt, hands
folded, told the assembled crowd. "Sweet Jesus in heaven,
hallelujah. Praised be our Savior on high. Christ, we
beseech you in Your Father's name, save us all, in Your
mercy, from me, Larry Flynt, a sick, disgusting, crippled,
drug-addled, perverted, fat, shit-covered pig of a man who
would just as soon vomit in Your Most Holy face as listen
to this sanctimonious, hypocritical bullshit a minute
longer. Holy shit, there I go again, Lord!"
Flynt's mother was unavailable for comment at press time,
as she was posing for a pictorial in her son's magazine.
Нашему местечковому маразматику до них срать
и срать. Свобода слова она такая, не дает жить спокойно.
В общем, искренне сочувствую, но ничего сделать не могу.
Такие дела