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Frequently Asked Questions [Dec. 24th, 2018|01:14 pm]
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1. How can there be equality in an adult-child relationship when there is such a power imbalance?

2. How absolute is your belief that pre-pubescent girls should not be penetrated?

3. Exactly what do you consider an ‘appropriate’ age for sexual relationships? And why?

4. What can anyone do to stop the abuse towards children?

5. Don’t you worry that the content of your website will drive some people to act upon their urges?

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An Open Letter to Wolak, Finkelhor and Mitchell [Dec. 22nd, 2018|03:35 pm]
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An Open Letter to Wolak, Finkelhor and Mitchell
Why are adult-teen relationships illegal?

Dear Drs. Wolak, Finkelhor and Mitchell,

In 2004, you released a paper that showed in detail the circumstances surrounding sexual liaisons between adults and teens that were initiated over the Internet. The findings of the study, Internet-initiated sex crimes against minors: Implications for prevention based on findings from a national study, were contrary to popular belief. While many believe that young teens are deceived into sexual relationships with adults, your study showed that this is not usually the case. On the contrary, it showed that most teens entering into such relationships do so with the full knowledge that the relationship is going to be sexual. Furthermore, it appears to inidicate that sex does not traumatize the teens as much as the drama resulting from the discovery of the relationship by other adults. Indeed, 73% of the teens in the study met their adult lovers more than once; 59% of them meeting three or more times.

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What is a Childlover; What Is a Child Molester? [Dec. 22nd, 2018|03:32 pm]
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What is a Childlover; What Is a Child Molester?
Practical Steps for Preventing Child Sexual Abuse

In our society today, whenever one hears about children being abducted or molested, the automatic reaction is to assume that a pedophile did it. This is so much the case that the word pedophile has become synonymous with child molester. But is this association accurate? Many specialists in human sexuality have stated quite clearly that there is a clear distinction between the two. Furthermore, they have shown that much of the child molestation that takes place is at the hands of people who are not childlovers at all. So what then is a childlover?

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Use of the Word "Pedophilia" - A stock letter to distribute to those using the word incorrectly [Dec. 22nd, 2018|03:29 pm]
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Unfortunately, our society uses the word “pedophilia” interchangeably with the term “child molester”, even though there are many pedophiles who would never dream of harming a child and there are many child molesters who are not pedophiles. It is important for pedophiles to point out incorrect usage of terminology whenever possible and to encourage the media and private organizations to make the distinction and use correct terminology.

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What Is an Amarso? Favorite Son or Subversive? [Dec. 22nd, 2018|03:27 pm]
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Sitting on a park bench
Eying little girls with bad intent
Snot is running down his nose
Greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes
Drying in the cold sun
Watching as the frilly panties run
Feeling like a dead duck
Spitting out pieces of his broken luck

—Jethro Tull, Aqualung

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Significant Other: Living with a Childlover [Dec. 22nd, 2018|03:24 pm]
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It can be very difficult to discover that your partner, the person you have learned to love and trust, is a childlover. Even if you are confident that they have never engaged in illegal activity, you may have feelings of inadequacy, jealousy and confusion as to what their feelings mean and how it affects your relationship. Here is some practical advice on dealing with your partner and his attraction.

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Child Sexuality and Modern Society [Dec. 22nd, 2018|03:22 pm]
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Many people assume that as a childlover, I must appreciate the move in society towards the sexualization of children, particularly in the news media. They think that I must derive some sort of benefit from the encouragement of increasingly sexual behavior amongst children as well as the marketing of increasingly provocative clothing for children. Unfortunately, just the opposite is true. The commercialization of sex and the elevation of a child as a sexual object are precisely the opposite of that for which I strive.

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The Scarlet Letter [Dec. 22nd, 2018|03:36 am]
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It is now official. Brad Henry, the governor of Oklahoma, has signed a new scarlet letter measure, Senate Bill 35 into law. Under the new legislation, which takes effect on the first of November this year, will require the driving licences of registered sex offenders to bear the text ‘Sex Offender’. Within one hundred eighty days of the law coming into effect, all sex offenders in the state will be required to surrender their existing licence and receive a new one. This way, everybody who might need the bearer to identify himself will know that he is on the sex offender registry. If the affected person wishes to apply for a job, apply for housing, open a bank account, write a cheque, apply for a loan or credit card, purchase alcohol, rent a car, check in to a hotel, deal with the government, travel by air or any of a myriad other things, he will, in effect, have to inform the people that he is dealing with that he is a registered sex offender. Many people will say that this is a good thing. But is it really?

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Running Away with Older Men: The Real Tragedy [Dec. 22nd, 2018|03:23 am]
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In recent years, much has been made of the phenomenon of teenaged girls running off with older men. This is not necessarily because it is happening now significantly more often than it did in the past. Instead, there are two factors that have brought it to the fore. The hysteria about amaros and the Internet, which makes it possible for girls to conduct relationships more privately than they have been able to in the past. Yet while society sees that such occurrences are tragic, it fails to understand why they are tragic. Society believes that the tragedy is that these girls run away, but the real tragedy is that they must run away.

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Pharmacological Child Abuse [Dec. 22nd, 2018|03:21 am]
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The first long-term study on the effect of Ritalin™ on preschoolers has been published in the Evil Empire. Not surprisingly, considering the prevailing tendency to prefer pharmacological rather than holistic approaches to behaviour modification, the study concluded that, whilst risks do exist, the stimulant can be effective at dampening the ‘hyperactivity’ of some of the youngsters. Whilst the studies authors stress the effectiveness of this drug in some cases, the study concludes that fully four in ten of its subjects experienced complications from the use of methylphenidate (the drug’s generic name). In eleven percent of the cases, the side effects were so severe that the children had to drop out of the study completely. Overall, the drugged children grew less and gained weight less rapidly than is normal for their age range. These findings ought to be enough to result in loud public calls to put an end to the drugging of children, yet only a few prominent voices are saying this and these voices are largely drowned out by the pro-doping lobby. Whatever happened to the Hippocratic Oath? I thought that doctors were supposed to not do harm, yet it is obvious that many children are indeed being harmed by this drug. The explosion of prescriptions of this drug in the Evil Empire over the last decade (it has been in use for forty years) and a half, not only for preschoolers but for minors in general, is nothing less than institutionalised abuse.

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The New Sexual Revolution [Dec. 21st, 2018|09:20 pm]
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The new sexual revolution is upon us. As religious conservatives and media sympathetic to them watch on in horror, this revolution takes root. It does not yet spread like wildfire; its spread is more haphazard, like the hot spots that flare up in some brush fires. Still, there is good reason to believe that this spread will hasten in coming years, despite the frantic efforts of many who would like to see it stopped. No matter how hard churches, schools and parents try, they are not going to stop their children — even their younger children — from having sex. Sexual knowledge and curiosity — much of it fueled by media, popular culture and, more recently, the Internet — has now saturated the awareness of children to the point that it is inevitable that more and more of them will attempt to engage in sexual activity. Many of those will succeed. Whether this new sexual revolution becomes an experience that affirms and celebrates the sexuality of all people or a traumatic experience that threatens not only the moral fiber of society but the psychological and physical wellbeing of its participants depends very much on how adults respond to it.

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Is it Possible to Have a Meaningful Relationship with a Young Girl? [Dec. 21st, 2018|09:16 pm]
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Many people mistakenly assume that a girllover is solely attracted to young girls for sexual purposes because they do not think that it is possible for an adult to have a meaningful relationship with a young person I believe, however, that it is indeed very possible, and can be very beneficial for both parties. Our society teaches us that young people are incapable of thinking for themselves and clings to the idyllic myth that children are a blank book. Yet while young people have a more rudimentary education than those who have completed their schooling, they are by no means incapable of having deep thoughts.

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Child Protection: Where New Draft Law Falls Short [Dec. 21st, 2018|09:11 pm]
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Amidst great fanfare, yet another draft ‘child protection’ statute has been introduced. The new law, the Children's Safety Act of 2005 promises to get tough on sex offenders to ensure that they are unable to get close enough to children to harm them. On the surface, such a goal seems noble. In a year that has seen such high-profile cases such as Jessica Lunsford, Sarah Lunde and Shasta and Dylan Groene, the public, hyped to a fever pitch by sensational ‘child protection’ advocates such as John Walsh, is baying for blood. Unfortunately, however, this new law does not address the real sources of the problem of child sexual abuse. All it achieves is to brand yet more visibly those who have been convicted of such offenses in the past, ensuring that they will be yet more stigmatized and unable to re-integrate into society. Fortunately, at least one voice, that of Patty Wetterling, a United States Senate hopeful and the mother of a missing child, is questioning several of the provisions of the draft bill.

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Protecting Girls from Themselves? [Dec. 21st, 2018|09:09 pm]
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A number of recent cases have once again shown the idiocy of consent laws. In these cases, adults have been sent off to prison for consensual relationships with young girls who actively participated in — even initiated — activities they found enjoyable with a person of their own choice. In fact, the active role of the girls in question have even been acknowledged by the judges in these cases. So why do we continue to criminalise such activity when it is increasingly evident that children are indeed able to determine if they wish to be initimate with another person?

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Proposition 83 [Dec. 21st, 2018|09:05 pm]
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Last week, California voters approved Proposition Eighty-Three overwhelmingly, by a margin of seventy-one percent to twenty-nine percent. The measure, which is the most Draconian of the so-called ‘Jessica’s Laws’ to take effect so far in the Evil Empire, bans people on the sex offenders registry from living within two thousand feet (six hundred metres) of a school or a park, requires lifetime satellite tracking of sex offenders, makes more sex offenders eligible for indefinite, involuntary commitment to mental hospitals and increases sentences for a number of offenses. In other words, the Golden State’s voters have passed a resolution that runs afoul of the constitutional ban on being punished twice for the same crime (no matter what anybody says, this measure is indeed punitive), spits in the face of the ban on cruel and unusual punishment and effectively bans anybody on the offenders registry from living in most urban and suburban areas. Yet even before the proposition’s supporters could finish their bubbly, a federal injunction blocked key provisions of the law pending judicial review of its constitutionality. Furthermore, prosecutors in Iowa, where a similar but less Draconian law has already been in effect for a couple of years, are warning openly that the law may be doing more damage than good.

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Why we are Making Little Progress in our Cause [Dec. 21st, 2018|08:55 pm]
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Many of us amarsi continually complain about the lack of progress we are making in winning acceptance for our orientation. Indeed, we are quick to point out how resistance to amaros is in many places actually increasing rather than the reverse. At the same time, however, the methods we are employing are inadequate and must be augmented by other types of activities if we are ever to have a chance of winning acceptance from the wider public.

Unfortunately, the reason that our methodology is inadequate is often because there is actually no methodology at all as we are doing little or nothing to promote our cause. Instead, we often rely on the work of those who do not share our orientation at all to demonstrate its validity. What methodology we do have is too heavily reliant on facts and generally deficient in emotional and aesthetic content.

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Children, Profit and Ethics - On the Acceptability of Suggestive and Pornographic Images of Children [Dec. 21st, 2018|04:24 am]
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Children are money-spinners.

Throughout history, the talents of children and their images have been a commercial boon for those who have had the opportunity to harness and sell these commodities. Even in mainstream society today, the market is flooded with images of children, films featuring children and other commercial enterprises featuring the talents, bodies and faces of children. While often concerned voices have been raised to question the moral and ethical correctness of this commercialization of youth, society has always chosen to disregard these concerns and the profit motive, as it so often does, has proven a stronger factor in determining acceptability.

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The Inalienable Rights of Amarsi [Dec. 21st, 2018|04:17 am]
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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

—The Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies

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What Happens When My Girlfriend Gets Older? [Dec. 21st, 2018|04:03 am]
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By its very nature, amaros is perceived by many to be a promiscuous orientation, since it is an attraction to a specific age group. Common logic has it that the childlover is inclined just to discard his young lover when she has passed out of his age of attraction. This does not, however have to be the case, and no true child lover would be so callous as to subject his young lover to such hurt and rejection for such a superficial reason.

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The Myth of Stranger Abduction and Sexual Abuse of Children [Dec. 21st, 2018|04:00 am]
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Following the tragic death of Carlie Brucia in February, we have seen yet another legislative effort to try and prevent a similar fate befalling other children. Whilst the prevention of child abduction and murder is a noble cause, the legislation being thrown at the issue is often misguided, as it fails to address the real problems causing such sad incidents to occur. Like Megan’s Law, the proposed Carlie’s Law is unlikely to prevent abductions from occurring, whilst likely imposing a double jeopardy on law breakers. Furthermore, it totally overlooks the fact that stranger abductions are extremely rare. In order to prevent violent acts against children, society needs to face the fact that an overwhelming percentage of such violence is perpetrated by the family and friends of the child, not strangers.

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MySpace: Liberator of Youth [Dec. 20th, 2018|11:14 pm]
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Adults are becoming increasingly afraid of the Internet. The professed reason, of course, is that it is a dangerous place filled with people who wish to exploit impressionable youth. But the true reason is much different. The Internet is an instrument of freedom and disaffected youth, once limited by their ability to crawl out the window without being caught (made especialy difficult, but not impossible, if you have louvre windows and two barking dachsunds in the next yard like I did growing up), can now virtually cross the planet with a site such as MySpace.

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Preteen Modelling Sites [Dec. 20th, 2018|10:44 pm]
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Nearly as ludicrous as the crusade of the Zealots of the Right™ against the ‘preteen modelling’ industry is the silence of that very industry about the true purpose of its existence. Every time a news item emerges exposing various websites or an indictment is announced of a website operator of photographer that has provided ‘preteen modelling’ photographs to the public, there is public outrage that such sites can exist and nada from the industry. No solidarity amongst website operators, supporting the efforts of others. No public condemnation of the witchhunt against the purveryors of these photographs. Instead, these website operators scurry for cover, hide under a rock until the storm has passed and wait for the sun to emerge again before continuing to provide girllovers (and there are ‘modelling’ sites for boylovers too) with their weekly skin fix. Look at the example of the operators of the Playtoy sites. Whilst they are the Larry Flynts of the industry in tawdriness, they want nothing to do with his legendary outspokenness. Instead, after they were spoken badly of in the New York Times, they yanked all of their sites for several weeks until things calmed down a bit (can you imagine Larry Flynt diving for cover?). The only thing that most of these folks care about is protecting their profits. They seem wholly uninterested in publicly debating the various issues surrounding the existence of these sites. How cowardly.

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Living with Amaros: A Practical Guide [Dec. 19th, 2018|12:05 pm]
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Many amarsi who have recently come to terms with their sexual orientation. arrive at that point triumphant but confused. Whilst the self-acceptance has lifted a weight off of their shoulders, they find themselves wholly unaware of how to proceed with the childlove that they possess. In this short primer, I hope to provide a practical guide to living with this gift as well as point the way to resources that can make it easier to do so.

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Modern-Day Lepers Live under Bridge [Dec. 19th, 2018|12:01 pm]
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Homelessness is a bad enough problem on its own. The problem is especially abominable when the state of homelessness is imposed upon its victims by law enforcement. Yet this is precisely what is happening in the enlightened state of Florida in the Evil Empire: The Richest Nation in the World™. We have seen a rise in the number of municipal statutes that establish so-called pedophile exclusion zones. This, however, does not reflect the myriad other restrictions imposed by private individuals that affect where folks on the sex offenders registry can live. In the case at hand, three men on the registry in Miami, Florida claim the area under a bridge as their residence and the bridge is officially listed as their address on the Florida Department of Law Enforcement website. The men are unable to find adequate housing — even in a homeless shelter — because of their status as sex offenders. Most affordable housing is out of reach because it is too close to the schools or parks that they are required to stay away from. When Sanchez complained that he had no address to provide because of his troubles finding housing, his probation officer, according to official records, told him “Go over the bridge. Once over the bridge, go under it towards the west side as far as you can go.” Whatever you think of these men, both of whom were convicted of sexual battery by an adult of a victim under the age of twelve, it seems quite a reach to expect that they will be able to lead productive, law-abiding lives when they are forced to exist in such a fashion.

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KTRH Interview, 20 April, 2007 [Dec. 19th, 2018|11:27 am]
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S.B.: This is S.B. on KTRH.com. Joining me now from the Netherlands is L.A., who runs a website that is controversial, to say the least. He is championing and defending pedophiles. Mr. A., can you just start out by explaining why you feel you need to do this?

LA: There are a lot of purposes, really. Primarily, I need to raise awareness that there is a distinct difference between a pedophile and a child molester. Very often, in the media the distinction is blurred between the two and people do not understand that a pedophile is somebody who has an attraction to children but does not necessarily act upon the attraction. Whereas, a child molester is somebody who has violated the law and may or may not be a pedophile.

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KCTV5 Interview, 29 September, 2005 [Dec. 19th, 2018|11:23 am]
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SС: And what do you call home? Do you have a home these days, or…

LA: Prague. That’s where I spend the most time and have the most friends.

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Jim Crow in California [Dec. 19th, 2018|11:19 am]
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If the supporters of a California ballot initiative get their way, Jim Crow will once again be alive and well — this time in the Evil Empire’s most populous state. The proposed ‘Jessica’s Law’, named after Jessica Lunsford, a Florida girl raped and killed by a sex offender in two thousand five, would introduce one of the most restrictive regimes in the nation for regulating people listed on the registry of sex offenders, making an Ohio New Jim Crow statute look downright liberal. The proposed California statute has three major provisions: a prohibition of any registered sex offender living within two thousand feet of any school or park, lifetime GPS monitoring of sex offenders who have committed felonies and the possibility to indefinitely detain offenders in mental hospitals.

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Moral Interference: Should Laws Be Used to Enforce Personal Morals? [Dec. 19th, 2018|11:14 am]
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22-year old Matthew Koso of Nebraska fell in love with a girl of twelve who was enrolled in the same special education program as he. One thing led to another and the couple wound up in bed together. Eventually, this union resulted in the girl becoming pregnant when she was thirteen. The girl’s mother, knowing that it was possible for the pair to get married legally in neighboring Kansas as long as she consented, gave Koso permission to take the girl and marry her in Hiawatha, just across the border.

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Power Imbalances in the Parent-Child Relationship [Dec. 19th, 2018|11:11 am]
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One of the most common arguments against adult-child sexual or romantic relationships is that the child is at an irreconcilable disadvantage becuase of the immense power advantage of the adult. Proponents of this argument state that the adult possesses superior experience and mental capabilities that make it possible to manipulate and coerce the child and, failing in that, has an overwhelming physical advantage that enables him to obtain what he wants by force. They also point out that the adult has an additional societal advantage by virtue of the fact that children are taught to be obedient to adults and to respect their authority. Whilst I would agree that these conditions do indeed exist, I do not believe that power imbalances between children and adults or the potential for their abuse are the exclusive domain of romantic or intimate relationships. Throughout childhood, children are subjected to many highly unequal relationships with adults. The most lopsided of these relationships is also the most hallowed: that which they share with their own parents. Unfortunately, it is also within this relationship that children are most likely to be abused. We cannot assume that a biological link between parent and child ensures the altruism of a parent’s behaviour towards the child. Increasing the rights of children can reduce the potential for abuse in all power-imbalance relationships, including those that are romantic or intimate.

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Tales from the Gulag: Vienna, Virginia [Dec. 19th, 2018|11:08 am]
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It appears that some adults want for children to not only abstain from sexual contact but from all contact whatsoever. One such group of adults is the faculty at the Joyce Kilmer Middle School in Vienna, Virginia. The school, it has recently come out, has a ‘no touching’ policy that not only covers sexual or violent touching but also hand-shaking, high fives and … embracing. A male student at the school recently went afoul of this Draconian restriction when he went over to sit next to his girlfriend during lunch and did the unthinkable: he put his arm around her. Not a mauling, mind you, but a tender gesture meant to convey his affection for a girl who was a happy recipient. His misdemeanour was spotted by an eagle-eyed school security official who sent him to the school office for a dressing down. The absurdity of this situation does not stop here. The seventh-grader was then cited for not one, but two infractions of the school conduct code. Not only did he illegally touch another student, he left his assigned seat in the school cafeteria without permission. He was warned that a third infraction could result in more serious consequences such as detention or suspension.

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The Culture of Fear: Does it Really Protect Children? [Dec. 19th, 2018|11:06 am]
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An eleven-year old hiking in the woods was separated from his group. Rather than stick to trails and head downhill, for four days Brennan Hawkins worked his way uphill and deliberately stayed off of the trails when he heard others — searchers who were trying to rescue him — approaching. How is it possible that the common sense and survival instincts of this boy were short-circuited at such a crucial point in his life? Fear. Hawkins’ parents taught him to be afraid of strangers so effectively that he endangered his own life by avoiding them. Fortunately, Hawkins was ultimately rescued and returned to his family, but his case brings up an important question: is fear really an effective tool to protect our children? Would not education and empowerment be more effective?

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False Security: Megan’s Law Did Not Protect Jessica Lunsford [Dec. 19th, 2018|11:02 am]
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It has happened once again. A beautiful young girl has been stolen from her own bedroom at night and killed. We all watched with sadness as news reports flashed her smiling face on our screens only to announce that the search for her had yielded no results. Finally, nearly a month after she went missing, our sadness turned to horror as police announced that a registered sex offender, John Couey, had admitted to abducting and killing young Jessica Lunsford. Yet this happened in the state of Florida, which in addition to a sexual offender registry law (Megan’s Law), requires sex offenders to notify police before they move as part of their probation and has its sexual offender registry publicly available over the Internet. Why is it then, with all of this legislation in effect to protect the innocent that young Jessica was still the victim of this awful crime? The answer is quite simple: Megan’s Laws are not, and cannot ever be, effective. They provide a false sense of security whilst violating the United States Constitution.

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Our Ethos [Dec. 19th, 2018|10:52 am]
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There is ample medical and scientific evidence which indicates that children are sexual beings from a very early age. Throughout history, there have always been adults who have been attracted to children. Both coercive and consensual relationships between adults and children are well-documented.

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Ethical Considerations in Relationships with Young Girls [Dec. 19th, 2018|10:42 am]
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One of the ongoing dilemmas faced by proponents of inter-generational relationships between adults and girls is the question of permanence in relationships, and whether sexual relationships with young girls based solely on physical desire are morally and ethically acceptable. In this debate, two major schools of thought have emerged. The first contends that since young people inevitably grow up and ultimately pass out of one's age of attraction, all such relationships are by necessity temporary, and that stronger bonds of love that one might form with an adult partner should not be encouraged. The second viewpoint argues that the basis of such relationships should be nobler than pure lust, and that it is morally repugnant to discard one's young lover simply because she has grown 'too old'. Whilst I am primarily an adherent to the latter opinion, I must also admit that, theoretically, there can be a valid ethical basis for certain parts of the first viewpoint as well.

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Young People and Education [Dec. 19th, 2018|10:39 am]
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One of the persistent arguments put forward by people opposed to amaros is that young people are not mature enough to cope with deep emotional attachments. These people go on to say that young people are unable to discern right from wrong, do not understand the possible consequences of their actions, and thus are not able to think or make decisions for themselves. In some cases this is true, so we must consider the reasons for why this occurs and how it can be remedied.

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An Open Letter to Religious Leaders: What is the True Purpose of Easter? [Dec. 19th, 2018|10:34 am]
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Throughout the history of Western civilization, organized religion has played a pivotal role in shaping the beliefs and convictions of people. Indeed, it has played a fundamental role in creating and preserving the moral and ethical code adhered to by so many in our civilization today. Where religious leaders have erred, people have followed them; where they have been enlightened, people have grown in wisdom.

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Is Amaros a Deviance? [Dec. 19th, 2018|10:18 am]
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A sociology student recently pointed out to me that pedophilia is widely accepted by sociologists to be a deviance. I would add that the American Psychological Association in its DSM-IV diagnostic guidelines considers pedophilia to be a paraphilia, in other words a deviant sexual behavior or a disorder. Bearing these things in mind, I would like to make a couple of points. Firstly, ‘soft’ sciences such as psychology and sociology are by no means precise. The work of professionals in these fields consists of observing behavior, looking for patterns in that behavior, classifying that behavior and looking into the causative factors related to that behavior. While they can use statistical analysis to demonstrate trends in behavior, they cannot definitively prove their theories.

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A ChildLover's Creed [Dec. 19th, 2018|10:11 am]
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As well as a compact between ourelves and society, parents and the children we love, we also propose a code of ethics between ourselves and the young people specifically. This creed or covenant represents a list of pledges we aim to keep in any romantic relationship we enter into.

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Why Age of Consent Laws Should Be Abolished [Dec. 19th, 2018|10:08 am]
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Age of consent laws were purportedly created in order to protect innocent children against the sexual advances of unscrupulous adults. The justification for such laws is that people under a certain age are unable to consent to sexual activity as they are unable to understand fully the ramifications and long-term effects of their actions. Furthermore, many believe that these laws serve as a deterrent to child molesters and child rapists. While in some cases, this may be true, age of consent laws do much more harm than good for the following reasons:

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Confessions of an Amarso [Dec. 19th, 2018|10:00 am]
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I love little girls.

I am a pedophile.

I am proud of who I am.

I hope that some day, I will be able to utter these words openly, audibly, and without fear of persecution and ostracism. I hope that someday you will accept me for what I am and cease to judge me.

If you are like most people, you have already condemned me. You have already decided that I am a pervert or a deviant. You already wish you knew who and where I am so that you could at the very least denounce me and publicly shame me; at worst cause me bodily harm or kill me.

If you are still reading this, I implore you to read on with an open mind, and listen to what I have to say. I urge you not to judge me until you have more facts about who and what I am.

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Sex Offenders to Descend upon Miami [Dec. 19th, 2018|04:40 am]
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Sex Offenders to Descend upon Miami

I read with great interest yesterday about a group that is organising a demonstration in Miami to protest the deplorable conditions in which a number of registered sex offenders in that unfortunate state are being forced to live. As I wrote back in March, several men are being force to live under Miami’s Julia Tuttle Causeway because they are unable to find adequate housing anywhere else. Local laws do not allow them to live within twenty-five hundred feet (more than one kilometre) of any place where children congregate. Furthermore, local homeless shelters have turned the men away due to their sex offender status. The most egregious thing here is that not only are these people living under a bridge but they have been ordered to do so by local authorities, who visit the area under the bridge each night to verify compliance. Now, SO-Clear, a sex offenders’ advocacy group based in Clackamas, Oregon, is planning to decamp to Miami to spearhead a protest to draw attention to the situation that these people have found themselves in. Notably, SO-Clear has attracted the support of the Hope 4 Tomorrow Foundation, a charity dedicated to “improving the lives of children” throughout the country. The fact that this protest will not be peopled solely by sex offenders, but also by child protection advocates, makes it an excellent opportunity for anybody to show up in support without fear of being stigmatised or classified. I encourage anybody who has the time and means to show up in Miami next month to do so.

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The Jack McClellan Panic [Dec. 19th, 2018|04:29 am]
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The Jack McClellan Panic

Everybody knows somebody who looks like Jack McClellan. With his unassuming demeanour, he could be anybody: a son, brother, chum or boyfriend. In fact, that is why people fear McClellan so much. He reminds them too much of somebody they know. He is too familiar. Yet at the same time, McClellan fearlessly declares his attraction to young girls. He also publishes a website that provides a list of places where one is most likely to be able to observer little girls at play, performing or participating in some sort of activity. Worse still, McClellan openly admits to visiting such events with great regularity, solely for the purpose of admiring any young girls that might be attending. McClellan’s website, STEGL, is nothing new. Amarsi have long been watching local listings for places to go where they might observe children. McClellan has simply brought the practice into the open. By doing so, he has directly challenged the status quo which is to pretend that people such as he do not exist.

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Amaros Manifesto [Dec. 19th, 2018|04:22 am]
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Amaros Manifesto


There is considerable disagreement in many circles about the correct terminology to use when referring to the participants in age-disparate relationships or about those who have age-disparate attractions. For the sake of clarity, this document uses the following definititions:

  • Child: A pre-pubescent person.
  • Youth: An adolescent person.
  • Minor: A child or youth.
  • Dependent: Unemancipated youths and children.
  • Adult: An person who has attained full physical maturity.
  • Pedophile: An adult who is sexually attracted to children.
  • Ephebophile: An adult who is romantically and/or sexually attracted to youth (also hebephile).
  • Teleiophile: A minor who is romantically and/or sexually attracted to adults.
  • MAA: Minor-Attracted Adult. Ephebophiles and pedophiles.
  • Amaros: Attraction between Minors and Adults that is Romantic Or Sexual. Ephebophilia, pedophilia and teleiophilia collectively.
  • Amarso (plural: Amarsi): Adult or Minor Attracted Romantically or Sexually to the Other. An ephebophile, pedophile or teleiophile.
  • Child Molester: A person who engages in non-consensual sexual activity with minors.
  • Sex Offender: A person who has been convicted of violating statutes governing sexual behavior.
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Современные прокажённые живут под мостом [Apr. 16th, 2011|04:09 am]
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Отсутствие крыши над головой - сама по себе серьёзная проблема. И особенно прискорбной она становится, когда в эти условия человека принудительно помещают правоохранительные органы. Однако именно это происходит в просвещённом штате Флорида, в "империи зла", богатейшей стране мира - США. Сейчас наблюдается рост количества муниципальных законодательных актов, устанавливающих зоны, запрещённые для педофилов. Однако это не отражает множество других ограничений, налагаемых частными лицами, влияющих на возможность проживания людей, занесённых в реестр сексуальных преступников. В данном случае трое мужчин из реестра, проживающих в г. Майями, штат Флорида называют своим жилищем пространство под мостом и мост официально указан в качестве их адреса на сайте полиции Флориды. Из-за статуса сексуальных преступников эти люди не могут найти нормального жилья, даже в ночлежке для бездомных. Подходящее по стоимости жильё почти полностью недоступно, поскольку находится слишком близко к школам или паркам, от которых им велено держатся на расстоянии. Когда один из этих людей пожаловался, что не может сообщить свой адрес проживания из-за трудностей с нахождением жилья, сотрудник полиции, как записано в официальном протоколе, сказал: "Идите к мосту. Дойдя до моста, зайдите под него и идите к западной стороне до конца. "Что бы вы там ни думали об этих людях, оба из которых были осуждены за сексуальное прикосновение взрослого к лицу, не достигшему 12-летнего возраста, наивно ожидать от них плодотворной и законопослушной жизни, которую они вынуждены вести в подобных условиях.

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Интервью Линдсея Эшфорда телеканалу KCTV [Dec. 12th, 2010|01:41 am]
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Стив Чамраз: Что вы считаете своим домом? У вас сейчас есть постоянное место жительства или...

Линдсэй Эшфорд: Прага. Там я провожу большую часть времени и в этом городе у меня больше всего друзей.

СЧ: Как вы пришли к образу жизни путешественника? За прошедшие два года вы были на юге Франции, посетили страны Латинской Америки и как минимум три страны за последние два месяца. Как вы дошли до такого?

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Интервью Линдсея Эшфорда сайту KTRH.COM [Dec. 12th, 2010|01:36 am]
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Скотт Брэддок: С вами на сайте KTRH.com журналист Скотт Брэддок. Сейчас к нам подключается Линдсей Эшфорд из Нидерландов, который открыл и поддерживает сайт, мягко говоря, спорного содержания. От защищает и отстаивает права педофилов. Господин Эшфорд, не могли бы вы начать с объяснения, зачем вы занимаетесь этим?

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Неравенство в отношениях между родителями и детьми [Aug. 21st, 2010|11:31 pm]
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Один из самых распространённых аргументов против любовных или сексуальных отношений между взрослыми и детьми состоит в том, что ребёнок находится в слишком невыгодном положении из-за огромного неравенства сил между ним и взрослым. Сторонники этого аргумента утверждают, что взрослый обладает гораздо большим опытом и умственными способностями, которые позволяют ему манипулировать ребенком и принуждать его, а если с их помощью не удаётся добиться желаемого, взрослый имеет подавляющее преимущество в физическое силе, используя которое, он в любом случае добьется своего. Они также утверждают, что взрослый имеет и ещё одно - социальное - преимущество в силу того, что детей учат слушаться взрослых и уважать их авторитет. Хотя я и не отрицаю существования этих факторов, я не считаю, что неравенство сил между детьми и взрослыми или потенциал злоупотреблений на его почве присущи исключительно любовным или подобным близким отношениям.
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Новая сексуальная революция [Aug. 20th, 2010|10:57 pm]
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На наших глазах совершается новая сексуальная революция. В то время как религиозные консерваторы и сочувствующие им СМИ в ужасе наблюдают за происходящим, эта революция пускает всё более глубокие корни. Пока она ещё не разрастается, как лесной пожар, а распространяется наобум, подобно очагам, возникающим то здесь, то там. Но есть неплохие основания полагать, что в ближайшие годы её рост будет ускоряться, несмотря на неистовые усилия множества её противников. Несмотря на все усилия церквей, школ и родителей, они не смогут помешать своим детям, даже совсем юным, заниматься сексом. Информация о сексе и любопытство, подогреваемое большей частью СМИ, популярной культурой и, в последние годы, интернетом, заполнили сознание детей до такой степени, что количество детей и подростков, пытающихся быть сексуально активными, будет неуклонно возрастать. Многим из них удастся реализовать свои устремления. Станет ли эта новая сексуальная революция опытом, утверждающим и воспевающим сексуальность каждого человека, или травмирующим переживанием, которое не только угрожает моральным основам общества, но и психологическому и физическому благополучию её участников, зависит от того, как на эти проявления отреагируют взрослые.

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Молодёжь и образование [Aug. 19th, 2010|10:18 pm]
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Один из распространённых аргументов, выдвигаемый противниками любовных отношений между взрослыми и детьми, заключается в том, что последние ещё недостаточно зрелы, чтобы управляться с глубокими эмоциональными привязанностями. И кроме этого, противники заявляют, что дети и подростки не способны отличать хорошее от плохого, не понимают возможных последствий своих поступков и, следовательно, неспособны думать или принимать решения самостоятельно. В некоторых случаях именно так и есть, так что мы должны рассмотреть причины, по которым подобные ситуации случаются и то, как это положение дел можно исправить.
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Что будет, когда моя возлюбленная повзрослеет? [Aug. 16th, 2010|02:46 am]
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Многие считают, что педосексуальная ориентация подразумевает беспорядочные отношения, поскольку она является тягой к детям определённой возрастной группы. Распространено мнение, что педофилы склонны разрывать отношения со своими возлюбленными, когда возраст последних выходит за пределы диапазона предпочтения. Однако такой исход совсем не обязателен и ни один из тех, кто испытывает искреннюю любовь к детям, не будет настолько бессердечным, чтобы по такой надуманной причине бросить свою юную возлюбленную, обрекая её на сильные страдания.

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